Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2021

Physics TC Information
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Educational Science
General course offerings in the category Educational Science are listed under "Programme: Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC".
851-0240-00LHuman Learning (EW1)
This lecture is only apt for students who intend to enrol in the programs "Teaching Diploma" or "Teaching Certificate". It is about learning in childhood and adolescence.
O2 credits2VE. Stern
AbstractThis course looks into scientific theories and also empirical
studies on human learning and relates them to the school.
Learning objectiveAnyone wishing to be a successful teacher must first of all understand the learning process. Against this background, theories and findings on the way humans process information and on human behaviour are prepared in such a manner that they can be used for planning and conducting lessons. Students additionally gain an understanding of what is going on in learning and behavioural research so that teachers are put in a position where they can further educate themselves in the field of research into teaching and learning.
ContentThematische Schwerpunkte:
Lernen als Verhaltensänderung und als Informationsverarbeitung; Das menschliche Gedächtnis unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der Verarbeitung symbolischer Information; Lernen als Wissenskonstruktion und Kompetenzerwerb unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Wissenstransfers; Lernen durch Instruktion und Erklärungen; Die Rolle von Emotion und Motivation beim Lernen; Interindividuelle Unterschiede in der Lernfähigkeit und ihre Ursachen: Intelligenztheorien, Geschlechtsunterschiede beim Lernen

Theorien und wissenschaftliche Konstrukte werden zusammen mit ausgewählten wissenschaftlichen Untersuchungen in Form einer Vorlesung präsentiert. Die Studierenden vertiefen nach jeder Stunde die Inhalte durch die Bearbeitung von Aufträgen in einem elektronischen Lerntagebuch. Über die Bedeutung des Gelernten für den Schulalltag soll reflektiert werden. Ausgewählte Tagebucheinträge werden zu Beginn jeder Vorlesung thematisiert.
Lecture notesFolien werden zur Verfügung gestellt.
Literature1) Marcus Hasselhorn & Andreas Gold (2006). Pädagogische Psychologie: Erfolgreiches Lernen und Lehren. Stuttgart: Kohlhammer. 2) Jeanne Omrod (2006): Human Learning. Upper Saddle River: Pearson Prentice Hall. 3) Greutmann, Saalbach, Stern (Hrsg.), (2020): Professionelles Handlungswissen für Lehrerinnen und Lehrer. Kohlhammer Verlag
Prerequisites / NoticeThis lecture is only apt for students who intend to enrol in the programs "Lehrdiplom" or "Didaktisches Zertifikat". It is about learning in childhood and adolescence.
851-0240-22LCoping with Psychosocial Demands of Teaching (EW4 DZ) Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.

The successful participation in EW1 ("Human Learning") and EW2 ("Designing Learning Environments for School") is recommended, but not a mandatory prerequisite.
W2 credits3SU. Markwalder, S. Maurer, S. Peteranderl
AbstractIn this class, students will learn concepts and skills for coping with psychosocial demands of teaching
Learning objectiveStudents possess theoretical knowledge and practical competences to be able to cope with the psychosocial demands of teaching.

(1) They know relevant rules of conversation and conflict management and are able to apply them in an appropriate way in the school context (e.g. in parental talks).
(2) They know core aspects of classroom management and know how to apply it concretely (e.g. promoting a positive learning atmosphere, avoiding disciplinary difficulties) and they are aware of possible contacts (e.g. llegal or psychological services).
851-0242-06LCognitively Activating Instructions in MINT Subjects Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W2 credits2SR. Schumacher
AbstractThis seminar focuses on teaching units in chemistry, physics and mathematics that have been developed at the MINT Learning Center of the ETH Zurich. In the first meeting, the mission of the MINT Learning Center will be communicated. Furthermore, in groups of two, the students will intensively work on, refine and optimize a teaching unit following a goal set in advance.
Learning objective- Get to know cognitively activating instructions in MINT subjects
- Get information about recent literature on learning and instruction
Prerequisites / NoticeFür eine reibungslose Semesterplanung wird um frühe Anmeldung und persönliches Erscheinen zum ersten Lehrveranstaltungstermin ersucht.
851-0242-07LHuman Intelligence Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).
Number of participants limited to 30.
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W1 credit1SE. Stern
AbstractThe focus will be on the book "Intelligenz: Grosse Unterschiede und ihre Folgen" by Stern and Neubauer. Participation at the first meeting is obligatory. It is required that all participants read the complete book. Furthermore, in two meetings of 90 minutes, concept papers developed in small groups (5 - 10 students) will be discussed.
Learning objective- Understanding of research methods used in the empirical human sciences
- Getting to know intelligence tests
- Understanding findings relevant for education
851-0242-08LResearch Methods in Educational Science Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W1 credit2SP. Edelsbrunner, T. Braas, C. M. Thurn
AbstractLiterature from the learning sciences is critically discussed with a focus on research methods.
At the first meeting, working groups will be assembled and meetings with those will be set up.
In the small groups students will write critical essays about the read literature. At the third meeting, we will discuss the essays and develop research questions in group work.
Learning objective- Understand research methods used in the empirical educational sciences
- Understand and critically examine information from scientific journals and media
- Understand pedagogically relevant findings from the empirical educational sciences
851-0242-11LGender Issues In Education and STEM Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

Prerequisite: students should be taking the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1) in parallel, or to have successfully completed it.
W2 credits2SM. Berkowitz Biran, T. Braas, C. M. Thurn
AbstractIn this seminar, we introduce some of the major gender-related issues in the context of education and science learning, such as the under-representation of girls and women in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Common perspectives, controversies and empirical evidence will be discussed.
Learning objective- To familiarize students with gender issues in the educational and STEM context and with controversies regarding these issues
- To develop a critical view on existing research and perspectives.
- To integrate this knowledge with teacher's work.
ContentWhy do fewer women than men specialize in STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics)? Are girls better in language and boys better in math? These and other questions about gender differences relevant to education and STEM learning have been occupying researchers for decades. In this seminar, students learn about major gender issues in the educational context and the different perspectives for understanding them.

The seminar builds on the active participation of students in reading, presenting and critically discussing selected papers in the field. We focus on empirical research and integrate implications for the classroom context. In a final small-group assignment, students integrate and elaborate on the topics learned in the seminar.
Prerequisites / NoticePrerequisite: Successful participation in the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1).
Subject Didactics and Professional Training
Important: You can only enrol in the courses of this category if you have not more than 12 CP left for possible additional requirements.
402-0910-00LPhysics Didactics I: Special Didactics of Physics Teaching Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.
Further information is available from the lecturer via email:

Simultaneous enrolment in Introductory Internship Physics - course 402-0920-00L - is compulsory for Teaching Diploma Physic

Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module 090Phy1 at UZH.
Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
O4 credits3GM. Mohr
AbstractFachdidaktische Grundlagen des Unterrichtens im Fach Physik auf der Basis von empirischer Lehr-Lernforschung und Best practice: Unterrichtsplanung, Lektionsgestaltung, Unterrichtsmethoden, Medieneinsatz, Experimente, Leistungsbeurteilung, Unterrichtsevaluation.
Learning objectiveDie Studierenden verfügen über fachdidaktisches Grundwissen für den Physikunterricht an einer Mittelschule. Sie können eigene Lektionen unter Berücksichtigung der vielfältigen Rahmenbedingungen planen, durchführen und evaluieren. Sie reflektieren ihren Unterricht und sind bestrebt, ihn didaktisch und pädagogisch weiter zu entwickeln.
Die Studierenden kennen die Einsatzmöglichkeiten, Chancen und Schwierigkeiten verschiedener Unterrichtsmethoden und Hilfsmittel. Sie können die Eignung von Unterrichtsformen im Hinblick auf eine Lernsituation beurteilen. Sie bemühen sich in ihrem Unterricht, geeignete Methoden und Medien angepasst an die Klasse und das Thema einzusetzen.
Die Studierenden sind mit Grundlagen des Experimentierens im Physikunterricht vertraut. Sie kennen zahlreiche Experimente zu verschiedenen physikalischen Themen und sind darauf sensibilisiert, Demonstrations- und Schülerexperimente im Unterricht zielgerichtet einzusetzen.
ContentThematische Schwerpunkte
Lektionsplanung und –durchführung: Lehrplan, Stundentafel, Zeitbudget, Artikulationsschema, Berücksichtigung von Vorwissen, Übungs- und Hausaufgaben, Prüfungen und Noten, Verständlichkeit von Lehrtexten, Weiterbildung, Unterrichtsevaluation
Fachspezifisches: Sachstrukturen der gängigen Unterrichtsthemen, Alltagsbezüge, Fehlvorstellungen, Demonstrations- und Schülerexperimente, Arbeitsmittel zu physikalischen Themen des Grundlagen- und Schwerpunktunterrichts
Einsatz verschiedener Unterrichtsmaterialien: Experimente, Computer, Taschenrechner, Video, Simulation
Unterrichtsformen: Lernaufgabe, Werkstatt, Puzzle, Projekt, Gruppenarbeit, Praktikum
Interaktive Lehr-Lernveranstaltung mit Vorträgen und Demonstrationen des Dozenten, studentischer Einzel- und Kleingruppenarbeit, kurzen Präsentationen der Studierenden, Vertiefung der Inhalte durch Bearbeitung von Aufträgen ausserhalb der Kontaktstunden
Lecture notesFolien und weitere Unterlagen werden zur Verfügung gestellt
Literaturewird während der Veranstaltung mitgeteilt
Prerequisites / NoticeDie Veranstaltung ist zusammen mit dem Einführungspraktikum zu belegen
402-0915-00LTeaching Internship Including Examination Lessons Physics Restricted registration - show details
Teaching Internship Physics for TC,
Repetition of the Teaching Internship is excluded even if Examination Lessons are to be repeated.
O4 credits9PM. Mohr
AbstractStudents apply the insights, abilities and skills they have acquired within the context of an educational institution. They observe 10 lessons and teach 20 lessons independently. Two of them are as assessed as Examination Lessons.
Learning objective- Students use their specialist-subject, educational-science and subject-didactics training to draw up concepts for teaching.
- They are able to assess the significance of tuition topics for their subject from different angles (including interdisciplinary angles) and impart these to their pupils.
- They learn the skills of the teaching trade.
- They practise finding the balance between instruction and openness so that pupils can and, indeed, must make their own cognitive contribution.
- They learn to assess pupils' work.
- Together with the teacher in charge of their teacher training, the students constantly evaluate their own performance.
ContentDie Studierenden sammeln Erfahrungen in der Unterrichtsführung, der Auseinandersetzung mit Lernenden, der Klassenbetreuung und der Leistungsbeurteilung. Zu Beginn des Praktikums plant die Praktikumslehrperson gemeinsam mit dem/der Studierenden das Praktikum und die Arbeitsaufträge. Die schriftlich dokumentierten Ergebnisse der Arbeitsaufträge sind Bestandteil des Portfolios der Studierenden. Anlässlich der Hospitationen erläutert die Praktikumslehrperson ihre fachlichen, fachdidaktischen und pädagogischen Überlegungen, auf deren Basis sie den Unterricht geplant hat und tauscht sich mit dem/der Studierenden aus. Die von dem/der Studierenden gehaltenen Lektionen werden vor- und nachbesprochen.
Die Themen für die beiden Prüfungslektionen am Schluss des Praktikums erfahren die Studierenden in der Regel eine Woche vor dem Prüfungstermin. Sie erstellen eine Vorbereitung gemäss Anleitung und reichen sie bis am Vortrag um 12 Uhr den beiden Prüfungsexperten (Fachdidaktiker/-in, Departementsvertreter/-in) ein. Die gehaltenen Lektionen werden kriteriumsbasiert beurteilt. Die Beurteilung umfasst auch die schriftliche Vorbereitung und eine mündliche Reflexion des Kandidaten/der Kandidatin über die gehaltenen Lektionen im Rahmen eines kurzen Kolloquiums.
Lecture notesDokument: schriftliche Vorbereitung für Prüfungslektionen.
LiteratureWird von der Praktikumslehrperson bestimmt.
402-0917-00LMentored Work Subject Didactics Physics A Information Restricted registration - show details
Mentored Work Subject Didactics in Physics for TC and Teaching Diploma.
O2 credits4AG. Schiltz, A. Vaterlaus
AbstractIn their mentored work on subject didactics, students put into practice the contents of the subject-didactics lectures and go into these in greater depth. Under supervision, they compile tuition materials that are conducive to learning and/or analyse and reflect on certain topics from a subject-based and pedagogical angle.
Learning objectiveThe objective is for the students:
- to be able to familiarise themselves with a tuition topic by consulting different sources, acquiring materials and reflecting on the relevance of the topic and the access they have selected to this topic from a specialist, subject-didactics and pedagogical angle and potentially from a social angle too.
- to show that they can independently compile a tuition sequence that is conducive to learning and develop this to the point where it is ready for use.
ContentThematic Focus
The topics of the mentored work are mostly chosen from the high school curriculum.

With the help of the mentor the students individually work on a topic and write a thesis about it.
Lecture notes
Prerequisites / NoticeThe mentored work should usually be finished before the teaching internship. FD2 (402-0909-00L) is required or should be achieved in the same semester.
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Project Managementassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationassessed
Cooperation and Teamworkassessed
Customer Orientationassessed
Leadership and Responsibilityassessed
Self-presentation and Social Influence assessed
Sensitivity to Diversityassessed
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityassessed
Creative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsassessed
Self-awareness and Self-reflection assessed
Self-direction and Self-management assessed
Specialized Courses in Respective Subject with Educational Focus
402-0737-00LEnergy and Sustainability in the 21st Century (Part I)W6 credits2V + 1UP. Morf
Learning objectiveWhy is energy important for life and our society?
How did energy use change over time? Which effects did these changes have on the environment?
What are the physical basics of energy technologies?
When, why and how did technology and science of energy come together?
What are the limits and benefits of all the various energy technologies?
How can different energy technologies be compared?
Can we understand the changes in the current energy systems?
How will the energy systems of the future look like?
How fast can we and should we alter the current energy transition?
Which could be the overall guide lines for a working energy system of the future?
ContentPhysical basics of energy, thermodynamics and life. Introduction to self-organisation, and systems.
Energy and making use of it - a short history and overview on energy technologies
Coal, oil and natural gas – fossil fuels
Hydro, Wind- & Solarpower (Geothermal- and Tidal power) – the quest for renewable energy
Nuclear power, radioactivity and ultimate storage – the quest for a safe technology
Breeding and Nuclear Fusion – can it work at all?
Energy storage – available technologies and a technology outlook
Climate change, decarbonisation – how much time do we have?
Energy efficiency, recycling and other resource conservation measures
Energy systems – how everything can play together
Buildings and Mobility – new technologies, new Ways of life?
Life cycle assessment of Energy Technologies – problems and possibilities
Economics of energy, learning curves, technology assessments and Innovation.
The energy transition and decarbonisation – How is your 2040, 2050?
Lecture notesWeb page:
LiteratureThe Physics of Energy, R.L. Jaffe, W. Taylor, 2018
Clean Disruption of Energy and Transportation, T. Seba 2014
Energy and Civilization: A History, V. Smil, 2018
Renewable Energy – Without the Hot Air, D.J.c. Mackay 2009
Prerequisites / NoticeBasics of Physics applied to Energy and Energy Technology.
Investigation on current problems (and possible solutions)
related to the energy system and the environmental interactions.
Training of scientific and multi-disciplinary methods, approaches and their limits in the exercises and discussions.
402-0922-00LMentored Work Specialised Courses in Physics with an Educational Focus A Information Restricted registration - show details
Mentored Work Specialised Courses in the Respective Subject with an Educational Focus in Physics for TC and Teaching Diploma.
O2 credits4AG. Schiltz, A. Vaterlaus
AbstractIn the mentored work on their subject specialisation, students link high-school and university aspects of the subject, thus strengthening their teaching competence with regard to curriculum decisions and the future development of the tuition. They compile texts under supervision that are directly comprehensible to the targeted readers - generally specialist-subject teachers at high-school level.
Learning objectivePractice in the explanation of complex topics in physics as the core competence of the teaching profession

Improvement of the physics education by providing attractive recent topics with regard to future curricular decisions and the public view of physics
ContentChoice of topic by individual arrangement
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesassessed
Techniques and Technologiesassessed
Method-specific CompetenciesAnalytical Competenciesassessed
Project Managementassessed
Social CompetenciesCommunicationassessed
Cooperation and Teamworkassessed
Customer Orientationassessed
Leadership and Responsibilityassessed
Self-presentation and Social Influence assessed
Sensitivity to Diversityassessed
Personal CompetenciesAdaptability and Flexibilityassessed
Creative Thinkingassessed
Critical Thinkingassessed
Integrity and Work Ethicsassessed
Self-awareness and Self-reflection assessed
Self-direction and Self-management assessed
402-0505-00LPhysics in the Smartphone
Does not take place this semester.
W6 credits3GM. Sigrist
AbstractPhysics in today's high-tech smartphone. Examples: network topology and scratch proof glass, spin-orbit coupling - brighter displays, GPS and general theory of relativity, electromagnetic response of matter (transparent metals for displays, GPS signal propagation), light-field cameras, CCD and CMOS light sensors, physics stops Moore's law, meta-materials for antennas, MEMS sensor physics, etc.
Learning objectiveStudents recognize and appreciate the enormous impact "physics" has on today's high tech world. Abstract concepts, old and recent, encountered in the lectures are implemented and present all around us.

Students are actively involved in the preparation and presentation of the topics, and thus acquire valuable professional skills.
ContentWe explore how traditional and new physics concepts and achievements make their way into today's ubiquitous high-tech gadget : the smartphone.
Examples of topics include:
network topology and scratch proof Gorilla glass,
spin-orbit coupling makes for four times brighter displays,
no GPS without general theory of relativity,
electromagnetic response of matter (transparent metals for displays, GPS signal propagation in the atmosphere),
lightfield cameras replacing CCD and CMOS light sensors,
physical limitations to IC scaling: the end of "Moore's law",
meta-materials for antennas,
physics of the various MEMS sensors,
etc., etc.,
Lecture notesThe presentation material and original literature will be distributed weekly.
Prerequisites / NoticeBasic physics lectures and introduction to solid state physics are expected.

This is a "3 hour" course, with two hours set for <tba>, and the third one to be set at the beginning of the semester.

An introductory event is planed in the first week of the term on Wednesday, September 19th - 17:45 in the room HIT K51. In this meeting we will fix the time of the usual lecture and we will distribute the topics for the presentations during the term. The tutors will briefly present each topics.
402-0247-00LElectronics for Physicists I (Analogue) Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 40.
W4 credits2V + 2PG. Bison, W. Erdmann
AbstractPassive components, linear networks, transmission lines, simulation of analog circuits, semiconductor components: diodes, bipolar and field-effect transistors, basic amplifier circuits, small signal analysis, differential amplifiers, noise, operational amplifiers, feedback and stability, oscillators, ADCs and DACs, introduction to CMOS technology
Learning objectiveThe lecture provides the basic knowledge necessary to understand, design and simulate analog electronic circuits. In the exercises, the concepts can be experienced in a hands-on manner. Every student has the opportunity to go through all steps of an electronic design cycle. Those include designing schematics, generating a printed circuit board layout, and the realization of a soldered prototype.
ContentPassive elements, linear complex networks, transmission lines, simulation of analog circuits (SPICE), semiconductor elements: diodes, bipolar and fieldeffect transistors, basic amplifier circuits, small signal analysis, differential amplifiers, noise in analog circuits, operational amplifiers, feedback and stability in amplifiers, oscillators, ADC's and DAC's, introduction in CMOS technology.
Practical excercises in small groups to the above themes complement the lectures.
Prerequisites / Noticeno prior knowledge in electronics is required
Subject-specific CompetenciesConcepts and Theoriesfostered
Techniques and Technologiesfostered
Method-specific CompetenciesProblem-solvingfostered
Social CompetenciesCooperation and Teamworkfostered
Personal CompetenciesCreative Thinkingfostered
Critical Thinkingfostered
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