Search result: Courses in Autumn Semester 2021

Agricultural Sciences Master Information
Major in Animal Sciences
Disciplinary Competences
751-6501-00LRuminant Science (HS)W+4 credits4G
751-6501-00 GRuminant Science4 hrs
Wed10:15-12:00LFW C 11 »
14:15-16:00LFW C 11 »
K. Giller, M. Terranova, U. Witschi
751-6601-00LPig Science (HS)W+2 credits2V
751-6601-00 VPig Science (HS)
Does not take place this semester.
2 hrsto be announced
751-6001-00LForum: Livestock in the World Food System Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.
W+2 credits1S
751-6001-00 SForum: Livestock in the World Food System
Durchführung gemäss speziellem Programm.
1 hrs
Wed08:15-10:00LFW C 1 »
S. Meese
Livestock Biology
751-7211-00LRuminal DigestionW+1 credit1G
751-7211-00 GRuminal Digestion
Does not take place this semester.
Diese LV wird im HS21 nicht als Einzelveranstaltung angeboten - die Inhalte sind jedoch Teil von 751-6501-00 Ruminant Sciences.
1 hrsnot available
751-6113-00LEndocrinology and Biology of ReproductionW+3 credits2G
751-6113-00 GEndocrinology and Biology of Reproduction2 hrs
Thu12:15-14:00LFW C 11 »
S. E. Ulbrich, S. M. Bernal Ulloa
751-7310-00LBioactive Food and Feed ComponentsW+2 credits2V
751-7310-00 VBioactive Food and Feed Components
Online lecture: This lecture will take place online. Reserved rooms will remain reserved on campus for students to follow the course from there.
2 hrs
Tue08:15-10:00LFW C 11 »
K. Giller
701-0263-01LSeminar in Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases Information W+3 credits2G
701-0263-01 GSeminar in Evolutionary Ecology of Infectious Diseases2 hrs
Tue16:15-18:00CHN F 42 »
R. R. Regös, S. Bonhoeffer
Livestock Genetics
751-6243-00LBreeding and conservation of Animal Genetic ResourcesW+2 credits2V
751-6243-00 VZüchtung und Erhaltung tiergenetischer Ressourcen
Die Lehrveranstaltung besteht aus regelmässigen LV in der ersten Semesterhälfte und aus einem Blockkurs am 25.-26. Januar 2022.
2 hrs
Mon/114:15-16:00NO E 39 »
08.11.14:15-16:00NO E 39 »
25.01.08:15-18:00LFW B 1 »
26.01.08:15-18:00LFW B 1 »
H. Signer-Hasler, C. Flury, S. Neuenschwander
751-6305-00LLivestock Breeding and GenomicsW3 credits3G
751-6305-00 GLivestock Breeding and Genomics3 hrs
Fri09:15-12:00LFW C 11 »
P. von Rohr
Methodology Competences
Methods for Scientific Research
751-3801-00LExperimental Design and Applied Statistics in Agroecosystem ScienceW3 credits2G
751-3801-00 GExperimental Design and Applied Statistics in Agroecosystem Science
Course will be held in German unless there are students present who ask for English lecturing. Handouts are in English. Students should be aware that in addition to 2 weeks of presence during the course there are 3-5 hours per week of individual study necessary to fulfill the targets of this course.
2 hrs
Thu10:15-12:00HG E 19 »
A. Hund, W. Eugster, C. Grieder, R. Kölliker
751-6127-00LPractical Course in Microscopy of Functional HistologyW+3 credits6P
751-6127-00 PPractical Course in Microscopy of Functional Histology
Does not take place this semester.
90s hrsnot available
751-6129-00LPractical Course EpigeneticsW+3 credits6P
751-6129-00 PPractical Course Epigenetics
Does not take place this semester.
90s hrsnot available
751-6003-00LTraining Course in Research Groups (Large) Restricted registration - show details W+6 credits13P
751-6003-00 PTraining Course in Research Groups (Large) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Durchführung in Semesterferien, darf nicht mit 751-6003-01 P kombiniert werden
180s hrsS. M. Bernal Ulloa, S. Neuenschwander, H. Pausch, M. Saenz de Juano Ribes, S. E. Ulbrich
751-6003-01LTraining Course in Research Groups (Small) Restricted registration - show details W+3 credits6P
751-6003-01 PTraining Course in Research Groups (Small) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Durchführung in Semesterferien, darf nicht mit 751-6003-00 P kombiniert werden
90s hrsS. M. Bernal Ulloa, S. Neuenschwander, H. Pausch, M. Saenz de Juano Ribes, S. E. Ulbrich
Project Management for Scientific Research
751-6001-00LForum: Livestock in the World Food System Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.
W+2 credits1S
751-6001-00 SForum: Livestock in the World Food System
Durchführung gemäss speziellem Programm.
1 hrs
Wed08:15-10:00LFW C 1 »
S. Meese
751-5201-10LTropical Cropping Systems, Soils and Livelihoods Restricted registration - show details
This course has been restructured due to Covid-19 restrictions, part I (2 CP) takes place in Autumn 2021, part II (3 CP) in Spring 2022, with an excursion/fieldwork. For more information, please contact the lecturer:
W+2 credits2G
751-5201-10 GTropical Cropping Systems, Soils and Livelihoods
This has been restructured due to Covid-19 restrictions, the excursion/field work will take place in spring 2022. For more information, please contact the lecturer:
2 hrs
Thu08:15-10:00CHN G 22 »
23.09.08:15-10:00CHN E 42 »
J. Six, K. Benabderrazik
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