Biology (General Courses) |
Complementary Courses |
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers |
376-1791-00L | Introductory Course in Neuroscience I (University of Zurich) | Z Dr | 2 credits | 2V | University lecturers |
151-0927-00L | Rate-Controlled Separations in Fine Chemistry | Z Dr | 6 credits | 3V + 1U | M. Mazzotti,
V. Becattini |
401-0649-00L | Applied Statistical Regression | Z Dr | 5 credits | 2V + 1U | M. Dettling |
551-1619-00L | Structural Biology Does not take place this semester. | Z Dr | 1 credit | 1K | R. Glockshuber,
F. Allain,
N. Ban,
K. Locher,
M. Pilhofer,
E. Weber-Ban,
K. Wüthrich |
851-0180-00L | Research Ethics Number of participants limited to 40
Particularly suitable for students of D-BIOL, D-CHAB, D-HEST | Z Dr | 2 credits | 2G | G. Achermann,
P. Emch |
376-1581-00L | Cancer: Fundamentals, Origin and Therapy | Z | 2 credits | 2G | H. Nägeli |
401-5640-00L | ZüKoSt: Seminar on Applied Statistics | Z Dr | 0 credits | 1K | M. Kalisch,
F. Balabdaoui,
A. Bandeira,
P. L. Bühlmann,
R. Furrer,
L. Held,
T. Hothorn,
M. H. Maathuis,
M. Mächler,
L. Meier,
M. Robinson,
C. Strobl,
S. van de Geer |
551-1109-00L | Seminars in Microbiology | Z Dr | 0 credits | 2K | S. Sunagawa,
W.‑D. Hardt,
M. Künzler,
J. Piel,
J. Vorholt-Zambelli |
401-0620-00L | Statistical Consulting | Z Dr | 0 credits | 0.1K | M. Kalisch,
L. Meier |
551-0512-00L | Current Topics in Molecular and Cellular Neurobiology Does not take place this semester. Number of participants limited to 8. | Z Dr | 2 credits | 1S | U. Suter |
551-0737-00L | Ecology and Evolution: Interaction Seminar | Z | 2 credits | 2S | S. Bonhoeffer |
551-0509-00L | Current Immunological Research in Zurich | Z Dr | 0 credits | 1K | R. Spörri,
M. Detmar,
C. Halin Winter,
W.‑D. Hardt,
M. Kopf,
S. R. Leibundgut,
A. Oxenius,
University lecturers |
551-1106-00L | Progress Reports in Microbiology and Immunology Students must sign up via | Z Dr | 0 credits | 5S | J. Piel,
W.‑D. Hardt,
A. Oxenius,
J. Vorholt-Zambelli |
551-0209-00L | Sustainable Plant Systems (Seminar) | Z Dr | 2 credits | 2S | M. Paschke,
S. F. Bender,
G. S. Bhullar,
F. Liebisch,
further lecturers |
551-0120-00L | Plant Biology Colloquium (Autumn Semester) This compulsory course is required only once. It may be taken in autumn as course 551-0120-00 "Plant Biology Colloquium (Autumn Semester)" or in spring as course 551-0120-01 "Plant Biology Colloquium (Spring Semester)". | Z | 2 credits | 1K | C. Sánchez-Rodríguez,
K. Bomblies,
A. Rodriguez-Villalon,
O. Voinnet,
S. C. Zeeman |
551-1615-00L | NMR Methods for Studies of Biological Macromolecules Prerequisites: Basic knowledge in biological NMR spectroscopy. | Z | 1 credit | 2S | A. D. Gossert |
551-1713-00L | Current Topics in Molecular Health Sciences | Z | 0 credits | 2S | I. Zanini,
further lecturers |
402-0368-07L | Lecture Series: Space Research and Exploration | Dr, Z | 1 credit | 2V | S. P. Quanz |