Suchergebnis: Lerneinheiten im Herbstsemester 2021

Integrated Building Systems Master Information
151-0185-00LRadiation Heat Transfer Information W4 KP2V + 1UA. Steinfeld, P. Pozivil
151-0103-00LFluiddynamik IIW3 KP2V + 1UP. Jenny
401-0647-00LIntroduction to Mathematical OptimizationW5 KP2V + 1UD. Adjiashvili
227-0477-00LAcoustics IW6 KP4GK. Heutschi
101-0577-00LAn Introduction to Sustainable Development in the Built EnvironmentW3 KP2GG. Habert, D. Kaushal
101-0417-00LTransport Planning MethodsW6 KP4GK. W. Axhausen
101-0507-00LInfrastructure Management 3: Optimisation Tools
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
W6 KP2GB. T. Adey
363-0387-00LCorporate SustainabilityW3 KP2GV. Hoffmann, C. Bening-Bach, N. U. Blum, J. Meuer
402-0809-01LIntroduction to Computational Physics (for Civil Engineers)W4 KP2V + 1UA. Adelmann
402-0809-00LIntroduction to Computational PhysicsW8 KP2V + 2UA. Adelmann
101-0187-00LStructural Reliability and Risk AnalysisW3 KP2GS. Marelli
701-1346-00LCarbon Mitigation Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 100
Priority is given to the target groups: Bachelor and Master Environmental Sciences and PHD Environmental Sciences until September 21st,2021.
Waiting list will be deleted October 1st, 2021.
W3 KP2GN. Gruber
363-0537-00LResource and Environmental EconomicsW3 KP2GL. Bretschger
363-0565-00LPrinciples of MacroeconomicsW3 KP2VJ.‑E. Sturm
101-0587-00LWorkshop on Sustainable Building Certification Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 25
W3 KP2GD. Kellenberger
063-0611-00LThe Digital in Architecture II (Exercise) Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the course "Structural Design VI" (063-0606-00L), "Design III" (052-0541/43/45) or "Das Digitale in der Architektur" (063-0610-00L).
This core course (ending with «00L») can only be passed once! Please check before signing up.

ITA Pool - information event on the courses offered at the institute ITA: Wednesday 8th September 2021, 10-11 h, ONLINE.
W2 KP1V + 2UJ. Medina Ibañez
252-0839-00LEinsatz von Informatikmitteln Information W2 KP2GL. E. Fässler, M. Dahinden
101-0007-00LProject Management for Construction Projects Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W4 KP3SJ. J. Hoffman
851-0589-00LTechnology and Innovation for DevelopmentW3 KP2VP. Aerni
701-0901-00LETH Week 2021: Health for Tomorrow Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
All ETH Bachelor`s, Master`s and exchange students can take part in the ETH week. No prior knowledge is required
W1 KP3SC. Bratrich, S. Brusoni, A. Burden, A. Cabello Llamas, R. Knutti, I. Mansuy, F. Rittiner, A. Vaterlaus, C. Wolfrum
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