Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2022

Environmental Sciences Master Information
Major in Ecology and Evolution
A. Fundamentals
701-0328-00LAdvanced Ecological Processes Restricted registration - show details
For students of the following study programmes only:
Biology Master
Teaching certificate Biology
Environmental Sciences Master
UZH MNF Biology
UZH MNF Geography /Earth Sciences
W4 credits2VJ. Hille Ris Lambers
AbstractThis course presents theoretical and empirical approaches to understanding the ecological processes structuring populations and communities. Central problems covered include species interactions, spatial structure, resource dynamics, and ecological responses to environmental change. These and other topics will be explored from basic and applied perspectives.
Learning objectiveStudents will understand how ecological processes operate in natural communities. They will appreciate how mathematical theory, field experimentation, and observational studies combine to generate a predictive science of ecological processes, and how this predictive science informs conservation and management decisions.

Upon completing the course, students will be able to:

Understand the factors determining the outcome of species interactions in communities, and how this information informs management.

Apply theoretical knowledge on species interactions to predict the potential outcomes of novel species introductions.

Understanding the role of spatial structure in mediating population dynamics and persistence, species interactions, and patterns of species diversity.

Use population and community models to predict the stability of interactions between predators and prey and between different competitors.

Understand the conceptual basis of predictions concerning how ecological communities will respond to global change.

Discuss the types of conceptual advances ecology as a science can realistically achieve, and how these relate to the applications of the discipline.
ContentLectures supplemented with readings from the primary literature and occasional computer exercises will focus on understanding central processes in community ecology. Topics will include demographic and spatial structure, consumer resource interactions, food webs, competition, mutualism, invasion, the maintenance of species diversity, and species effects on ecosystem processes. Each of these more conceptual topics will be discussed in concert with their applications to the conservation and management of species and communities in a changing world.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesfostered
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Media and Digital Technologiesfostered
Project Managementfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Customer Orientationfostered
Leadership and Responsibilityfostered
Self-presentation and Social Influence fostered
Sensitivity to Diversityfostered
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityfostered
Creative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsfostered
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
Self-direction and Self-management fostered
B. Concept Courses and Applications
Advanced Concept Classes
701-0263-01LSeminar in Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases Information W3 credits2GR. R. Regös, S. Bonhoeffer
AbstractStudents of this course will discuss current topics from the field of infectious disease biology. From a list of publications, each student chooses some themes that he/she is going to explain and discuss with all other participants and under supervision. The actual topics will change from year to year corresponding to the progress and new results occuring in the field.
Learning objectiveThis is an advanced course that will require significant student participation.  Students will learn how to evaluate and present scientific literature and trace the development of ideas related to understanding the ecology and evolutionary biology of infectious diseases.
ContentA core set of ~10 classic publications encompassing unifying themes in infectious disease ecology and evolution, such as virulence, resistance, metapopulations, networks, and competition will be presented and discussed.  Pathogens will include bacteria, viruses and fungi.  Hosts will include animals, plants and humans.
Lecture notesPublications and class notes can be downloaded from a web page announced during the lecture.
LiteraturePapers will be assigned and downloaded from a web page announced during the lecture.
701-1409-00LResearch Seminar: Ecological Genetics
Minimum number of participants is 5.
W2 credits1SS. Fior
AbstractIn this research seminar we will critically discuss recent publications on current topics in Ecological Genetics.
Learning objectiveIt is our aim that participants gain insight into current research topics and approaches in Ecological Genetics and learn to critically assess and appreciate scientific publications in this field.
Lecture notesnone
Literaturewill be distributed
Prerequisites / NoticeActive and regular participation in the discussions, together with the presentation of a scientific paper are required to successfully pass this course.
It is strongly recommended that participants have in advance successfully participated in the course Evolutionary Genetics (701-2413-00) or Ecological Genetics (701-1413-01).
701-1471-00LEcological Parasitology Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.
A minimum of 6 students is required that the course will take place.

Waiting list will be deleted on 30.09.2022.
W3 credits1V + 1PF. Feijen, J. Jokela, C. Vorburger
AbstractCourse focuses on the ecology and evolution of macroparasites and their hosts. Through lectures and practical work, students learn about diversity and natural history of parasites, adaptations of parasites, ecology of host-parasite interactions, applied parasitology, and human macroparasites in the modern world.
Learning objective1. Identify common macroparasites in invertebrates.
2. Understand ecological and evolutionary processes in host-parasite interactions.
3. Conduct parasitological research
1. Diversity and natural history of parasites (i.e. systematic groups and life-cycles).
2. Adaptations of parasites (e.g. evolution of life-cycles, host manipulation).
3. Ecology of host-parasite interactions (e.g. parasite communities, effects of environmental changes).
4. Ecology and evolution of parasitoids and their applications in biocontrol
5. Human macroparasites (schistosomiasis, malaria).

Practical exercises:
1. Examination of parasites in molluscs (identification and examination of host exploitation strategies).
2. Examination of parasites in amphipods (identification and examination of effects on hosts).
3. Examination of parasitoids of aphids.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe three practicals will take place at the 04.10.2022, the 18.10.2022 and the 08.11.2022 at Eawag Dübendorf from 08:15 - 12:00. Note that each practical takes 2 hours longer than the weekly lecture.
701-1676-01LGenomics of Environmental Adaptation Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 14.

Prerequisites: good knowledge in population genetics and some experience in using GIS and R is required.

Waiting list will be deleted 19.01.2023.
W2 credits3GR. Holderegger, F. Gugerli, C. Rellstab
AbstractThis five-day winter school aims at teaching advanced Master students, PhD students and postdoctoral researchers on aspects of the genomics of environmental adaptation. It provides both theoretical background and hands-on exercises on major topics of contemporary environmental genomics such as signatures of selection, outlier analysis, environmental association analysis or GWAS.
Learning objectiveGenomics of environmental adaptation is an evolving scientific field of both basic and applied interest. Researchers make increasing use of diverse methodological approaches built on concepts from ecology, evolutionary biology and population genomics. This winter school introduces students to some major concepts and methods of environmental genomics, i.e., (i) how the environment and adaptive genetic variation relate and (ii) how signatures of genomic adaptation can be detected in natural populations. The winter school focuses on currently used methods and hands-on exercises, emphasizing an understanding of the underlying concepts and a discussion of benefits, limitations and pitfalls of environmental genomics. It is specifically aimed at the needs of advanced Master students, PhD students and early postdoctoral researchers.
(1) Neutral and adaptive genetic variation, neutral genetic structure; genomic markers and next generation sequencing techniques.

(2) Outlier analysis: concept and methodology of outlier analysis; diverse types of outlier analyses

(3) Environmental data: which environmental data are available and used to identify signatures of adaptation; data limitations; collinearity.

(4) Environmental association analysis (landscape genomics): concept and types of environmental association analysis; genomic offset.

(5) Genotypes and phenotypes: GWAS; follow-up analyses
Lecture notesHand-outs will be distributed.
LiteratureThe course requires 4 hours of preparatory reading of selected papers on the genomics of environmental adaptation. The papers will be distributed by e-mail.
Prerequisites / NoticeGrading will be according to a written report (6-8 pages), in which students will have to design a complete study in environmental genomics, and according to student contributions during the course.

Prerequisites: students must have good knowledge in population genetics and evolutionary biology and basic skills in R; experience with GIS is advantageous.
701-1703-00LEvolutionary Medicine for Infectious Diseases Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 35.

Waiting list will be deleted 02.10.2022.
W3 credits2GA. Hall
AbstractThis course explores infectious disease from both the host and pathogen perspective. Through short lectures, reading and active discussion, students will identify areas where evolutionary thinking can improve our understanding of infectious diseases and, ultimately, our ability to treat them effectively.
Learning objectiveStudents will learn to (i) identify evolutionary explanations for the origins and characteristics of infectious diseases in a range of organisms and (ii) evaluate ways of integrating evolutionary thinking into improved strategies for treating infections of humans and animals. This will incorporate principles that apply across any host-pathogen interaction, as well as system-specific mechanistic information, with particular emphasis on bacteria and viruses.
ContentWe will cover several topics where evolutionary thinking is relevant to understanding or treating infectious diseases. This includes: (i) determinants of pathogen host range and virulence, (ii) dynamics of host-parasite coevolution, (iii) pathogen adaptation to evade or suppress immune responses, (iv) antimicrobial resistance, (v) evolution-proof medicine. For each topic there will be a short (< 20 minutes) introductory lecture, before students independently research the primary literature and develop discussion points and questions, followed by interactive discussion in class.
LiteratureThe focus is on primary literature, but for some parts the following text books provide good background information:

Schmid Hempel 2011 Evolutionary Parasitology
Stearns & Medzhitov 2016 Evolutionary Medicine
Prerequisites / NoticeA basic understanding of evolutionary biology, microbiology or parasitology will be advantageous but is not essential.
636-0017-00LComputational BiologyW6 credits3G + 2AT. Vaughan, C. Magnus, T. Stadler
AbstractThe aim of the course is to provide up-to-date knowledge on how we can study biological processes using genetic sequencing data. Computational algorithms extracting biological information from genetic sequence data are discussed, and statistical tools to understand this information in detail are introduced.
Learning objectiveAttendees will learn which information is contained in genetic sequencing data and how to extract information from this data using computational tools. The main concepts introduced are:
* stochastic models in molecular evolution
* phylogenetic & phylodynamic inference
* maximum likelihood and Bayesian statistics
Attendees will apply these concepts to a number of applications yielding biological insight into:
* epidemiology
* pathogen evolution
* macroevolution of species
ContentThe course consists of four parts. We first introduce modern genetic sequencing technology, and algorithms to obtain sequence alignments from the output of the sequencers. We then present methods for direct alignment analysis using approaches such as BLAST and GWAS. Second, we introduce mechanisms and concepts of molecular evolution, i.e. we discuss how genetic sequences change over time. Third, we employ evolutionary concepts to infer ancestral relationships between organisms based on their genetic sequences, i.e. we discuss methods to infer genealogies and phylogenies. Lastly, we introduce the field of phylodynamics, the aim of which is to understand and quantify population dynamic processes (such as transmission in epidemiology or speciation & extinction in macroevolution) based on a phylogeny. Throughout the class, the models and methods are illustrated on different datasets giving insight into the epidemiology and evolution of a range of infectious diseases (e.g. HIV, HCV, influenza, Ebola). Applications of the methods to the field of macroevolution provide insight into the evolution and ecology of different species clades. Students will be trained in the algorithms and their application both on paper and in silico as part of the exercises.
Lecture notesLecture slides will be available on moodle.
LiteratureThe course is not based on any of the textbooks below, but they are excellent choices as accompanying material:
* Yang, Z. 2006. Computational Molecular Evolution.
* Felsenstein, J. 2004. Inferring Phylogenies.
* Semple, C. & Steel, M. 2003. Phylogenetics.
* Drummond, A. & Bouckaert, R. 2015. Bayesian evolutionary analysis with BEAST.
Prerequisites / NoticeBasic knowledge in linear algebra, analysis, and statistics will be helpful. Programming in R will be required for the project work (compulsory continuous performance assessments). In case you do not have any previous experience with R, we strongly recommend to get familiar with R prior to the semester start. For the D-BSSE students, we highly recommend the voluntary course „Introduction to Programming“, which takes place in Basel before the start of the semester.
751-5101-00LBiogeochemistry and Sustainable Management Information W2 credits2GN. Buchmann, I. Feigenwinter, V. Klaus
AbstractThis course focuses on the interactions between ecology, biogeochemistry and management of agro- and forest ecosystems, thus, coupled human-environmental systems. Students learn how human impacts on ecosystems via management or global change are mainly driven by effects on biogeochemical cycles and thus ecosystem functioning, but also about feedback mechanisms of terrestrial ecosystems.
Learning objectiveStudents will analyse and understand the complex and interacting processes of ecology, biogeochemistry and management of agroecosystems, be able to analyze large meteorological and flux data sets, and evaluate the impacts of weather events and management practices, based on real-life data. Moreover, students will be able to coordinate and work successfully in small (interdisciplinary) teams.
ContentAgroecosystems play a major role in all landscapes, either for production purposes, ecological areas or for recreation. The human impact of any management on the environment is mainly driven by effects on biogeochemical cycles. Effects of global change impacts will also act via biogeochemistry at the soil-biosphere-atmosphere-interface. Thus, ecosystem functioning, i.e., the interactions between ecology, biogeochemistry and management of terrestrial systems, is the science topic for this course.

Students will gain profound knowledge about biogeochemical cycles and greenhouse gas fluxes in managed grassland and/or cropland ecosystems. Responses of agroecosystems to the environment, i.e., to climate and weather events, but also to management will be studied. Different meteorological and greenhouse gas flux data will be analysed (using R) and assessed in terms of production, greenhouse gas budgets and carbon sequestration. Thus, students will learn about the complex interactions of a coupled human-environmental system.

Students will work with real-life data from the long-term measurement network Swiss FluxNet. Data from the intensively managed grassland site Chamau will be used to investigate the biosphere-atmosphere exchange of CO2, H2O, N2O and CH4. Functional relationships will be identified, greenhouse gas budgets will be calculated for different time periods and in relation to management over the course of a year.
Lecture notesHandouts will be available in moodle.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisites: Attendance of introductory courses in plant ecophysiology, ecology, and grassland or forest sciences. Knowledge of data analyses in R and statistics. Course will be taught in English.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Personal CompetenciesCritical Thinkingassessed
Self-direction and Self-management fostered
701-1453-00LEcological Assessment and Evaluation Information W3 credits3GF. Knaus
AbstractThe course provides methods and tools for ecological evaluations dealing with nature conservation or landscape planning. It covers census methods, ecological criteria, indicators, indices and critically appraises objectivity and accuracy of the available methods, tools and procedures. Birds and plants are used as main example guiding through different case studies.
Learning objectiveStudents will be able to:
1) critically consider biological data books and local, regional, and national inventories;
2) evaluate the validity of ecological criteria used in decision making processes;
3) critically appraise the handling of ecological data and criteria used in the process of evaluation
4) perform an ecological evaluation project from the field survey up to the descision making and planning.
Lecture notesPowerpoint slides are available on the webpage. Additional documents are handed out as copies.
LiteratureBasic literature and references are listed on the webpage.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe course structure changes between lecture parts, seminars and discussions. The didactic atmosphere is intended as working group.

Suggested prerequisites for attending this course are skills and knowledge equivalent to those taught in the following ETH courses:
- Pflanzen- und Vegetationsökologie
- Systematische Botanik
- Raum- und Regionalentwicklung
- Naturschutz und Naturschutzbiologie
701-1613-01LAdvanced Landscape Research Information
Does not take place this semester.
W5 credits3GL. Pellissier, U. Gimmi, M. Hunziker
AbstractThis course introduces landscapes as socially perceived, spatially and temporally dynamic entities that are shaped by natural and societal factors. Concepts and qualitative and quantitative methods to study landscapes from an ecological, societal and historical perspective are presented. In a term paper students work on a landscape-related topic of their choice.
Learning objectiveStudents will:
- learn about concepts and methods to quantify structural and functional connectivity in landscapes, particularly
- be introduced to the topic of landscape genetics and its benefits and (current) limitations for applied conservation
- learn about concepts and methods in scenario-based land-use change modelling

- approach an understanding of landscape as perceived environment
- learn about concepts of landscape preference and related measurement methods
- understand the role of landscape for human well-being
- be introduced into approaches of actively influencing attitudes and behavior as well as related scientific evaluation

- make use of various historical sources to study landscapes and their dynamics
- interpret landscapes as a result of ecological constraints and anthropogenic activities.
Content1. Encompassing concepts and approaches
- European Landscape Convention (ELC)
- Ecosystem Services (ES): introduction and critical evaluation

Thematic topics
2. Ecological approach:
- green infrastructure (e.g., ecological conservation areas)
- landscape connectivity
- landscape genetics and management applications
- concepts of specific quantitative methods: least cost paths, resistance surfaces, Circuitscape, networks (Conefor), land-use change models, various statistical methods

3. Social-science approach:
- principle of landscape as perceived and connoted environment
- theories on landscape preference and place identity
- role of landscapes for recreation, health and well-being
- intervention approaches for influencing attitudes and related behavior
- methods of investigating the human-landscape relationship and evaluating interventions

4. Historical approach:
- land use history of Switzerland (agricultural history, forest and woodland history)
- historical legacies of land use in landscapes and ecosystems
- historic-ecological approaches and applications

5. Land change science:
- modelling future land-use (CLUE, other scenario-based models)
- landscape functions and services
Lecture notesHandouts will be available in the course and for download
Prerequisites / NoticeBasic Landscape Ecology courses at Bachelor level
701-1631-00LFoundations of Ecosystem Management Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants is limited to 35.

Priority is given to the target groups until 26.09.2022,

Target groups
MAS ETH in Raumplanung
MAS ETH in Sustainable Water Resources
Science, Technology and Policy MSc
Environmental Sciences MSc
Agricultural Sciences MSc

Waiting list will be deleted on 30.09.2022
W5 credits3GJ. Ghazoul, A. Giger Dray
AbstractThis course introduces the broad variety of conflicts that arise in projects focusing on sustainable management of natural resources. It explores case studies of ecosystem management approaches and considers their practicability, their achievements and possible barriers to their uptake.
Learning objectiveStudents should be able to
a) propose appropriate and realistic solutions to ecosystem management problems that integrate ecological, economic and social dimensions across relevant temporal and spatial scales.
b) identify important stakeholders, their needs and interests, and the main conflicts that exist among them in the context of land and resource management.
ContentTraditional management systems focus on extraction of natural resources, and their manipulation and governance. However, traditional management has frequently resulted in catastrophic failures such as, for example, the collapse of fish stocks and biodiversity loss. These failures have stimulated the development of alternative ‘ecosystem management’ approaches that emphasise the functionality of human-dominated systems. Inherent to such approaches are system-wide perspectives and a focus on ecological processes and services, multiple spatial and temporal scales, as well as the need to incorporate diverse stakeholder interests in decision making. Thus, ecosystem management is the science and practice of managing natural resources, biodiversity and ecological processes, to meet multiple demands of society. It can be local, regional or global in scope, and addresses critical issues in developed and developing countries relating to economic and environmental security and sustainability.

This course provides an introduction to ecosystem management, and in particular the importance of integrating ecology into management systems to meet multiple societal demands. The course explores the extent to which human-managed terrestrial systems depend on underlying ecological processes, and the consequences of degradation of these processes for human welfare and environmental well-being. Building upon a theoretical foundation, the course will tackle issues in resource ecology and management, notably forests, agriculture and wild resources within the broader context of sustainability, biodiversity conservation and poverty alleviation or economic development. Case studies from tropical and temperate regions will be used to explore these issues. Dealing with ecological and economic uncertainty, and how this affects decision making, will be discussed. Strategies for conservation and management of terrestrial ecosystems will give consideration to landscape ecology, protected area systems, and community management, paying particular attention to alternative livelihood options and marketing strategies of common pool resources.
Lecture notesNo Script
LiteratureChichilnisky, G. and Heal, G. (1998) Economic returns from the biosphere. Nature, 391: 629-630.
Daily, G.C. (1997) Nature’s Services: Societal dependence on natural ecosystems. Island Press. Washington DC.
Hindmarch, C. and Pienkowski, M. (2000) Land Management: The Hidden Costs. Blackwell Science.
Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) Ecosystems and Human Well-being: Synthesis. Island Press, Washington DC.
Milner-Gulland, E.J. and Mace, R. (1998) Conservation of Biological Resources. Blackwell Science.
Gunderson, L.H. and Holling, C.S. (2002) Panarchy: understanding transformations in human and natural systems. Island Press.
C. Scientific Skills
Quantitative and Computational Expertise
701-1677-00LQuantitative Vegetation Dynamics: Models from Tree to GlobeW3 credits3GH. Lischke, U. Hiltner, B. Rohner
AbstractThe course introduces basic concepts and applications of dynamic vegetation models at various temporal and spatial scales. Different modeling approaches and underlying principles are presented and critically discussed during the lectures. In the integrated exercise parts, students work in a number of small projects with some of the introduced models to gain practical experience.
Learning objectiveStudents will
- be enabled to understand, assess and evaluate the fundamental properties of dynamic systems using vegetation models as case studies
- obtain an overview of dynamic modelling techniques and their applications from the individual plant to the global level
- understand the basic assumptions of the various model types, which dictate the applicability and limitations of the respective model
- be enabled to work with such model types on their own
- appreciate the methodological basis for impact assessments of future climate change and other environmental changes on ecosystems.
ContentModels of individuals
- Deriving single-plant models from inventory measurements
- Plant models based on 'first principles'

Models at the stand scale
- Simple approaches: matrix models
- Competition for light and other resources as central mechanisms
- Individual-based stand models: distance-dependent and distance-independent
- Theoretical models

Models at the landscape scale
- Simple approaches: cellular automata
- Dispersal and disturbances (windthrow, fire, bark beetles) as key mechanisms
- Landscape models

Global models
- Sacrificing local detail to attain global coverage: processes and entities
- Dynamic Global Vegetation Models (DGVMs)
- DGVMs as components of Earth System Models
Lecture notesHandouts will be available in the course and for download
LiteratureWill be indicated at the beginning of the course
Prerequisites / Notice- Ideally basic experiences in modelling and systems analysis
- Basic knowledge of programming, ideally in R
- Good knowledge of general ecology, ideally of vegetation dynamics and forest systems
701-1679-00LLandscape Modelling of Biodiversity: From Global Changes to Conservation
Does not take place this semester.
W5 credits3GL. Pellissier, C. Graham, N. Zimmermann
AbstractThe course provides the student with the spatial tools to address societal challenges toward ensuring the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems and the conservation of biodiversity. Students learn theory, tools and models during a few introductory sessions and apply this knowledge to solve a practical problem in groups related to climate change, land use change and biodiversity conservation.
Learning objectiveStudents learn:
- Theoretical foundations of the species ecological niche
- Biodiversity concepts and global change impacts
- Basic concepts of spatial (& macro-) ecology
- Environmental impact assessment and planning
- Advanced statistical methods (GLM, GAM, CART) and basic programming (loops, functions, advanced scripting) in the statistical environment R.
- The use of GIS functionality in R
Content1. The basics:
Introduction to the concept of the ecological niche, and biodiversity theories. Overview of the knowledge on expected biodiversity response to global changes and conservation planning methods.
Introduction to the statistical methods of Generalized Linear (GLM) and Generalized Additive models (GAM), and Classification and Regression Trees (CART). Introduction to basic GIS and programming elements in the statistical environment R.
2. The class project:
Students form groups of two, and each group solves a series of applied questions independently in R using the techniques taught in the introductory classes. The students then prepare a presentation and report of the obtained results that will be discussed during a mini-symposium. Each team choses one of the following topics for the class project:
a) Linking climate change velocities to species' migration capacities
b) Explaining and modelling land use change in Switzerland
c) Explaining and modelling biodiversity changes in Switzerland
d) Designing biodiversity conservation strategies under global changes.
Prerequisites / NoticeBasic knowledge in statistics (OLS regression, test statistics), and basic knowledge in geographic information science.
Laboratory and Field Expertise
701-1425-01LGenetic Diversity: Techniques Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 8.

Waiting list will be deleted 08.11.22.
No enrollment possible after 31.10.22.
W2 credits4PA. M. Minder Pfyl
AbstractThis course provides laboratory training for advanced students (master, doctoral or post-doctoral level). Different DNA/RNA extraction protocols, quality control measurements, SNP genotyping and gene expression techniques will be addressed. This is a course for practitioners.
Learning objectiveTo learn and improve on standard and modern methods of genetic data collection. With a focus on: Use of different extractions protocols, techniques for quality control measurements, gene expression, pyrosequencing and other SNP genotyping techniques.
ContentAfter an introduction (one afternoon), students have 3 weeks to work independently in groups of two on different protocols. At the end of this practical part, the whole class meets for another afternoon to present the techniques/results and to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the different techniques.
Techniques adressed are: RNA/DNA extractions and quality control, SNP genotyping, pyrosequencing, real-time qPCR.
Lecture notesMaterial will be handed out in the course.
LiteratureMaterial will be handed out in the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeTwo afternoons are hold in the class. The lab work will be done from the students according to their timetable, but has to be finished after 3 weeks. Effort is roughly 1-2 full days per week, depending on the skills of the student.
701-1437-00LAquatic Ecology IW3 credits3VP. Spaak, F. Altermatt, A. Narwani, C. T. Robinson
AbstractThis course combines Limnology (the study of inland waters in its broad sense) with ecological and evolutionary concepts. It deals with rivers, groundwater and lakes.
Learning objectiveDuring this course you will get an overview of the world's typical freshwater ecosystems. After this course you will be able to understand how aquatic organisms have adapted to their habitat and how the interactions (e.g. food web) between organisms work.
In short: apply the theoretical / lecture knowledge to field situations in a lake and river.
ContentThe lectures cover ecology and evolution of aquatic organisms in lentic and lotic waters. Topics include: Adaptations, distribution patterns, biotic interactions, and conceptual paradigms in freshwater ecosystems. Important aspects regarding ecosystem metabolism and habitat properties of freshwaters. Applied case studies and experiments testing ecological and evolutionary processes in freshwaters.
The lectures are given by Piet Spaak (Eawag), Florian Altermatt (UNI, Eawag), Chris Robinson (Eawag), Francesco Pomati (Eawag), Anita Narwani (Eawag) and specialists from the Aquatic Ecology department of Eawag and University of Zurich.
Lecture notesCourse notes and power point presentations provided during the course.
701-1437-03LAquatic Ecology II Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants is limited. The maximal participating number of students is 9 from D-USYS and 16 from D-BIOL (ETH & UZH).
Target groups only: Bachelor Biology, Master Environmental Sciences and UZH MNF Biology.

Registration for the course until 15.08.2022, free places will be distributed later. Students registrating later cannot be guaranteed a place in the course. Waiting list will be deleted 20.09.2022.
Students have to enroll together with the lecture Aquatic Ecology I (701-1437-00V) and the Practical Course Macroinvertebrates (701-1437-01L) and Identification Course Freshwater Algae and Aquatic Microinvertebrates (701-1437-02L).
W5 credits6UP. Spaak, F. Altermatt, F. Pomati, C. T. Robinson
AbstractThis course builds on Aquatic Ecology I and cannot be taken separately. It aims on extending the covered concepts and apply them to natural and experimental systems.
The course contains research projects, a 1-day excursion to a lake as well as a 3-day excursion to a river.
Learning objectiveDuring the research project you will learn the principles of doing research to observe interrelations in aquatic ecosystems. You will measure and interpret biological and physical data (e.g. during experiments, field work). You will present the collected knowledge and write a report about it.
During the excursions you will get to know a lake system as well as a river system. The main goal of the excursions is that the students as a team conduct their own field research project and collect data in the field.
ContentThe field excursions contain a 1-day excursion to a lake (Greifensee) and a 3-day excursion to a river (Glatt, Niederuzwil).
The experimental part contains research projects in small groups within research groups at Eawag.
Lecture notesCourse notes and power point presentations provided during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis course can only be taken together with "701-1437-00 Aquatic Ecology I", "701-1437-01 Bestimmungskurs aquatische Makroinvertebraten" and "701-1437-02 Bestimmungskurs Süsswasseralgen und aquatische Mikroinvertebraten".

The maximal participating number of students is 9 from D-USYS and 16 from D-BIOL (ETH & UNI).
Registration for the course until 15.08.2022, free places will be distributed after that. Students registrating later cannot be guaranteed a place in the course.

The course includes a mandatory field trip to Greifensee (22.09.2022) and a three-day excursion to the river Glatt (28.-30.09. 2022).
Expertise in Biological Diversity
701-1437-01LPractical Course Macroinvertebrates
The maximal participating number of students is 9 from D-USYS and 16 from D-BIOL. In case of too many students, those that simultaneously participate in the courses "701-1437-00 Aquatic Ecology I", "701-1437-03 Aquatic Ecology II" and "701-1437-02 Bestimmungskurs Süsswasseralgen und aquatische Mikroinvertebraten" are given priority. Sign in until 15.08.2022, free places will be distributed after that. Students registrating later cannot be guaranteed a place in the course.
W2 credits2PJ. Jokela
AbstractThis course gives an overview of the typical aquatic macroinvertebrate groups in Switzerland. Beside a theoretical background on the different groups the focus is laid on the determination of the most important species groups and their indentification traits, also using identification keys. Practical experience in benthic sampling techniques is collected during an excursion.
Learning objectiveDuring this course you will get an overview of the typical aquatic macroinvertebrates in Switzerland and the common sampling techniques. After this course you will be able to identify the most important aquatic species groups at the level of order/family and know the most important identification traits. You will also be able to use identification literature commonly used in Switzerland.
During an excursion, you will apply the theoretical identification knowledge to field situations.
ContentThe taxonomic part will cover macroinvertebrates (e.g. Crustacean, aquatic insects). The goal is to get to know the most common aquatic taxa in Switzerland, to identify them with commonly used identification literature, and to get an idea how these organisms are used in research and practice. (language: German, translation of the most important things during the course possible)
The field excursion takes place Tuesday 25.10.2022.
Lecture notesCourse notes and power point presentations provided during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe maximal participating number of students is 9 from D-USYS and 16 from D-BIOL. In case of too many students, those that simultaneously participate in the courses "701-1437-00 Aquatic Ecology I", "701-1437-03 Aquatic Ecology II" and "701-1437-02 Bestimmungskurs Süsswasseralgen und aquatische Mikroinvertebraten" are given priority. Sign in until 15.08.2022, free places will be distributed after that. Students registrating later can not be guaranteed a place in the course.

The field excursion takes place Tuesday afternoon 25.10.2022 from 1pm-5pm.
701-1437-02LIdentification Course Freshwater Algae and Aquatic Microinvertebrates
The maximal participating number of students is 9 from D-USYS and 16 from D-BIOL. In case of too many students, those that simultaneously participate in the courses "701-1437-00 Aquatic Ecology I" "701-1437-03 Aquatic Ecology II", and "701-1437-01 Bestimmungskurs aquatischer Makroinvertebraten" are given priority. Sign in until 15.08.2022, free places will be distributed after that. Students registrating later cannot be guaranteed a place in the course.
W2 credits2PJ. Jokela
AbstractThis course gives an overview of the typical aquatic microinvertebrate and freshwater algae groups in Switzerland. Beside a theoretical background of the different groups the focus is laid on the recognition of the most important species groups and their indentification traits. Practical experience is collected during an excursion.
Learning objectiveDuring this course you will get an overview of the typical aquatic microinvertebrates and algae in Switzerland. After this course you will know the most important aquatic species groups and the most important identification traits.
You will apply the theoretical knowledge during an excursion.
ContentThe taxonomic part will cover microinvertebrates and freshwater algae. The goal is to get to know the most common aquatic taxa in Switzerland, to identify them and to get an idea how these organisms are used in research and practice. (language: German, translation of the most important things during the course possible)

The excursion takes place Thursday 20.10.2022 from 1pm-5pm.
Lecture notesCourse notes and power point presentations provided during the course.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe maximal participating number of students is 9 from D-USYS and 16 from D-BIOL. In case of too many students, those that simultaneously participate in the courses "701-1437-00 Aquatic Ecology I" and "701-1437-01 Bestimmungskurs aquatischer Makroinvertebraten" are given priority. Sign in until 15.08.2022 free places will be distributed after that. Students registrating later can not be guaranteed a place in the course.

The field excursion takes place Thursday afternoon 20.10.2022 from 1pm-5pm.
Seminar and Semester Paper
701-1460-00LEcology and Evolution: Term Paper Restricted registration - show details O5 credits11AT. Städler, J. Alexander, S. Bonhoeffer, T. Crowther, A. Hall, J. Hille Ris Lambers, J. Jokela, J. Payne, G. Velicer, A. Widmer
AbstractIndividual writing of an essay-type review paper about a specialized topic in the field of ecology and evolution, based on substantial reading of original literature and discussions with a senior scientist.
Learning objective- Students acquire a thorough knowledge on a topic in which they are particularly interested
- They learn to assess the relevance of original literature and synthesize information
- They make the experience of becoming "experts" on a topic and develop their own perspective
- They practise academic writing according to professional standards in English
ContentTopics for the essays are proposed by the professors and lecturers of the major in Ecology and Evolution at a joint meeting at the beginning of the semester (the date will be communicated by e-mail to registered students).
Students will:
- choose a topic
- search and read appropriate literature
- develop a personal view on the topic and structure their arguments
- prepare figures and tables to represent ideas or illustrate them with examples
- write a clear, logical and well-structured text
- refine the text and present the paper according to professional standards

In all steps, they will benefit from the advice and detailed feedback given by a senior scientist acting as personal tutor of the student.
Lecture notesReading of articles in scientific journals
Prerequisites / NoticeThe "Term Paper" requires considerable time set aside to read and digest original scientific literature, culminating in the writing of a review paper. The submission deadline is the first day of the spring semester, implying that much of the actual writing will be performed in January and February. Grading is based on the quality of the submitted review paper (2/3 of total grade), and on the "soft skills" such as the level of initiative, timeliness, independence, etc. of the student (1/3 of total grade). The personal supervisor is charged with grading the student's performance.
701-0290-00LSeminar in Microbial Evolution and Ecology (HS)Z0 credits2SS. Bonhoeffer
AbstractSeminar of the groups Molecular Microbial
Ecology, Theoretical Biology, Experimental Ecology, Evolutionary Biology. Talks given by members of these groups and external visitors.
Learning objectiveIn-depth introduction into microbial evolution and ecology, especially the aspects that are the focus of on-going research in this area at Department of Environmental Systems Science.
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