Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2022

Materials Science Master Information
Core Courses
327-0505-00LSurfaces, Interfaces and their Applications IW3 credits2V + 1UN. Spencer, M. P. Heuberger, L. Isa
AbstractAfter being introduced to the physical/chemical principles and importance of surfaces and interfaces, the student is introduced to the most important techniques that can be used to characterize surfaces. Later, liquid interfaces are treated, followed by an introduction to the fields of tribology (friction, lubrication, and wear) and corrosion.
Learning objectiveTo gain an understanding of the physical and chemical principles, as well as the tools and applications of surface science, and to be able to choose appropriate surface-analytical approaches for solving problems.
ContentIntroduction to Surface Science
Physical Structure of Surfaces
Surface Forces (static and dynamic)
Adsorbates on Surfaces
Surface Thermodynamics and Kinetics
The Solid-Liquid Interface
Electron Spectroscopy
Vibrational Spectroscopy on Surfaces
Scanning Probe Microscopy
Introduction to Tribology
Introduction to Corrosion Science
Lecture notesScript Download:
LiteratureScript Download:
Book: "Surface Analysis--The Principal Techniques", Ed. J.C. Vickerman, Wiley, ISBN 0-471-97292
Prerequisites / NoticeChemistry:
General undergraduate chemistry
including basic chemical kinetics and thermodynamics

General undergraduate physics
including basic theory of diffraction and basic knowledge of crystal structures
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
327-1201-00LTransport Phenomena I Information W Dr5 credits4GJ. Vermant
AbstractPhenomenological approach to "Transport Phenomena" based on balance equations supplemented by thermodynamic considerations to formulate the undetermined fluxes in the local species mass, momentum, and energy balance equations; Solutions of a few selected problems relevant to materials science and engineering both analytical and using numerical methods.
Learning objectiveThe teaching goals of this course are on five different levels:
(1) Deep understanding of fundamentals: local balance equations, constitutive equations for fluxes, entropy balance, interfaces, idea of dimensionless numbers and scaling, ...
(2) Ability to use the fundamental concepts in applications
(3) Insight into the role of boundary conditions (mainly part 2)
(4) Knowledge of a number of applications.
(5) Flavor of numerical techniques: finite elements and finite differences.
ContentPart 1 Approach to Transport Phenomena
Equilibrium Thermodynamics
Balance Equations
Forces and Fluxes
1. Measuring Transport Coefficients
2. Fluid mechanics
3. combined heat and flow
Lecture notesThe course is based on the book D. C. Venerus and H. C. Öttinger, A Modern Course in Transport Phenomena (Cambridge University Press, 2018) and the book by W. M. Deen, Analysis of Transport Phenomena (Oxford University Press, 1998)
Literature1. D. C. Venerus and H. C. Öttinger, A Modern Course in Transport Phenomena (Cambridge University Press, 2018)
2. R. B. Bird, W. E. Stewart, and E. N. Lightfoot, Transport Phenomena, 2nd Ed. (Wiley, 2001)
3. L.G. Leal, Advanced Transport Phenomena (Oxford University Press, 2011)
4. W. M. Deen, Analysis of Transport Phenomena (Oxford University Press, 1998)
5. R. B. Bird, Five Decades of Transport Phenomena (Review Article), AIChE J. 50 (2004) 273-287
Prerequisites / NoticeComplex numbers. Vector analysis (integrability; Gauss' divergence theorem). Laplace and Fourier transforms. Ordinary differential equations (basic ideas). Linear algebra (matrices; functions of matrices; eigenvectors and eigenvalues; eigenfunctions). Probability theory (Gaussian distributions; Poisson distributions; averages; moments; variances; random variables). Numerical mathematics (integration). Equilibrium thermodynamics (Gibbs' fundamental equation; thermodynamic potentials; Legendre transforms). Maxwell equations. Programming and simulation techniques (Matlab, Monte Carlo simulations).
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesProblem-solvingassessed
327-1202-00LSolid State Physics and Chemistry of Materials IW Dr5 credits4GN. Spaldin
AbstractIn this course we study how the properties of solids are determined from the chemistry and arrangement of the constituent atoms, with a focus on materials that are not well described by conventional band theories because their behavior is governed by strong quantum-mechanical interactions.
Learning objectiveElectronic properties and band theory description of conventional solids
Electron-lattice coupling and its consequences in functional materials
Electron-spin/orbit coupling and its consequences in functional materials
Structure/property relationships in strongly-correlated materials
ContentIn this course we study how the properties of solids are determined from the chemistry and arrangement of the constituent atoms, with a focus on materials that are not well described by conventional band theories because their behavior is governed by strong quantum-mechanical interactions. We begin with a review of the successes of band theory in describing many properties of metals, semiconductors and insulators, and we practise building up band structures from atoms and describing the resulting properties. Then we explore classes of systems in which the coupling between the electrons and the lattice is so strong that it drives structural distortions such as Peierls instabilities, Jahn-Teller distortions, and ferroelectric transitions. Next, we move on to strong couplings between electronic charge and spin- and/or orbital- angular momentum, yielding materials with novel magnetic properties. We end with examples of the complete breakdown of single-particle band theory in so-called strongly correlated materials, which comprise for example heavy-fermion materials, frustrated magnets, materials with unusual metal-insulator transitions and the high-temperature superconductors.
Lecture notesAn electronic script for the course is provided in Moodle.
LiteratureHand-outs with additional reading will be made available during the course and posted on the moodle page accessible through MyStudies
Prerequisites / Noticeall of:

Statistical Thermodynamics (327-0315-00)
Quantenmechanik für Materialwissenschaftler/innen (327-0316-00)
Festkörpertheorie für Materialwissenschaftler/innen (327-0416-00)
Electronic, Optical and Magnetic Properties of Materials (327-0512-00)

or equivalent classes from another institution
327-1203-00LComplex Materials I: Synthesis & AssemblyW Dr5 credits4GM. Niederberger, A. Lauria
AbstractIntroduction to materials synthesis concepts based on the assembly of differently shaped objects of varying chemical nature and length scales
Learning objectiveThe aim is a) to learn how to design and create objects as building blocks with a particular composition, size and shape, b) to understand the chemistry that allows for the creation of such hard and soft objects, and c) to master the concepts to assemble these objects into materials over several length scales.
ContentThe course is divided into two parts: I) synthesis of 0-, 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional building blocks with a length scale from nm to µm, and II) assembly of these building blocks into 1-, 2- and 3-dimensional structures over several length scales up to cm.
In part I, various methodologies for the synthesis of the building blocks will be discussed, including Turkevich and Brust-Schiffrin-method for gold nanoparticles, hot-injection for semiconducting quantum dots, aqueous and nonaqueous sol-gel chemistry for metal oxides, or gas-and liquid-phase routes to carbon nanostructures.
Part II is focused on self- and directed assembly methods that can be used to create higher order architectures from those building blocks connecting the microscopic with the macroscopic world. Examples include photonic crystals, nanocrystal solids, colloidal molecules, mesocrystals or particle-based foams and aerogels.
LiteratureReferences to original articles and reviews for further reading will be provided on the lecture notes.
Prerequisites / Notice1) Materialsynthese II (327-0412-00)
2) Kristallographie (327-0104-00L), in particular structure of crystalline solids
3) Materials Characterization II (327-0413-00)
327-1204-00LMaterials at Work IW Dr4 credits4SR. Spolenak, E. Dufresne, R. Koopmans
AbstractThis course attempts to prepare the student for a job as a materials engineer in industry. The gap between fundamental materials science and the materials engineering of products should be bridged. The focus lies on the practical application of fundamental knowledge allowing the students to experience application related materials concepts with a strong emphasis on case-study mediated learning.
Learning objectiveTeaching goals:

to learn how materials are selected for a specific application

to understand how materials around us are produced and manufactured

to understand the value chain from raw material to application

to be exposed to state of the art technologies for processing, joining and shaping

to be exposed to industry related materials issues and the corresponding language (terminology) and skills

to create an impression of how a job in industry "works", to improve the perception of the demands of a job in industry
ContentThis course is designed as a two semester class and the topics reflect the contents covered in both semesters.

Lectures and case studies encompass the following topics:

Strategic Materials (where do raw materials come from, who owns them, who owns the IP and can they be substituted)
Materials Selection (what is the optimal material (class) for a specific application)
Materials systems (subdivisions include all classical materials classes)
Joining (assembly)
Materials and process scaling (from nm to m and vice versa, from mg to tons)
Sustainable materials manufacturing (cradle to cradle) Recycling (Energy recovery)

After a general part of materials selection, critical materials and materials and design four parts consisting of polymers, metals, ceramics and coatings will be addressed.

In the fall semester the focus is on the general part, polymers and alloy case studies in metals. The course is accompanied by hands-on analysis projects on everyday materials.
LiteratureManufacturing, Engineering & Technology
Serope Kalpakjian, Steven Schmid
ISBN: 978-0131489653
Prerequisites / NoticeProfound knowledge in Physical Metallurgy and Polymer Basics and Polymer Technology required (These subjects are covered at the Bachelor Level by the following lectures: Metalle 1, 2; Polymere 1,2)
327-1207-00LEngineering with Soft MaterialsW Dr5 credits4GJ. Vermant, L. Isa
AbstractIn this course the engineering with soft materials is discussed. First, scaling principles to design structural and functional properties are introduced a. Second, the characterisation techniques to interrogate the structure property relations are introduced, which include rheology, advanced optical microscopies, static and dynamic scattering and techniques for liquid interfaces.
Learning objectiveThe learning goals of the course are to introduce the students to soft matter and its technological applications, to see how the structure property relations depend on fundamental formulation properties and processing steps. Students should also be able to select a measurement technique to evaluate the properties.
Lecture notesslides with text notes accompanying each slide are presented.
Elective Courses
The students are free to choose individually from the entire course offer of ETH Zürich on the Master level. Please consult the study administration in case of questions.
327-0702-00LEM-Practical Course in Materials ScienceW2 credits4PK. Kunze, S. Gerstl, F. Gramm, F. Krumeich, J. Reuteler
AbstractPractical work on TEM, SEM, FIB and APT
treatment of typical problems
data analysis, writing of a report
Learning objectiveApplication of basic electron microscopic techniques to materials science problems
Literaturesee lecture Electron Microscopy (327-0703-00L)
Prerequisites / NoticeAttendance of lecture Electron Microscopy (327-0703-00L) is recommended.
Maximum number of participants 15, work in groups of 3 people.
327-0703-00LElectron Microscopy in Material ScienceW4 credits2V + 2US. Gerstl, R. Erni, F. Gramm, A. Käch, F. Krumeich, K. Kunze
AbstractA comprehensive understanding of the interaction of electrons with condensed matter and details on the instrumentation and methods designed to use these probes in the structural and chemical analysis of various materials.
Learning objectiveA comprehensive understanding of the interaction of electrons with condensed matter and details on the instrumentation and methods designed to use these probes in the structural and chemical analysis of various materials.
ContentThis course provides a general introduction into electron microscopy of organic and inorganic materials. In the first part, the basics of transmission- and scanning electron microscopy are presented. The second part includes the most important aspects of specimen preparation, imaging and image processing. In the third part, recent applications in materials science, solid state physics, structural biology, structural geology and structural chemistry will be reported.
Lecture noteswill be distributed in English
LiteratureGoodhew, Humphreys, Beanland: Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 3rd. Ed., CRC Press, 2000
Thomas, Gemming: Analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy - An Introduction for Operators, Springer, Berlin, 2014
Thomas, Gemming: Analytische Transmissionselektronenmikroskopie: Eine Einführung für den Praktiker, Springer, Berlin, 2013
Williams, Carter: Transmission Electron Microscopy, Plenum Press, 1996
Reimer, Kohl: Transmission Electron Microscopy, 5th Ed., Berlin, 2008
Erni: Aberration-corrected imaging in transmission electron microscopy, Imperial College Press (2010, and 2nd ed. 2015)
327-1101-00LBiomineralizationW2 credits2VK.‑H. Ernst
AbstractThe course addresses undergraduate and graduate students interested in getting introduced into the basic concepts of biomineralization.
Learning objectiveThe course aims to introduce the basic concepts of biomineralization and the underlying principles, such as supersaturation, nucleation and growth of minerals, the interaction of biomolecules with mineral surfaces, and cell biology of inorganic materials creation. An important part of this class is the independent study and the presentation of original literature from the field.
ContentBiomineralization is a multidisciplinary field. Topics dealing with biology, molecular and cell biology, solid state physics, mineralogy, crystallography, organic and physical chemistry, biochemistry, dentistry, oceanography, geology, etc. are addressed. The course covers definition and general concepts of biomineralization (BM)/ types of biominerals and their function / crystal nucleation and growth / biological induction of BM / control of crystal morphology, habit, shape and orientation by organisms / strategies of compartmentalization / the interface between biomolecules (peptides, polysaccharides) and the mineral phase / modern experimental methods for studying BM phenomena / inter-, intra, extra- and epicellular BM / organic templates and matrices for BM / structure of bone, teeth (vertebrates and invertebrates) and mollusk shells / calcification / silification in diatoms, radiolaria and plants / calcium and iron storage / impact of BM on lithosphere and atmosphere/ evolution / taxonomy of organisms.

1. Introduction and overview
2. Biominerals and their functions
3. Chemical control of biomineralization
4. Control of morphology: Organic templates and additives
5. Modern methods of investigation of BM
6. BM in matrices: bone and nacre
7. Vertebrate teeth
8. Invertebrate teeth
9. BM within vesicles: calcite of coccoliths
10. Silica
11. Iron storage and mineralization
Lecture notesScript with more than 600 pages with many illustrations will be distributed free of charge.
Literature1) S. Mann, Biomineralization, Oxford University Press, 2001, Oxford, New York
2) H. Lowenstam, S. Weiner, On Biomineralization, Oxford University Press, 1989, Oxford
3) P. M. Dove, J. J. DeYoreo, S. Weiner (Eds.) Biomineralization, Reviews in Mineralogoy & Geochemistry Vol. 54, 2003
Prerequisites / NoticeNo special requirements are needed for attending. Basic knowledge in chemistry and cell biology is expected.
327-1221-00LBiological and Bio-Inspired Materials Information W Dr4 credits3GA. R. Studart, I. Burgert, R. Nicolosi Libanori, G. Panzarasa
AbstractThe aim of this course is to impart knowledge on the underlying principles governing the design of biological materials and on strategies to fabricate synthetic model systems whose structural organization resembles those of natural materials.
Learning objectiveThe course first offers a comprehensive introduction to evolutive aspects of materials design in nature and a general overview about the most common biopolymers and biominerals found in biological materials. Next, current approaches to fabricate bio-inspired materials are presented, followed by a detailed evaluation of their structure-property relationships with focus on mechanical, optical, surface and adaptive properties.
ContentThis course is structured in 3 blocks:
Block (I): Fundamentals of engineering in biological materials
- Biological engineering principles
- Basic building blocks found in biological materials

Block (II): Replicating biological design principles in synthetic materials
- Biological and bio-inspired materials: polymer-reinforced and ceramic-toughened composites
- Lightweight biological and bio-inspired materials
- Functional biological and bio-inspired materials: surfaces, self-healing and adaptive materials

Block (III): Bio-inspired design and systems
- Mechanical actuation - plant systems
- Bio-inspiration in the built environment
Lecture notesCopies of the slides will be made available for download before each lecture.
LiteratureThe course is mainly based on the books listed below. Additional references will be provided during the lectures.

1. M. A. Meyers and P-Y. Chen; Biological Materials Science - Biological Materials, Bioinspired Materials and Biomaterials. (Cambridge University Press, 2014).
2. P. Fratzl, J. W. C. Dunlop and R. Weinkamer; Materials Design Inspired by Nature: Function Through Inner Architecture. (The Royal Society of Chemistry, 2013).
3. A. R. Studart, R. Libanori, R. M. Erb, Functional Gradients in Biological Composites in Bio- and Bioinspired Nanomaterials. (Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, 2014), pp. 335-368.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Media and Digital Technologiesfostered
Project Managementfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationassessed
Cooperation and Teamworkassessed
Customer Orientationfostered
Leadership and Responsibilityfostered
Self-presentation and Social Influence fostered
Sensitivity to Diversityfostered
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityfostered
Creative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsfostered
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
Self-direction and Self-management fostered
327-2103-00LComposites and Hybrids: From Design to Application
New title as of HS22. Old title: Advanced Composite and Adaptive Material Systems
W5 credits3V + 1UF. J. Clemens, B. Weisse, A. Winistörfer
AbstractComposites/hybrids are heterogeneous materials consisting of two or more bonded components, and it is possible to tailor material properties for certain applications. Typically, The components retain their structure and properties, but the properties of the composite are a combination of the properties of its components.
Learning objectiveIn this course you will get an inside to lightweight material with high strength, materi-als that are resistive against abrasion, ceramics with damage tolerance behavior, com-posites with bioactive, bioresorbable, piezoresistive and -electric properties. Enables materials scientists to design composite/hybrid materials for different applications. The course will comprise a balance of lectures, exercises and laboratory classes.
ContentIntroduction and basic concepts on biomedical composites and smart composites/hybrids with sensing and actuation properties; production and properties of composites reinforced with particles, whiskers, short or long fibers; selection criteria, case studies and applications, future perspectives.

1. Structural composites (polymer-, metal- and ceramic matrix composites)
1.1. Introduction and historical background
1.2. Components: Matrix and reinforcement materials
1.3. Types of composites and mechanisms of reinforcement
1.4. Production processes
1.5. Physical and chemical properties
1.6. Applications

2. Biomedical Composites
2.1. Introduction and historical background
2.2. Components: metals&alloys, natural/synthetic polymers, bioceramics
2.3. Types of biocomposites
2.4. Production processes
2.5. Properties
2.6. Applications

3. Functional Composites (Sensors and Actuators)
3.1. Introduction and historical background
3.2. Components: Matrix and functional filler material
3.3. Types of composites
3.4. Production processes
3.5. Properties
3.6. Applications
Lecture notesWe will work with handouts
LiteratureCHAWLA, Krishan K. Composite materials: science and engineering. Springer Sci-ence & Business Media, 2012.

Biomedical composites, J. Paulo Davin (Ed.), De Gruyter (2014)

Composites in Biomedical Applications, S. M. Sapuan, Y. Nukman, N. A. Abu Osman, R. A. Ilyas (Eds), CRC Press (2021).

Bioresorbable polymers for biomedical applications – from fundamentals to transla-tional medicine, G. Perale, J. Hilborn (Eds), Woodhead Publishing (2017)

TONG, Xingcun Colin. Advanced Materials for Printed Flexible Electronics. Springer, 2022.

SINAPIUS, Johannes Michael. Adaptronics-Smart Structures and Materials. Berlin, Germany: Springer, 2021.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesfostered
Media and Digital Technologiesassessed
Project Managementfostered
Social CompetenciesCommunicationfostered
Cooperation and Teamworkfostered
Customer Orientationfostered
Leadership and Responsibilityfostered
Self-presentation and Social Influence fostered
Sensitivity to Diversityfostered
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityassessed
Creative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsfostered
Self-awareness and Self-reflection fostered
Self-direction and Self-management fostered
327-2125-00LMicroscopy Training SEM I - Introduction to SEM Restricted registration - show details
The number of participants is limited. In case of overbooking, the course will be repeated once. All registrations will be recorded on the waiting list.

For PhD students, postdocs and others, a fee will be charged (

All applicants must additionally register on this form: (link will follow)
The selected applicants will be contacted and asked for confirmation a few weeks before the course date.
W2 credits3PP. Zeng, A. G. Bittermann, S. Gerstl, L. Grafulha Morales, K. Kunze, F. Lucas, J. Reuteler
AbstractThis introductory course on Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) emphasizes hands-on learning. Using ScopeM SEMs, students have the opportunity to study their own samples (or samples provided) and solve practical problems by applying knowledge acquired during the lectures. At the end of the course, students will be able to apply SEM for their (future) research projects.
Learning objective- Set-up, align and operate a SEM successfully and safely.
- Understand important operational parameters of SEM and optimize microscope performance.
- Explain different signals in SEM and obtain secondary electron (SE) and backscatter electron (BSE) images.
- Operate the SEM in low-vacuum mode.
- Make use of EDX for semi-quantitative elemental analysis.
- Prepare samples with different techniques and equipment for imaging and analysis by SEM.
ContentDuring the course, students learn through lectures, demonstrations, and hands-on sessions how to setup and operate SEM instruments, including low-vacuum and low-voltage applications.
This course gives basic skills for students new to SEM. At the end of the course, students are able to align an SEM, to obtain secondary electron (SE) and backscatter electron (BSE) images and to perform energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDX) semi-quantitative analysis. Emphasis is put on procedures to optimize SEM parameters in order to best solve practical problems and deal with a wide range of materials.

- Introduction on Electron Microscopy and instrumentation
- electron sources, electron lenses and probe formation
- beam/specimen interaction, image formation, image contrast and imaging modes.
- sample preparation techniques for EM
- X-ray micro-analysis (theory and detection), qualitative and semi-quantitative EDX and point analysis, linescan and spectral mapping

- Brief description and demonstration of the SEM microscope
- Practice on image formation, image contrast (and image processing)
- Student participation on sample preparation techniques
- Scanning Electron Microscopy lab exercises: setup and operate the instrument under various imaging modalities
- Practice on real-world samples and report results
Lecture notesLecture notes will be distributed.
Literature- Peter Goodhew, John Humphreys, Richard Beanland: Electron Microscopy and Analysis, 3rd ed., CRC Press, 2000
- Joseph Goldstein, et al, Scanning Electron Microscopy and X-Ray Microanalysis, 4th ed, Srpinger US, 2018
- Egerton: Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy: an introduction to TEM, SEM and AEM, Springer Verlag, 2007
Prerequisites / NoticeNo mandatory prerequisites.
327-2126-00LMicroscopy Training TEM I - Introduction to TEM Restricted registration - show details
The number of participants is limited. In case of overbooking, the course will be repeated once. All registrations will be recorded on the waiting list.

For PhD students, postdocs and others, a fee will be charged (

All applicants must additionally register on this form: (link will follow)
The selected applicants will be contacted and asked for confirmation a few weeks before the course date.
W2 credits3PP. Zeng, E. J. Barthazy Meier, A. G. Bittermann, F. Gramm, A. Sologubenko
AbstractThe introductory course on Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) provides theoretical and hands-on learning for beginners who are interested in using TEM for their Master or PhD thesis. TEM sample preparation techniques are also discussed. During hands-on sessions at different TEM instruments, students will have the opportunity to examine their own samples if time allows.
Learning objectiveUnderstanding of
1. the set-up and individual components of a TEM
2. the basics of electron optics and image formation
3. the basics of electron beam – sample interactions
4. the contrast mechanism
5. various sample preparation techniques
Learning how to
1. align and operate a TEM
2. acquire data using different operation modes of a TEM instrument, i.e. Bright-field and Dark-field imaging
3. record electron diffraction patterns and index diffraction patterns
4. interpret TEM data
- basics of electron optics and the TEM instrument set-up
- TEM imaging modes and image contrast
- STEM operation mode
- Sample preparation techniques for hard and soft materials

- Demo, practical demonstration of a TEM: instrument components, alignment, etc.
- Hands-on training for students: sample loading, instrument alignment and data acquisition.
- Sample preparation for different types of materials
- Practical work with TEMs
- Demonstration of advanced Transmission Electron Microscopy techniques
Lecture notesLecture notes will be distributed.
Literature- Williams, Carter: Transmission Electron Microscopy, Plenum Press, 1996
- Hawkes, Valdre: Biophysical Electron Microscopy, Academic Press, 1990
- Egerton: Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy: an introduction to TEM, SEM and AEM, Springer Verlag, 2007
Prerequisites / NoticeNo mandatory prerequisites. Please consider the prior attendance to EM Basic lectures (551-1618-00V; 227-0390-00L; 327-0703-00L) as suggested prerequisite.
327-2127-00LSustainable Materials Management: Concepts, Methods and PrinciplesW2 credits1V + 1UP. Wäger, R. Widmer
AbstractThe aim of this course is to introduce important concepts, methods and principles for sustainable materials management and to critically reflect their possibilities and limitations. A particular focus will be laid on recycling issues.
Learning objectiveStudents develop a basic understanding of important concepts, methods and principles for sustainable materials management and become acquainted with their possibilites and limitations.
ContentThe course consists of six lectures introducing concepts, methods and principles for a sustainable materials management (including, amongst others, material flow analysis, life cycle assessment, raw materials criticality evaluation), with a particular focus on recycling issues and exemplifications for materials relevant for Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) and emerging energy technologies.
327-2128-00LHigh Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.
More information here:
W2 credits3GA. Sologubenko, R. Erni, R. Schäublin, P. Zeng
AbstractThis advanced course on High Resolution Transmission Electron Microscopy (HRTEM) provides lectures focused on HRTEM and HRSTEM imaging principles, related data analysis and simulation and phase restoration methods.
Learning objective- Learning how HRTEM and HRSTEM images are obtained.
- Learning about the aberrations affecting the resolution in TEM and STEM and the different methods to correct them.
- Learning about TEM and STEM images simulation software.
- Performing TEM and STEM image analysis (processing of TEM images and phase restoration after focal series acquisitions).
ContentThis course provides new skills to students with previous TEM experience. At the end of the course, students will know how to obtain HR(S)TEM images, how to analyse, process and simulate them.

1. Introduction to HRTEM and HRSTEM
2. Considerations on (S)TEM instrumentation for high resolution imaging
3. Lectures on aberrations, aberration correction and aberration corrected images
4. HRTEM and HRSTEM simulation
5. Data analysis, phase restoration and lattice-strain analysis
Literature- Detailed course manual
- Williams, Carter: Transmission Electron Microscopy, 2nd ed., Springer, 2009
- Williams, Carter (eds.), Transmission Electron Microscopy - Diffraction, Imaging, and Spectrometry, Springer 2016
- Erni, Aberration-corrected imaging in transmission electron microscopy, 2nd ed., Imperial College Press, 2015.
- Egerton: Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy: an introduction to TEM, SEM and AEM, Springer Verlag, 2007
Prerequisites / NoticeThe students should fulfil one or more of these prerequisites:
- Prior attendance to the ScopeM TEM basic course
- Prior attendance to ETH EM lectures (327-0703-00L Electron Microscopy in Material Science)
- Prior TEM experience
327-2129-00LAnalytical Electron Microscopy: EDS Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
W1 credit2P
AbstractThe main goal of this hands-on course is to provide students with
fundamental understanding of underlying physical processes, experimental set-up solutions and hands-on practical experience of analytical electron microscopy (AEM) technique for microstructure characterisation, specifically Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) and spectrum imaging (SI) technique.
Learning objective- understanding of physical processes that enable the EDS technique and data evaluation algorithms;
- hand-on experience of data acquisition and evaluation routines including
- practical understanding of different data acquisition set-ups,
- optimization of acquisition parameters for most reliable quantification of the results,
- the knowledge of the available and most reliable quantification algorithms and their handling
- the knowledge of data evaluation routines and possible handicaps for reliable elemental content distribution analyses and material composition quantification
- the effect of the specimen geometry on the data and experimental solutions for minimization of the artefacts
ContentThis advanced course provides analytical EM techniques to the students with prior EM experience (TEM or SEM). At the end of the course, students will understand the physical processes that enable the EDS technique and data evaluation algorithms and apply the technique for their own research.
- Introduction to analytical electron microscopy: theory and instrumentation.
- Lectures on EDS, WDS
- Practical on EDS-SEM: data acquisition and analysis.
- Practical on EDS-TEM: data acquisition and analysis.
The hand-on trainings are to be carried-out on a real-life specimen, provided by lecturers and / by students.
Lecture notesProvided in the course Moodle-page
Literature- Egerton: Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy: an introduction to TEM, SEM and AEM. Springer Verlag, 2007
- Williams & Carter: Transmission Electron Microscopy: A Textbook for Material Sciences. Plenum Press, 2nd Edition 2009, ISBD: 0 306 45247-2
- Goodhew, Humphreys & Beanland: Electron Microscopy and Analyses, Third edition. CRC Press, 2000
- Carter & Williams: Transmission Electron Microscopy: Diffraction, Imaging and Spectrometry. Springer Verlag, 2016, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-26651-0
- Reed: Electron Microprobe Analysis and Scanning Electron Microscopy in Geology. Cambridge University Press, 2010
Prerequisites / Notice- Master student or PhD student who has experience with EM (SEM or TEM) techniques or prior attendance of one of the following courses: Microscopy Training SEM1 (327-2125-00L) or Microscopy Training TEM1(327-2126-00L)
- Attendance of the following courses is of advantage, but not required: Scattering Techniques for Material Characterization (327-2137-00L) or Elements of Microscopy (227-0390-00L) or Electron Microscopy in Material Science (327-0703-00L)
327-2132-00LMultifunctional Ferroic Materials: Growth and CharacterisationW2 credits2GM. Trassin
AbstractThe course will explore the growth of (multi-) ferroic oxide thin films. The structural characterization and ferroic state investigation by force microscopy and by laser-optical techniques will be addressed.
Oxide electronics device concepts will be discussed.
Learning objectiveOxide films with a thickness of just a few atoms can now be grown with a precision matching that of semiconductors. This opens up a whole world of functional device concepts and fascinating phenomena that would not occur in the expanded bulk crystal. Particularly interesting phenomena occur in films showing magnetic or electric order or, even better, both of these ("multiferroics").

In this course students will obtain an overarching view on oxide thin epitaxial films and heterostructures design, reaching from their growth by pulsed laser deposition to an understanding of their magnetoelectric functionality from advanced characterization techniques. Students will therefore understand how to fabricate and characterize highly oriented films with magnetic and electric properties not found in nature.
ContentTypes of ferroic order, multiferroics, oxide materials, thin-film growth by pulsed laser deposition, molecular beam epitaxy, RF sputtering, structural characterization (reciprocal space - basics-, XRD for thin films, RHEED) epitaxial strain related effects, scanning probe microscopy techniques, laser-optical characterization, oxide thin film based devices and examples.
327-2135-00LAdvanced Analytical TEM Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
W Dr2 credits3Gto be announced
AbstractThe course focuses on the fundamental understanding and hands-on knowledge of analytical Transmission Electron Microscopy (ATEM) techniques: electron dispersive X-ray analysis (EDX), energy filtered TEM and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS). The lectures will be followed by demonstrations and acquisition sessions TEM instruments.The lectures on statistical treatment of raw data sets and on
Learning objective• Setting-up the optimal operation conditions for reliable EDX analysis and quantification.
• Setting-up the optimal operation conditions for the reliable EFTEM analyses.
• Setting-up the optimal operation conditions for the reliable EELS analyses.
• EDX data acquisition, on-line analysis and quantification.
• EFTEM data acquisition and analysis.
• EELS acquisition analyses.
Content1. Fundamentals of analytical TEM.
2. Electron Optics and Instrumentation. Spectrum Imaging.
3. Quantitative X-ray Spectrometry.
4. EELS.
6. Statistical treatment of raw data.
7. EDX. Quantification and data evaluation.
8. Demonstrations on EDX, EELS, and EFTEM data acquisitions.
9. Practical sessions for students with provided specimens. Practical sessions for
students with their own specimens.
10. Questions and such: open discussion.
11. Student presentations.
Literature• Egerton: Physical Principles of Electron Microscopy: an introduction to TEM, SEM and AEM, Springer Verlag, 2007
• Williams, Carter: Transmission Electron Microscopy, Plenum Press, 2nd Edition 2009
• Egerton: Electron Energy-Loss Spectroscopy in the Electron Microscopy, 3rd Edition,
Springer, 2011.
Prerequisites / NoticeNo mandatory prerequisites. Prior attendance to EM Basic lectures (327-0703-00L, 227- 0390-00L) and to the Microscopy Training TEM I - Introduction to TEM course (327-2126- 00L) is recommended.
327-2136-00LChemical Analysis and Spectroscopy for Energy ApplicationsW Dr2 credits2GA. Borgschulte
AbstractThis course provides an introduction to the chemical analysis and operando spectroscopy related to current scientific questions in energy research.
Learning objectiveObjectives are the general physical concepts of physical and chemical analysis and their application on the most important questions in energy applications. Questions tackled include:
- What is/determines selectivity / sensitivity of a technique?
- What is its spatial/temporal resolution?
- How to probe chemical reactions in action?
ContentFuture as well as existing energy supply relies on the precise determination of the amount of the energy carrier either produced or spent. The devices used for this purpose range from simple ampere meter and its scientific pendant impedance spectrometer for electricity, and the chemical analysis of fuels and their combustion products. With the advent of renewable energy and its chemical or electro-chemical storage, there is increasing demand for advanced analysis tools as well as operando spectroscopy. The objective of the course is to introduce the physical basis of most commonly used methods, i.e., separation techniques (GC, MS), spectroscopic methods (impedance spectroscopy, UV-Vis-, IR-, Raman- spectroscopy), and scattering techniques (X-ray/photoelectron spectroscopy, neutron scattering) with focus on operando techniques. The methods are discussed within the framework of current scientific questions in renewable energy research such as the analysis of reaction mechanisms in thermo- and electro-catalysis and the in-situ characterization of new energy materials with particular focus on surface phenomena and gas-solid interactions.
The course will build on the Bachelor’s degree courses Analytical Chemistry and Materials Characterization Methods.
327-2137-00LScattering Techniques for Material Characterization Restricted registration - show details
All enrolled students are initially placed on the “waiting list” until the registration deadline. In the case of more than 12 applicants, the students will be selected by the lecturers before the start of the lecture according to the priority criteria: master students before doctoral students, Material Science students before students of other departments.
W4 credits2V + 1UT. Weber, A. Sologubenko
AbstractThe lecture presents the currently most efficient experimental techniques for microstructure material characterization: X-ray diffraction (XRD) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). The theoretical basics, instrumentation, complementarity and exclusivity of both techniques will be taught. The course includes practical elements and examples of current research projects at D-MATL.
Learning objectiveStudents are able to do:
- systematically characterise the microstructure and phases of a given material with X-rays and electrons

- select the right tool (source, instrument, measurement strategy) and design a workflow for solving a microstructure or phase analysis problem

- describe possibilities and limitations of a given characterisation method

- comprehensively store experimentally collected data in a repository following modern data management rules such that data can be evaluated by students not involved in the experiment

- qualitatively and quantitatively evaluate and present experimental data and results collected by others
ContentThe main objective of this hands-on practical course is to give students a comprehensive insight into the most important aspects of microstructure characterization using electron and X-ray scattering. The focus is on the complementarity and exclusivity of the two techniques. We will introduce the most important material characterization tasks, present the relevant physical and crystallographic fundamentals, and discuss how the tasks can be solved with electron and X-ray scattering. We will discuss intrinsic and extrinsic advantages and limitations of the methods and explain essential instrumentation requirements specific to each setup. Another essential facet of the course is the link to everyday D-MATL project problems presented by the lecturers or researchers from D-MATL. The lecture is accompanied by hands-on experiments on samples of D-MATL projects using state-of-the-art instruments.
Literature- Diffraction Analysis of the Microstructure of Materials, E.J. Mittemeijer, P.Scardi, Springer, 2004.

- Fundamentals of Powder Diffraction and Structural Characterization of Materials, 2nd ed., V. K. Pecharsky, P. Y. Zavalij, Springer, 2009.

- Transmission Electron Microscopy and Diffractometry of Materials, B. Fultz and J.M. Howe, Springer 2001.

- Electron Microscopy and Analyses, 3rd ed., P. J. Goodhew, J. Humphreys, R. Beanland, Taylor & Francis 2001.
Prerequisites / NoticeCrystallography, X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy on the BSc level. All enrolled students are initially placed on the “waiting list” until the registration deadline. In the case of more than 12 applicants, the students will be selected by the lecturers before the start of the lecture according to the priority criteria: master students before doctoral students, Material Science students before students of other departments.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsassessed
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