Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Nuclear Engineering Master Information
MSc Nuclear Engineering is a joint program of EPF Lausanne and ETH Zurich. The first semester takes place in Lausanne. Students therefore have to enroll at EPFL.
For more information about the curriculum and courses see:
Industrial Internship
151-1021-00LIndustrial Internship Nuclear Engineering Restricted registration - show details
Only for Nuclear Engineering MSc.
O8 creditsexternal organisers
AbstractThe main objective of the 12-week internship is to expose master's students to the industrial work environment within the field of nuclear energy. During this period, students have the opportunity to be involved in on-going projects at the host institution.
Learning objectiveThe main objective of the 12-week internship is to expose master's students to the industrial work environment within the field of nuclear energy.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe internship must be approved by the tutor.
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