Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2020
Electrical Engineering and Information Technology Bachelor | ||||||
1st semester | ||||||
First Year Examinations | ||||||
First Year Examination Block A | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
227-0003-00L | Digital Circuits | O | 4 credits | 2V + 2U | M. Luisier | |
Abstract | Digital and analogue signals and their representation. Combinational and sequential circuits and systems, boolean algebra, K-maps. Finite state machines. Memory and computing building blocks in CMOS technology. | |||||
Learning objective | Provide basic knowledge and methods to understand and to design digital circuits and systems. | |||||
Content | Digital and analogue signals and their representation. Boolean Algebra, circuit analysis and synthesis, the MOS transistor, CMOS logic, static and dynamic behaviour, tristate logic, Karnough-Maps, hazards, binary nuber systems, coding. Combinational and sequential circuits and systems (boolean algebra, K-maps, etc.). Memory building blocks and memory structures, programmable logic circuits. Finite state machines, architetcure of microprocessors. | |||||
Lecture notes | Lecture notes for all lessons, assignments and solutions. | |||||
Literature | Literature will be announced during the lessons. Access to the book «J. Reichardt, "Digitaltechnik: eine Einfuehrung mit VHDL", 4th edition, De Gruyter Studium, 2017.» is provided online by the ETH Library. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | No special prerequisites. | |||||
401-0151-00L | Linear Algebra | O | 5 credits | 3V + 2U | V. C. Gradinaru | |
Abstract | Contents: Linear systems - the Gaussian algorithm, matrices - LU decomposition, determinants, vector spaces, least squares - QR decomposition, linear maps, eigenvalue problem, normal forms - singular value decomposition; numerical aspects; introduction to MATLAB. | |||||
Learning objective | Einführung in die Lineare Algebra für Ingenieure unter Berücksichtigung numerischer Aspekte | |||||
Literature | K. Nipp / D. Stoffer, Lineare Algebra, vdf Hochschulverlag, 5. Auflage 2002 Peter J. Olver / Chehrzad Shakiban, Applied linear algebra, 2nd ed. 2018, 10.1007/978-3-319-91041-3 , online in ETH-BIB | |||||
227-0001-00L | Networks and Circuits I | O | 4 credits | 2V + 2U | C. Franck | |
Abstract | This course introduces the students into the basics of electric circuits, the underlying physical phenomena and required mathematical methods. | |||||
Learning objective | Voltage, current and properties of basic elements of electric circuits, i.e. capacitors, resistors and inductors should be understood in relation to electric and magnetic fields. Furthermore, the students should be able to mathematically describe, analyze and finally design technical realizations of circuit elements. Students should also be familiar with the calculation of voltage and current distributions of DC circuits. The effect and the mathematical formulation of magnetic induction should be known for technical applications. | |||||
Content | Electrostatic field; Stationary electric current flow; Basic electric circuits; current conduction mechanisms; time variant electromagnetic field. | |||||
Lecture notes | Manfred Albach, Elekrotechnik ISBN 978-3-86894-398-6 (2020) and lecture notes | |||||
Literature | Manfred Albach, Elekrotechnik 978-3-86894-398-6 (2020) | |||||
151-0223-10L | Engineering Mechanics | O | 4 credits | 2V + 2U + 1K | J. Dual, C. Glocker | |
Abstract | Introduction to engineering mechanics: kinematics, statics and dynamics of rigid bodies and systems of rigid bodies. | |||||
Learning objective | Students can solve problems of elementary engineering mechanics. | |||||
Content | Basic notions: position and velocitiy of particles, rigid bodies, planar motion, kinematics of rigid body, force, couple, power. Statics: static equivalence, force-couple system, center of forces, centroid, principle of virtual power, equilibrium, constraints, statics, friction. Dynamics: acceleration, inertial forces, d'Alembert's Principle, Newton's Second Law, principles of linear and angular momentum, equations of planar motion of rigid bodies. | |||||
Lecture notes | yes, in German | |||||
Literature | M. B. Sayir, J. Dual, S. Kaufmann, E. Mazza: Ingenieurmechanik 1, Grundlagen und Statik. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2015. M. B. Sayir, S. Kaufmann: Ingenieurmechanik 3, Dynamik. Springer Vieweg, Wiesbaden, 2014. | |||||
First Year Examination Block B | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
401-0231-10L | Analysis 1 | O | 8 credits | 4V + 3U | E. Kowalski | |
Abstract | Reelle und komplexe Zahlen, Grenzwerte, Folgen, Reihen, Potenzreihen, stetige Abbildungen, Differential- und Integralrechnung einer Variablen, Einführung in gewöhnliche Differentialgleichungen | |||||
Learning objective | Einführung in die Grundlagen der Analysis | |||||
Lecture notes | Christian Blatter: Ingenieur-Analysis (Kapitel 1-4) | |||||
Literature | Konrad Koenigsberger, Analysis I. Christian Blatter, Analysis I. | |||||
First Year Compulsory Laboratory Courses | ||||||
Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
227-0005-10L | Digital Circuits Laboratory | O | 1 credit | 1P | A. Emboras, M. Luisier | |
Abstract | Digital and analogue signals and their representation. Combinational and sequential circuits and systems, boolean algebra, K-maps. Finite state machines. Memory and computing building blocks in CMOS technology, programmable logic circuits. | |||||
Learning objective | Deepen and extend the knowledge from lecture and exercises, usage of design software Quartus II as well as an oscilloscope | |||||
Content | The contents of the digital circuits laboratory will deepen and extend the knowledge of the correspondent lecture and exercises. With the help of the logic device design software Quartus II different circuits will be designed and then tested on an evaluation board. You will build up the control for a 7-digit display as well as an adder and you will create different types of latches and flip-flops. At the end of the laboratory a small synthesizer will be programmed that is able to play self-created melodies. At the same time the usage of a modern oscilloscope will be taught in order to analyse the programmed circuits through the digital and analogue inputs. | |||||
Lecture notes | Lecture notes for all experiments. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | No special prerequisites | |||||
252-0865-00L | Preparatory Course in Computer Science | O | 1 credit | 1P | M. Schwerhoff | |
Abstract | The course provides an elementary introduction to programming with C++. Prior programming experience is not required. | |||||
Learning objective | Establish an understanding of basic concepts of imperative programming and how to systematically approach programming problems. Students are able to read and write simple C++ programs. | |||||
Content | This course introduces you to the basics of programming with C++. Programming means instructing a computer to execute a series of commands that ultimately solve a particular problem. The course comprises the following: - General introduction to computer science: development, goals, fundamental concepts - Interactive self-study tutorial that provides an introduction to C++ and covers the following topics: variables, data types, conditional statements and loops - Introduction to stepwise refinement as an approach to systematically solving programming problems - Two small programming projects, to practically apply the studied fundamentals | |||||
Lecture notes | All teaching material is available online; an online development environment is used for the the programmig projects. |
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