Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2020
Environmental Sciences Bachelor | ||||||
Natural Science and Technical Electives | ||||||
Biomedicine | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
227-0399-10L | Physiology and Anatomy for Biomedical Engineers I | W | 3 credits | 2G | M. Wyss | |
Abstract | This course offers an introduction into the structure and function of the human body, and how these are interlinked with one another. Focusing on physiology, the visualization of anatomy is supported by 3D-animation, Computed Tomography and Magnetic Resonance imaging. | |||||
Learning objective | To understand basic principles and structure of the human body in consideration of the clinical relevance and the medical terminology used in medical work and research. | |||||
Content | - The Human Body: nomenclature, orientations, tissues - Musculoskeletal system, Muscle contraction - Blood vessels, Heart, Circulation - Blood, Immune system - Respiratory system - Acid-Base-Homeostasis | |||||
Lecture notes | Lecture notes and handouts | |||||
Literature | Silbernagl S., Despopoulos A. Color Atlas of Physiology; Thieme 2008 Faller A., Schuenke M. The Human Body; Thieme 2004 Netter F. Atlas of human anatomy; Elsevier 2014 | |||||
551-0317-00L | Immunology I | W | 3 credits | 2V | M. Kopf, A. Oxenius | |
Abstract | Introduction into structural and functional aspects of the immune system. Basic knowledge of the mechanisms and the regulation of an immune response. | |||||
Learning objective | Introduction into structural and functional aspects of the immune system. Basic knowledge of the mechanisms and the regulation of an immune response. | |||||
Content | - Introduction and historical background - Innate and adaptive immunity, Cells and organs of the immune system - B cells and antibodies - Generation of diversity - Antigen presentation and Major Histoincompatibility (MHC) antigens - Thymus and T cell selection - Autoimmunity - Cytotoxic T cells and NK cells - Th1 and Th2 cells, regulatory T cells - Allergies - Hypersensitivities - Vaccines, immune-therapeutic interventions | |||||
Lecture notes | Electronic access to the documentation will be provided. The link can be found at "Lernmaterialien" | |||||
Literature | - Kuby, Immunology, 7th edition, Freemen + Co., New York, 2009 | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Immunology I (WS) and Immunology II (SS) will be examined as one learning entity in a "Sessionsprüfung". | |||||
752-6001-00L | Introduction to Nutritional Science | W | 3 credits | 2V | M. B. Zimmermann, C. Wolfrum | |
Abstract | This course introduces basic concepts of micro- and macronutrient nutrition. Micronutrients studied include fat-soluble and water-soluble vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Macronutrients include proteins, fat and carbohydrates. Special attention is given to nutrient digestion, bioavailability, metabolism and excretion with some focus on energy metabolism. | |||||
Learning objective | To introduce the students to the both macro- and micronutrients in relation to food and metabolism. | |||||
Content | The course is devided into two parts. The lectutres on micronutrients are given by Prof. Zimmermann and the lectures on macronutrients are given by Prof. Wolfrum. Prof. Zimmermann discusses the micronutrients, including fat-soluble vitamins, water-soluble vitamins, minerals and trace elements. Prof. Wolfrum introduces basic nutritional aspects of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and energy metabolism. The nutrients are described in relation to digestion, absorption and metabolism. Special aspects of homeostasis and homeorhesis are emphasized. | |||||
Lecture notes | There is no script. Powerpoint presentations will be made available. | |||||
Literature | Elmadfa I & Leitzmann C: Ernährung des Menschen UTB Ulmer, Stuttgart, 4. überarb. Ausgabe 2004 ISBN-10: 3825280365; ISBN-13: 978-3825280369 Garrow JS and James WPT: Human Nutrition and Dietetics Churchill Livingstone, Edinburgh, 11th rev. ed. 2005 ISBN-10: 0443056277; ISBN-13: 978-0443056277 | |||||
Soil Sciences | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
701-0533-00L | Soil and Water Chemistry | W | 3 credits | 2G | R. Kretzschmar, D. I. Christl, L. Winkel | |
Abstract | This course covers chemical and biogeochemical processes in soils and water and their influence on the behavior and cycling of nutrients and pollutants in terrestrial and aquatic systems. Approaches for quantitative modeling of the processes are introduced and applied in selected examples. | |||||
Learning objective | 1. Understanding of important chemical properties and processes of soils and water and their influence on the behavior (e.g., chemical speciation, bioavailability, mobility) of nutrients and pollutants. 2. Quantitative applications of chemical equilibria to processes in natural systems. | |||||
Content | Chemical equilibria in aqueous solutions, gas equilibria, precipitation and dissolution of mineral phases, silicate weathering, weathering kinetics, formation of secondary minerals (clay minerals, oxides, sulfides), redox processes in natural systems, pH buffering and acidification, salinity and salinization, environmental behavior of selected essential and toxic trace elements. | |||||
Lecture notes | Lecture slides on Moodle | |||||
Literature | –Chapters 1, 3, 4, 6, 7 and 11 in Sigg/Stumm – Aquatische Chemie, 6. Auflage, vdf, 2016. –Chapter 2 and 5 in Scheffer/Schachtschabel – Lehrbuch der Bodenkunde, 17. Auflage, Springer Spektrum, 2018 (or English edition). –Selected Chapters in: Encyclopedia of Soils in the Environment, 2005. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The lecture courses Pedosphere and Hydrosphere are highly recommended. | |||||
701-0535-00L | Environmental Soil Physics/Vadose Zone Hydrology | W | 3 credits | 2G + 2U | P. U. Lehmann Grunder | |
Abstract | The course provides theoretical and practical foundations for understanding and characterizing physical and transport properties of soils/ near-surface earth materials, and quantifying hydrological processes and fluxes of mass and energy at multiple scales. | |||||
Learning objective | Students are able to - characterize porous media at different scales - parameterize structural, flow and transport properties of partially-saturated porous media - quantify driving forces and resulting fluxes of water, solute, and heat in soils - explain links between physical processes in the vadose-zone and major societal and environmental challenges | |||||
Content | Weeks 1 to 3: Physical Properties of Soils and Other Porous Media – Units and dimensions, definitions and basic mass-volume relationships between the solid, liquid and gaseous phases; soil texture; particle size distributions; surface area; soil structure. Soil colloids and clay behavior Soil Water Content and its Measurement - Definitions; measurement methods - gravimetric, neutron scattering, gamma attenuation; and time domain reflectometry; soil water storage and water balance. Weeks 4 to 5: Soil Water Retention and Potential (Hydrostatics) - The energy state of soil water; total water potential and its components; properties of water (molecular, surface tension, and capillary rise); modern aspects of capillarity in porous media; units and calculations and measurement of equilibrium soil water potential components; soil water characteristic curves definitions and measurements; parametric models; hysteresis. Modern aspects of capillarity Weeks 6 to 9: Water Flow in Soil - Hydrodynamics: Part 1 - Laminar flow in tubes (Poiseuille's Law); Darcy's Law, conditions and states of flow; saturated flow; hydraulic conductivity and its measurement. Part 2 - Unsaturated steady state flow; unsaturated hydraulic conductivity models and applications; non-steady flow and Richards equation; approximate solutions to infiltration (Green-Ampt, Philip); field methods for estimating soil hydraulic properties. Part 3 - Use of Hydrus model for simulation of unsaturated flow Week 10: Solute Transport in Soils; Transport mechanisms of solutes in porous media; breakthrough curves; convection-dispersion equation; solutions for pulse and step solute application; parameter estimation; salt balance. Week 11: Gas transport in soil and biological processes; gas diffusion as function of water content, Fickian law, biological activity and respiration; root water uptake; soil structure Week 12 to 13: Energy Balance and Land Atmosphere Interactions - Radiation and energy balance; evapotranspiration definitions and estimation; transpiration, plant development and transpirtation coefficients; small and large scale influences on hydrological cycle; surface evaporation. Week 14: Temperature and Heat Flow in Porous Media - Soil thermal properties; steady state heat flow; nonsteady heat flow; estimation of thermal properties; engineering applications. | |||||
Lecture notes | Classnotes: Vadose Zone Hydrology, by Or D., J.M. Wraith, and M. Tuller (available at the beginning of the semester) | |||||
Literature | Supplemental textbook (not mandatory) -Environmental Soil Physics, by: D. Hillel | |||||
651-0032-00L | Geology and Petrography | W | 4 credits | 2V + 1U | K. Rauchenstein, M. O. Saar | |
Abstract | This course gives an overview of the basic concepts of geology and petrography and shows some links to the application of these concepts. The course consists of weekly lectures and bi-weekly exercises in groups. | |||||
Learning objective | This course gives an overview of the basic concepts of geology and petrography and shows some links to the application of these concepts. | |||||
Content | Geologie der Erde, Mineralien - Baustoffe der Gesteine, Gesteine und ihr Kreislauf, Magmatische Gesteine, Vulkane und ihre Gesteine, Verwitterung und Erosion, Sedimentgesteine, Metamorphe Gesteine, Historische Geologie, Strukturgeologie und Gesteinsverformung, Bergstürze und Rutschungen, Grundwasser, Flüsse, Wind und Gletscher, Prozesse im Erdinnern, Erdbeben und Rohstoffe. Kurze Einführung in die Geologie der Schweiz. Übungen zum Gesteinsbestimmen und Lesen von geologischen, tektonischen und geotechnischen Karten, einfache Konstruktionen. | |||||
Lecture notes | Weekly handouts of PPT slides via MyStudies | |||||
Literature | The course is based on Press & Siever book Dynamic Earth by Grotzinger et al., available to ETH students via | |||||
651-3525-00L | Introduction to Engineering Geology | W | 4 credits | 2V + 1U | S. Löw, M. Ziegler | |
Abstract | This introductory course starts from a descriptions of the behavior and phenomena of soils and rocks under near surface loading conditions and their key geotechnical properties. Lab and field methods for the characterization of soils, rocks and rock masses are introduced. Finally practical aspects of ground engineering, including tunneling and landslide hazards are presented. | |||||
Learning objective | Understanding the basic geotechnical and geomechanical properties and processes of rocks and soils. Understanding the interaction of rock and soil masses with technical systems. Understanding the fundamentals of geological hazards. | |||||
Content | Rock, soil and rock mass: scale effects and fundamental geotechnical properties. Soil mechanical properties and their determination. Rock mechanical properties and their determination. Fractures: geotechnical properties and their determination. Geotechnical classification of intact rock, soils and rock masses. Natural and induced stresses in rock and soil. Interaction of soil masses with surface loads, water and excavations. Slope instability mechanisms and stability analyses. Underground excavation instability mechanisms and rock deformation. Geological mass wasting processes. | |||||
Lecture notes | Written course documentation available under "Kursunterlagen". | |||||
Literature | PRINZ, H. & R. Strauss (2006): Abriss der Ingenieurgeologie. - 671 S., 4. Aufl., Elsevier GmbH (Spektrum Verlag). CADUTO, D.C. (1999): Geotechnical Engineering, Principles and Practices. 759 S., 1. Aufl., (Prentice Hall) LANG, H.-J., HUDER, J. & AMMAN, P. (1996): Bodenmechanik und Grundbau. Das Verhalten von Böden und die wichtigsten grundbaulichen Konzepte. - 320 S., 5.Aufl., Berlin, Heidelberg etc. (Springer). HOEK, E. (2007): Practical Rock Engineering - Course Notes. HUDSON, J.A. & HARRISON, J.P. (1997): Engineering Rock Mechanics. An Introduction to the Principles. - 444 S. (Pergamon). | |||||
751-3401-00L | Plant Nutrition I | W | 2 credits | 2V | E. Frossard | |
Abstract | The aim of these lecture is to present the processes controlling the uptake and transport of nutrients by the plant, the assimilation of nutrients in the plant, the effect of nutrients on crop yield and quality, the role of the soil as a source of nutrients for crops, and the basic principles of fertilization of different crop types using mineral and organic fertilizers. | |||||
Learning objective | At the end of the lecture, students know how mineral nutrients are taken up through roots and circulate in the plants and what their roles in plants are. They understand the importance of nutrients for yield formation and for crop product quality. They are able to propose fertilization plans adapted for field crops growing under Swiss conditions. | |||||
Content | A general introduction explains the needs of appropriately managing nutrients in plant production. Afterwards, we will study the physiology of plant nutrition (nutrient uptake by roots; nutrient transports in the plant; physiological roles of nutrients in the plant). Then the role of nutrients for yield formation and their effects on crop quality is dealt with. Finally, the bases of crop fertilization are taught (availability of nutrient in soil; N, P and K fertilization; different types of fertilizers). | |||||
Lecture notes | The slides will be distributed | |||||
Literature | Marschner 1995. Mineral Nutrition of higher plants (available on line on the ETH library). Schubert S 2006 Pflanzenernährung Grundwissen Bachelor Ulmer UTB Richner W. & Sinaj S., 2017. Grundlagen für die Düngung landwirtschaftlicher Kulturen in der Schweiz (GRUD 2017). Agrarforschung Schweiz 8 (6), Spezialpublikation, Bergmann, W. 1988. Ernährungsstörungen bei Kulturpflanzen. | |||||
Methodes of Statistical Data Analysis | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
401-0625-01L | Applied Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design | W | 5 credits | 2V + 1U | L. Meier | |
Abstract | Principles of experimental design, one-way analysis of variance, contrasts and multiple comparisons, multi-factor designs and analysis of variance, complete block designs, Latin square designs, random effects and mixed effects models, split-plot designs, incomplete block designs, two-series factorials and fractional designs, power. | |||||
Learning objective | Participants will be able to plan and analyze efficient experiments in the fields of natural sciences. They will gain practical experience by using the software R. | |||||
Content | Principles of experimental design, one-way analysis of variance, contrasts and multiple comparisons, multi-factor designs and analysis of variance, complete block designs, Latin square designs, random effects and mixed effects models, split-plot designs, incomplete block designs, two-series factorials and fractional designs, power. | |||||
Literature | G. Oehlert: A First Course in Design and Analysis of Experiments, W.H. Freeman and Company, New York, 2000. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The exercises, but also the classes will be based on procedures from the freely available, open-source statistical software R, for which an introduction will be held. | |||||
401-0649-00L | Applied Statistical Regression | W | 5 credits | 2V + 1U | M. Dettling | |
Abstract | This course offers a practically oriented introduction into regression modeling methods. The basic concepts and some mathematical background are included, with the emphasis lying in learning "good practice" that can be applied in every student's own projects and daily work life. A special focus will be laid in the use of the statistical software package R for regression analysis. | |||||
Learning objective | The students acquire advanced practical skills in linear regression analysis and are also familiar with its extensions to generalized linear modeling. | |||||
Content | The course starts with the basics of linear modeling, and then proceeds to parameter estimation, tests, confidence intervals, residual analysis, model choice, and prediction. More rarely touched but practically relevant topics that will be covered include variable transformations, multicollinearity problems and model interpretation, as well as general modeling strategies. The last third of the course is dedicated to an introduction to generalized linear models: this includes the generalized additive model, logistic regression for binary response variables, binomial regression for grouped data and poisson regression for count data. | |||||
Lecture notes | A script will be available. | |||||
Literature | Faraway (2005): Linear Models with R Faraway (2006): Extending the Linear Model with R Draper & Smith (1998): Applied Regression Analysis Fox (2008): Applied Regression Analysis and GLMs Montgomery et al. (2006): Introduction to Linear Regression Analysis | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The exercises, but also the classes will be based on procedures from the freely available, open-source statistical software package R, for which an introduction will be held. In the Mathematics Bachelor and Master programmes, the two course units 401-0649-00L "Applied Statistical Regression" and 401-3622-00L "Statistical Modelling" are mutually exclusive. Registration for the examination of one of these two course units is only allowed if you have not registered for the examination of the other course unit. | |||||
401-6215-00L | Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics (Part I) | W | 1.5 credits | 1G | M. Mächler | |
Abstract | The course provides the first part an introduction to the statistical software R ( for scientists. Topics covered are data generation and selection, graphical and basic statistical functions, creating simple functions, basic types of objects. | |||||
Learning objective | The students will be able to use the software R for simple data analysis and graphics. | |||||
Content | The course provides the first part of an introduction to the statistical software R for scientists. R is free software that contains a huge collection of functions with focus on statistics and graphics. If one wants to use R one has to learn the programming language R - on very rudimentary level. The course aims to facilitate this by providing a basic introduction to R. Part I of the course covers the following topics: - What is R? - R Basics: reading and writing data from/to files, creating vectors & matrices, selecting elements of dataframes, vectors and matrices, arithmetics; - Types of data: numeric, character, logical and categorical data, missing values; - Simple (statistical) functions: summary, mean, var, etc., simple statistical tests; - Writing simple functions; - Introduction to graphics: scatter-, boxplots and other high-level plotting functions, embellishing plots by title, axis labels, etc., adding elements (lines, points) to existing plots. The course focuses on practical work at the computer. We will make use of the graphical user interface RStudio: Note: Part I of UsingR is complemented and extended by Part II, which is offered during the second part of the semester and which can be taken independently from Part I. | |||||
Lecture notes | An Introduction to R. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The course resources will be provided via the Moodle web learning platform. Subscribing via Mystudies should *automatically* make you a student participant of the Moodle course of this lecture, which is at ALL material is available on this moodle page. | |||||
401-6217-00L | Using R for Data Analysis and Graphics (Part II) | W | 1.5 credits | 1G | M. Mächler | |
Abstract | The course provides the second part an introduction to the statistical software R for scientists. Topics are data generation and selection, graphical functions, important statistical functions, types of objects, models, programming and writing functions. Note: This part builds on "Using R... (Part I)", but can be taken independently if the basics of R are already known. | |||||
Learning objective | The students will be able to use the software R efficiently for data analysis, graphics and simple programming | |||||
Content | The course provides the second part of an introduction to the statistical software R ( for scientists. R is free software that contains a huge collection of functions with focus on statistics and graphics. If one wants to use R one has to learn the programming language R - on very rudimentary level. The course aims to facilitate this by providing a basic introduction to R. Part II of the course builds on part I and covers the following additional topics: - Elements of the R language: control structures (if, else, loops), lists, overview of R objects, attributes of R objects; - More on R functions; - Applying functions to elements of vectors, matrices and lists; - Object oriented programming with R: classes and methods; - Tayloring R: options - Extending basic R: packages The course focuses on practical work at the computer. We will make use of the graphical user interface RStudio: | |||||
Lecture notes | An Introduction to R. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Basic knowledge of R equivalent to "Using R .. (part 1)" ( = 401-6215-00L ) is a prerequisite for this course. The course resources will be provided via the Moodle web learning platform. Subscribing via Mystudies should *automatically* make you a student participant of the Moodle course of this lecture, which is at ALL material is available on this moodle page. | |||||
Ecology and Conservation Biology | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
701-0305-00L | Vertebrate Ecology | W | 2 credits | 2G | J. Senn, K. Bollmann | |
Abstract | The course covers the ecology and conservation biology of birds and mammals. Important concepts from physiology, behavioural ecology, population biology, biogeography and community ecology will be linked to applications in conservation and management. A worldwide perspective will be complemented by a focus on the Central European fauna and its dynamics. | |||||
Learning objective | The students are familiar with important topics in animal ecology, with an emphasis on birds and mammals. They are able to link theoretical concepts with ecological phenomena and view them against an evolutionary backdrop. They can thus appraise applied aspects of the conservation and the use of animal populations, such as the influence of larger predators on prey populations or of herbivores on vegetation, the effects of hunting, landscape change, or of other human influences on animal populations. They understand the biogeographical characteristics of the Central European vertebrate fauna and its temporal and spatial dynamics. | |||||
Content | The course deals with a number of main topics that include feeding and resource use, spatial behaviour and migrations, reproduction, population dynamics, competition and predation, parasites and diseases, biodiversity and distributions, and dynamics of the Central European fauna. There is an emphasis on linking theory with management issues in conservation and management of wildlife populations. During the first half of the course, examples will be drawn worldwide whereas during the second half, the course will focus more strongly on the European fauna, particularly of the Alpine region. Although the course is not designed to teach natural history of the native species, examples will cover much of the taxonomic breadth of the European fauna. For the detailed program, see the German text. | |||||
Lecture notes | Lecture notes will be available. | |||||
Literature | Literature will be listed in the lecture notes. Some additional papers will be distributed. Some books relevant to the course are (optional reading): - Suter, W. 2017. Ökologie der Wirbeltiere. Vögel und Säugetiere. UTB/Haupt, Bern. This book is based on the course. It is in German. - Fryxell, J.M., Sinclair, A.R.E., & Caughley, G. 2014. Wildlife Ecology, Conservation, and Management. 3rd ed. Wiley Blackwell, Chichester, UK. | |||||
701-0405-00L | Freshwater Ecosystems: Concepts and Methods for Sustainable Management | W | 3 credits | 2G | C. Scheidegger, S. Fink, C. Weber, V. Weitbrecht | |
Abstract | In this course, we will discuss freshwater ecosystems, their ecological characteristics, as well as their anthropogenic influences and changes. Case studies are used to discuss concepts and methods for sustainable management. The case studies are mostly from Switzerland and refer to the Water Protection Act and the Swiss Biodiversity Strategy. | |||||
Learning objective | • basics concerning the functioning of the most important freshwater ecosystems • basics of the sustainable management of aquatic ecosystems • application of these principles with case studies • critical analyses, organization of discussion groups | |||||
Content | 1) 1st lesson: Student working groups, working method 2nd lesson: Water Protection Act 2) Biodiversity in floodplains 3) Restoration of rivers and lakes 4) Floodplain management and restoration 5) Conservation of rivers and lakes 6) Restoration of the sediment dynamics 7) River widenings and ramps 8) Modified discharge and temperature regimes in rivers and lakes 9) Planning and operation of pumped storage power plants 10) Water and health, including climate change 11) Fish migration in exploited rivers 12) Mire protection 13) Final/ Evaluation/ Feedback | |||||
Lecture notes | Themenspezifische Unterlagen (Vorlesung Dozierende, Literatur) werden zugänglich gemacht unter | |||||
Literature | Literatur zu den Gruppenarbeiten wird abgegeben unter | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Basic ecology lectures of the first four semesters. Students will organize discussion groups. | |||||
551-0421-00L | Biology and Ecology of Fungi in Forests Number of participants limited to 10. The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration. General safety regulations for all block courses: -Whenever possible the distance rules have to be respected -All students have to wear masks throughout the course (keep reserve masks ready) -The installation and activation of the Swiss Covid-App is highly encouraged -Any additional rules for individual courses have to be respected -Students showing any COVID-19 symptoms are not allowed to enter ETH buildings and have to inform the course responsible | W | 6 credits | 7P | I. L. Brunner, M. Peter Baltensweiler, D. H. Rigling | |
Abstract | Introduction of the biological and ecological basics of fungi in forests. Focusing on mycorrhizal, saprobic, and pathogenic fungi and their functional relevance in the forest ecosystems. To get to know current methodological research approaches on the basis of selected examples with practical works in forest and lab as well as excursions and lectures. | |||||
Learning objective | Knowledge of the fungi of forest and its ecological significance. Knowing of current methodological research approaches. Self-reliant and deepened activities of selected topics of fungi from forests. | |||||
Content | Introduction of the biological and ecological basics of fungi in forests. Focusing on mycorrhizal, saprobic, and pathogenic fungi and their functional relevance in the forest ecosystems. To get to know current methodological research approaches on the basis of selected examples with practical works in forest and lab as well as excursions and lectures. | |||||
Lecture notes | Unterlagen zum Kurs werden abgegeben. | |||||
Literature | Breitenbach J, Kränzlin F. 1980-2005. Pilze der Schweiz, Bände 1-6. Flammer R, Horak E. 2003. Giftpilze-Pilzgifte. Schwabe, Basel. Flück M. 2006. Pilzführer Schweiz. Haupt, Bern. Smith S.E, Read D.J. 1997. Mycorrhizal Symbiosis. Academic Press, 2nd ed. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Der Blockkurs findet an der Eidg. Forschungsanstalt WSL in Birmensdorf statt. Der Wald vor der Haustüre des Institutes macht diesen Kurs besonders praxisnah. Erreichbarkeit mit Tram 14 bis Triemli, danach PTT-Bus 220 oder 350 bis Birmensdorf Sternen/WSL, oder mit S9 bis Birmensdorf SBB und mit PTT-Bus eine Station in Richtung Zürich bis Birmensdorf Sternen/WSL. | |||||
751-3700-00L | Plant Ecophysiology | W | 2 credits | 2V | N. Buchmann, M. Gharun, M. Lehmann, A. Walter | |
Abstract | The general theme of this course is the effect of environmental factors (such as light, temperature, relative humidity, CO2 concentrations, etc.) on plant physiology: water uptake and transport, transpiration, CO2 gas exchange of plants (photosynthesis, respiration), growth and C allocation, yield and production, stress physiology. Lab and field measurements are is included. | |||||
Learning objective | The students will understand the impact of environmental factors on plant physiology and will learn the theoretical basis and terminology of plant ecophysiology that is necessary to analyze yield potentials in agriculture. The students will learn about classical and latest studies in plant ecophysiology and will have hands-on experiences with equipment used in plant ecophysiology. | |||||
Content | Das Ziel vieler landwirtschaftlicher Managemententscheidungen, d. h., das Erhöhen der Produktivität und des Ertrages, basiert häufig auf Reaktionen der Pflanzen auf Umweltfaktoren, z. B. Nährstoff- und Wasserangebot, Licht, etc. Daher werden in diesem Kurs der Einfluss von Umweltfaktoren auf die pflanzliche Physiologie behandelt, z. B. auf den Gaswechsel von Pflanzen (Photosynthese, Atmung, Transpiration), auf die Nährstoff- und Wasseraufnahme und den -Transport in Pflanzen, auf das Wachstum, den Ertrag und die C-Allokation, auf die Produktion und Qualität der produzierten Biomasse. Anhand der wichtigsten Pflanzenarten in Schweizer Graslandökosystemen werden diese theoretischen Kenntnisse vertieft und Aspekte der Bewirtschaftung (Schnitt, Düngung, etc.) angesprochen. | |||||
Lecture notes | Handouts stehen online. | |||||
Literature | Larcher 1994, Lambers et al. 2008, Schulze et al. 2019 | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Dieser Kurs basiert auf Grundlagen der Pflanzenbestimmung und der Pflanzenphysiologie. Er ist Basis für die Veranstaltungen „Pflanzenbau, Teil Futterbau“ und „Graslandsysteme“. | |||||
751-4801-00L | System-Oriented Management of Herbivore Insects | W | 2 credits | 2G | D. Mazzi | |
Abstract | The focus is on the potential to assess strategies and tactics of pest management, in view of the demands from the economy, environment and society. Significant management measures will be explained using practical examples, such as surveillance and forecasting, resistance management, biological control as well as the use of plant protection products, incl. regulatory aspects and ecotoxicology. | |||||
Learning objective | The students gain a good understanding of fundamental aspects of pest management in agroecosystems. They will be able to assess options for action in view of requirements from the economy, environment and society. Further, they will learn to elaborate on current issues in pest management, and to critically evaluate case studies. | |||||
Environmental Chemistry/Ecotocxicology | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
701-0201-00L | Introduction to Environmental Organic Chemistry | W | 3 credits | 2G | M. Sander, K. McNeill | |
Abstract | This course is an introduction to the environmental chemistry of organic molecules, focusing on equilibrium partitioning processes and non-redox reactions. | |||||
Learning objective | The students are able to - name and recognize the most important classes of environmentally relevant anthropogenic chemicals and identify chemical moieties governing their fate processes. - explain, on the basis of physical-chemical foundations, the most important processes (i.e., partitioning and substitution and elimination reactions) which determine the environmental behavior of organic pollutants. - identify, on the basis of chemical structure, the processes relevant for the environmental behavior of a compound. - critically evaluate published work and data. | |||||
Content | - Overview of the most important classes of environmental organic pollutants - Molecular interactions that determine the partitioning behavior (adsorption and absorption processes) of organic compounds between different environmental compartments (gas, liquid, solid) - Physical-chemical properties (vapor pressure, aqueous solubility, air-water partition constant, organic solvent-water partition constants, etc) and partitioning behavior of organic compounds between environmentally relevant phases (air, aerosols, soil, water, biota) - Chemical transformation reactions of organic pollutants in aquatic and in terrestrial environments (hydrolysis, elimination, addition) | |||||
Lecture notes | Script will be distributed | |||||
Literature | Schwarzenbach, R.P., P.M. Gschwend, and D.M. Imboden. Environmental Organic Chemistry. 2nd Ed. Wiley, New York, 1313 p.(2003) Goss, K.U. and Schwarzenbach, R.P. (2003). "Rules of thumb for assessing equilibrium partitioning of organic compounds-success and pitfalls", Journal of Chemical Education, 80, 4, 450-455. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Die Lehrveranstaltung richtet sich nicht nur an jene Studierenden, welche sich später chemisch vertiefen wollen, sondern ausdrücklich auch an alle jene, welche sich mit der Problematik von organischen Schadstoffen in der Umwelt vertraut machen wollen, um dieses Wissen in anderen Vertiefungen anzuwenden | |||||
701-0225-00L | Organic Chemistry | W | 2 credits | 2V + 1U | K. McNeill | |
Abstract | Basics of Organic Chemistry. Reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry (substitutions, additions, eliminations, condensations, electrophilic aromatic substitution and NMR spectroscopy) | |||||
Learning objective | The students know the basic reaction mechanisms in organic chemistry. They are able to understand and formulate simple organic reactions. | |||||
Content | Descriptive chemistry of functional groups (alkyl halides, alkenes, aromatic systems, carbonyls). Reaction mechanisms (substitutions, additions, eliminations, condensations, electrophilic aromatic substitution). NMR spectroscopy. | |||||
Literature | Carsten Schmuck, Basisbuch Organische Chemie, Pearson | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Der Stoff der Basischemie wird vorausgesetzt. | |||||
529-0051-00L | Analytical Chemistry I | W | 3 credits | 3G | D. Günther, M.‑O. Ebert, G. Schwarz, R. Zenobi | |
Abstract | Introduction into the most important spectroscopical methods and their applications to gain structural information. | |||||
Learning objective | Knowledge about the necessary theoretical background of spectroscopical methods and their practical applications | |||||
Content | Application oriented basics of organic and inorganic instrumental analysis and of the empirical employment of structure elucidation methods: Mass spectrometry: Ionization methods, mass separation, isotope signals, rules of fragmentation, rearrangements. NMR spectroscopy: Experimental basics, chemical shift, spin-spin coupling. IR spectroscopy: Revisiting topics like harmonic oscillator, normal vibrations, coupled oscillating systems (in accordance to the basics of the related lecture in physical chemistry); sample preparation, acquisition techniques, law of Lambert and Beer, interpretation of IR spectra; Raman spectroscopy. UV/VIS spectroscopy: Basics, interpretation of electron spectra. Circular dichroism (CD) und optical rotation dispersion (ORD). Atomic absorption, emission, and X-ray fluorescence spectroscopy: Basics, sample preparation. | |||||
Lecture notes | Script will be for the production price | |||||
Literature | - R. Kellner, J.-M. Mermet, M. Otto, H. M. Widmer (Eds.) Analytical Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, Weinheim, 1998; - D. A. Skoog und J. J. Leary, Instrumentelle Analytik, Springer, Heidelberg, 1996; - M. Hesse, H. Meier, B. Zeeh, Spektroskopische Methoden in der organischen Chemie, 5. überarbeitete Auflage, Thieme, Stuttgart, 1995 - E. Pretsch, P. Bühlmann, C. Affolter, M. Badertscher, Spektroskopische Daten zur Strukturaufklärung organischer verbindungen, 4. Auflage, Springer, Berlin/Heidelberg, 2001- Kläntschi N., Lienemann P., Richner P., Vonmont H: Elementanalytik. Instrumenteller Nachweis und Bestimmung von Elementen und deren Verbindungen. Spektrum Analytik, 1996, Hardcover, 339 S., ISBN 3-86025-134-1. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | Excercises are integrated in the lectures. In addition, attendance in the lecture 529-0289-00 "Instrumental analysis of organic compounts" (4th semester) is recommended. |
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