Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019

Energy Science and Technology Master Information
Master Studies (Programme Regulations 2018)
Semester Project
For MEST students enrolled under the 2018 regulations
227-1101-00LHow to Write Scientific Texts in Engineering Sciences
Strongly recommended prerequisite for Semester Projects and Master Theses at D-ITET (MSc BME, MSc EEIT, MSc EST).
E-0 creditsJ. Leuthold
AbstractThe 4 hour lecture covers the basics of writing & presenting a scientific text. The focus will be on the structure and elements of a scientific text and not on the language. Citation rules, good practice of scientific writing and an overview on software tools will be part of the training.
The lecture will be thought on two afternoons. Some exercises will be built into the lecture.
Learning objectiveKnowledge on structure and content of a scientific text. The course further is arranged to stimulate a discussion on how to properly write a legible scientific text versus writing an interesting novel. We will further discuss the practice of properly citing and critically reflect on recent plagiarism allegations.
Content* Topic 1: Structure of a Scientific Text (The Title, the author list, the abstract, State-of-the Art, the "in this paper" paragraph, the scientific part, the summary, Equations, Figures).

* Topic 2: Power Point Presentations.

* Topic 3: Citation Rules and Citation Software.

* Topic 4: Guidelines for Research Integrity.
LiteratureETH "Citation Etiquette", see

ETH Guidlines on "Guidelines for Research Integrity", see > Education > > Contacts, links & documents > Forms and documents > Brochures / guides.
Prerequisites / NoticeStudents should already have a Bachelor degree and plan to do either a semester project or a master thesis in the immediate future.
227-1671-10LSemester Project
Only for MEST students enrolled under the 2018 regulations
O12 credits20ASupervisors
AbstractThe semester project is designed to train the students in solving specific problems from the field of Energy Science & Technology. This project uses the technical and social skills acquired during the master's program. The semester project ist advised by a professor and must be approved in advance by the tutor.
Learning objectivesee above
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