Suchergebnis: Lerneinheiten im Herbstsemester 2021

Atmospheric and Climate Science Master Information
Wettersysteme und atmosphärische Dynamik
701-1221-00LDynamics of Large-Scale Atmospheric Flow Information W4 KP2V + 1UH. Wernli, L. Papritz
651-4053-05LBoundary Layer MeteorologyW4 KP3GM. Rotach, P. Calanca
Klimaprozesse und -wechselwirkungen
701-1235-00LCloud Microphysics Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 16.

Priority is given to PhD students majoring in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, and remaining open spaces will be offered to the following groups:
- PhD student Environmental sciences
- MSc in Atmospheric and climate science
- MSc in Environmental sciences

All participants will be on the waiting list at first. Enrollment is possible until September 22nd, 2021. The waiting list is active until October 1st, 2021. All students will be informed on September 16th, if they can participate in the lecture.
The lecture takes place if a minimum of 5 students register for it.
W4 KP2V + 1UU. Lohmann, N. Shardt
701-1251-00LLand-Climate Dynamics Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 36.
Priority is given to the target groups:
- Master Environmental Science,
- Master Atmospheric and Climate Science and
until September 20th,2021.
Waiting list will be deleted September 27th, 2021.
W3 KP2GS. I. Seneviratne, R. Padrón Flasher
Atmosphärische Zusammensetzung und Kreisläufe
701-1239-00LAerosols I: Physical and Chemical PrinciplesW4 KP2V + 1UM. Gysel Beer, D. Bell, E. Weingartner
701-1233-00LStratospheric Chemistry Information W4 KP2V + 1UT. Peter, G. Chiodo
Klimageschichte und Paläoklimatologie
651-4057-00LClimate History and PalaeoclimatologyW3 KP2GH. Stoll, I. Hernández Almeida, H. Zhang
Hydrologie und Wasserkreislauf
701-1251-00LLand-Climate Dynamics Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 36.
Priority is given to the target groups:
- Master Environmental Science,
- Master Atmospheric and Climate Science and
until September 20th,2021.
Waiting list will be deleted September 27th, 2021.
W3 KP2GS. I. Seneviratne, R. Padrón Flasher
701-1253-00LAnalysis of Climate and Weather Data Information
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
W3 KP2GC. Frei
651-4053-05LBoundary Layer MeteorologyW4 KP3GM. Rotach, P. Calanca
102-0468-10LWatershed ModellingW6 KP4GP. Molnar
Den Studierenden steht das gesamte Lehrangebot der ETHZ und der Universitäten Zürich und Bern zur individuellen Auswahl offen.
Wettersysteme und atmosphärische Dynamik
Kurse werden im Frühjahrssemester angeboten.
Klimaprozesse und -wechselwirkungen
Zwei Kurse werden im Herbstsemester an der Universität Bern angeboten.
701-1221-00LDynamics of Large-Scale Atmospheric Flow Information W4 KP2V + 1UH. Wernli, L. Papritz
651-4057-00LClimate History and PalaeoclimatologyW3 KP2GH. Stoll, I. Hernández Almeida, H. Zhang
701-1257-00LEuropean Climate ChangeW3 KP2GC. Schär, J. Rajczak, S. C. Scherrer
Atmosphärische Zusammensetzung und Kreisläufe
102-0635-01LLuftreinhaltung Information W6 KP4GJ. Wang, B. Buchmann
701-1235-00LCloud Microphysics Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 16.

Priority is given to PhD students majoring in Atmospheric and Climate Sciences, and remaining open spaces will be offered to the following groups:
- PhD student Environmental sciences
- MSc in Atmospheric and climate science
- MSc in Environmental sciences

All participants will be on the waiting list at first. Enrollment is possible until September 22nd, 2021. The waiting list is active until October 1st, 2021. All students will be informed on September 16th, if they can participate in the lecture.
The lecture takes place if a minimum of 5 students register for it.
W4 KP2V + 1UU. Lohmann, N. Shardt
651-4053-05LBoundary Layer MeteorologyW4 KP3GM. Rotach, P. Calanca
Klimageschichte und Paläoklimatologie
Zwei Kurse werden im Herbstsemester an der Universität Bern angeboten. Die ETH Kurse werden im Frühjahrssemester angeboten.
651-4041-00LSedimentology I: Physical Processes and Sedimentary SystemsW3 KP2GV. Picotti
651-4043-00LSedimentology II: Biological and Chemical Processes in Lacustrine and Marine Systems
Prerequisite: Successful completion of the MSc-course "Sedimentology I" (651-4041-00L).
W3 KP2GV. Picotti, A. Gilli, I. Hernández Almeida, H. Stoll
651-4901-00LQuaternary Dating Methods Information W3 KP2GI. Hajdas, M. Christl, S. Ivy Ochs
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