Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2021

GESS Science in Perspective Information
Only the courses listed below will be recognized as "GESS Science in Perspective" courses.

Further below you will find courses under the category "Type B courses Reflections about subject specific methods and content" as well as the language courses.

During the Bachelor’s degree Students should acquire at least 6 ECTS and during the Master’s degree 2 ECTS.

Students who already took a course within their main study program are NOT allowed to take the course again.
Type A: Enhancement of Reflection Competence
Suitable for all students.

Students who already took a course within their main study program are NOT allowed to take the course again.
853-0726-00LHistory II: Global (Anti-Imperialism and Decolonisation, 1919-1975)W3 credits2VB. Schär
851-0105-01LCross-Cultural Competences Arab World Information
Does not take place this semester.
W3 credits2V
851-0812-08LHeureka V: Politics and Society in Discussion in Antiquity and TodayW2 credits2VC. Utzinger, M. Amann, B. Beer, A. Broger, F. Egli Utzinger, R. Harder
052-0806-00LHistory and Theory of Architecture IV Information W2 credits2VL. Stalder
701-0791-00LEnvironmental History - Introduction and Overview Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 80.
W2 credits2VM. Gisler
851-0080-00LNew Forms and Contents in Nonfiction Writing Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.
W3 credits2SW. Eilenberger
851-0008-00LBan on Alcohol and Science: A Global History of Prohibition 1918-1939 Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
W3 credits2S
851-0181-00LA New History of Greek Mathematics Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2VR. Wagner
851-0182-00LFrom Economy to Mathematics and Back: A History of Interactions Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2SR. Wagner
851-0297-00LManipulation in Literature and Cultural HistoryW3 credits2VS. S. Leuenberger
851-0525-00LA History of Personal Computing Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2SR. Wichum, M. Mayer
851-0526-00LProducing Emptiness and Working with Nothing. Vacuum Technology in the 20th Century Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2SD. Gugerli, R. Delucchi
851-0088-00LHistory and Philosophy of Artificial Intelligence Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2SO. Del Fabbro
851-0173-00LHistory of Formal Logic: The Emergence of Boolean Logic Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2VJ. L. Gastaldi
851-0009-00LThe 'Dutch East Indies' and Science in German Speaking Europe, c. 1800-1950 Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2SB. Schär, M. Ligtenberg
851-0010-00LGlobal Histories of the Anthropocene Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2ST. Bartoletti
851-0157-49LWhat is Life? Introdution Into the History of the Life SciencesW3 credits2VM. Hagner
851-0157-74LPhotography Between Science and Art Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20
W3 credits2SM. Hagner
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