Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2022

Neural Systems and Computation Master Information
Master's Thesis and Semester Papers/Seminars
Option 2: Short Master's Thesis and Semester Papers/Seminars
Short Master Thesis
227-1041-02LNSC Master's Thesis (short) and Exam (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: INI504

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:

Only students who fulfil the following criteria are allowed to begin with their master thesis:
a. successful completion of the bachelor programme;
b. fulfilling of any additional requirements necessary to gain admission to the master programme.
W29 credits62DM. F. Yanik
AbstractThe Master thesis concludes the study programme. Thesis work should prove the students' ability to independent, structured and scientific working.
Learning objectivesee above
Semester Papers/Seminars
227-1036-01LNSC Master Short Project I (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: INI505

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W8 credits17AM. F. Yanik
AbstractUsually a student selects the topic of a Master Short Project in consultation with his or her mentor.
Learning objectivesee above
227-1036-02LNSC Master Short Project II (University of Zurich)
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: INI506

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W8 credits17AM. F. Yanik
AbstractUsually a student selects the topic of a Master Short Project in consultation with his or her mentor.
Learning objectivesee above
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