Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2022

Umweltingenieurwissenschaften Master Information
Vertiefung Siedlungswasserwirtschaft
Obligatorische Module
Ecological Systems Design
102-0348-00LProspective Environmental Assessments
Prerequisite for this lecture is basic knowledge of environmental assessment tools, such as material flow analysis, risk assessment and life cycle assessment.
Students without previous knowledge in these areas need to read according textbooks prior to or at the beginning of the lecture.
O3 KP2GS. Hellweg, N. Heeren, A. Spörri
KurzbeschreibungThis lecture deals with prospective assessments of emerging technologies as well as with the assessment of long-term environmental impact caused by today's activities.
Lernziel- Understanding prospective environmental assessments, including scenario analysis techniques, prospective emission models, dynamic MFA and LCA.
- Ability to properly plan and conduct prospective environmental assessment studies, for example on emerging technologies or on technical processes that cause long-term environmental impacts.
- Being aware of the uncertainties involved in prospective studies.
- Getting to know measures to prevent long-term emissions or impact in case studies
- Knowing the arguments in favor and against a temporally differentiated weighting of environmental impacts (discounting)
Inhalt- Scenario analysis
- Dynamic material flow analysis
- Temporal differentiation in LCA
- Systems dynamics tools
- Assessment of future and present environmental impact
- Case studies
SkriptLecture slides and further documents will be made available on Moodle.
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