Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2020

Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie Bachelor Information
5. Semester: Kernfächer des 3. Jahres
Kurswahl kann frei zusammengestellt werden, eine Liste von Empfehlungen findet sich unter Link
227-0101-00LDiscrete-Time and Statistical Signal Processing Information W6 KP4GH.‑A. Loeliger
KurzbeschreibungThe course introduces some fundamental topics of digital signal processing with a bias towards applications in communications: discrete-time linear filters, inverse filters and equalization, DFT, discrete-time stochastic processes, elements of detection theory and estimation theory, LMMSE estimation and LMMSE filtering, LMS algorithm, Viterbi algorithm.
LernzielThe course introduces some fundamental topics of digital signal processing with a bias towards applications in communications. The two main themes are linearity and probability. In the first part of the course, we deepen our understanding of discrete-time linear filters. In the second part of the course, we review the basics of probability theory and discrete-time stochastic processes. We then discuss some basic concepts of detection theory and estimation theory, as well as some practical methods including LMMSE estimation and LMMSE filtering, the LMS algorithm, and the Viterbi algorithm. A recurrent theme throughout the course is the stable and robust "inversion" of a linear filter.
Inhalt1. Discrete-time linear systems and filters:
state-space realizations, z-transform and spectrum,
decimation and interpolation, digital filter design,
stable realizations and robust inversion.

2. The discrete Fourier transform and its use for digital filtering.

3. The statistical perspective:
probability, random variables, discrete-time stochastic processes;
detection and estimation: MAP, ML, Bayesian MMSE, LMMSE;
Wiener filter, LMS adaptive filter, Viterbi algorithm.
SkriptLecture Notes
227-0102-00LDiskrete Ereignissysteme Information W6 KP4GL. Thiele, L. Vanbever, R. Wattenhofer
KurzbeschreibungEinführung in Diskrete Ereignissysteme (DES). Zuerst studieren wir populäre Modelle für DES. Im zweiten Teil analysieren wir DES, aus einer Average-Case und einer Worst-Case Sicht. Stichworte: Automaten und Sprachen, Spezifikationsmodelle, Stochastische DES, Worst-Case Ereignissysteme, Verifikation, Netzwerkalgebra.
LernzielOver the past few decades the rapid evolution of computing, communication, and information technologies has brought about the proliferation of new dynamic systems. A significant part of activity in these systems is governed by operational rules designed by humans. The dynamics of these systems are characterized by asynchronous occurrences of discrete events, some controlled (e.g. hitting a keyboard key, sending a message), some not (e.g. spontaneous failure, packet loss).

The mathematical arsenal centered around differential equations that has been employed in systems engineering to model and study processes governed by the laws of nature is often inadequate or inappropriate for discrete event systems. The challenge is to develop new modeling frameworks, analysis techniques, design tools, testing methods, and optimization processes for this new generation of systems.

In this lecture we give an introduction to discrete event systems. We start out the course by studying popular models of discrete event systems, such as automata and Petri nets. In the second part of the course we analyze discrete event systems. We first examine discrete event systems from an average-case perspective: we model discrete events as stochastic processes, and then apply Markov chains and queuing theory for an understanding of the typical behavior of a system. In the last part of the course we analyze discrete event systems from a worst-case perspective using the theory of online algorithms and adversarial queuing.
Inhalt1. Introduction
2. Automata and Languages
3. Smarter Automata
4. Specification Models
5. Stochastic Discrete Event Systems
6. Worst-Case Event Systems
7. Network Calculus
Literatur[bertsekas] Data Networks
Dimitri Bersekas, Robert Gallager
Prentice Hall, 1991, ISBN: 0132009161

[borodin] Online Computation and Competitive Analysis
Allan Borodin, Ran El-Yaniv.
Cambridge University Press, 1998

[boudec] Network Calculus
J.-Y. Le Boudec, P. Thiran
Springer, 2001

[cassandras] Introduction to Discrete Event Systems
Christos Cassandras, Stéphane Lafortune.
Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999, ISBN 0-7923-8609-4

[fiat] Online Algorithms: The State of the Art
A. Fiat and G. Woeginger

[hochbaum] Approximation Algorithms for NP-hard Problems (Chapter 13 by S. Irani, A. Karlin)
D. Hochbaum

[schickinger] Diskrete Strukturen (Band 2: Wahrscheinlichkeitstheorie und Statistik)
T. Schickinger, A. Steger
Springer, Berlin, 2001

[sipser] Introduction to the Theory of Computation
Michael Sipser.
PWS Publishing Company, 1996, ISBN 053494728X
227-0103-00LRegelsysteme Information W6 KP2V + 2UF. Dörfler
KurzbeschreibungStudy of concepts and methods for the mathematical description and analysis of dynamical systems. The concept of feedback. Design of control systems for single input - single output and multivariable systems.
LernzielStudy of concepts and methods for the mathematical description and analysis of dynamical systems. The concept of feedback. Design of control systems for single input - single output and multivariable systems.
InhaltProcess automation, concept of control. Modelling of dynamical systems - examples, state space description, linearisation, analytical/numerical solution. Laplace transform, system response for first and second order systems - effect of additional poles and zeros. Closed-loop control - idea of feedback. PID control, Ziegler - Nichols tuning. Stability, Routh-Hurwitz criterion, root locus, frequency response, Bode diagram, Bode gain/phase relationship, controller design via "loop shaping", Nyquist criterion. Feedforward compensation, cascade control. Multivariable systems (transfer matrix, state space representation), multi-loop control, problem of coupling, Relative Gain Array, decoupling, sensitivity to model uncertainty. State space representation (modal description, controllability, control canonical form, observer canonical form), state feedback, pole placement - choice of poles. Observer, observability, duality, separation principle. LQ Regulator, optimal state estimation.
LiteraturK. J. Aström & R. Murray. Feedback Systems: An Introduction for Scientists and Engineers. Princeton University Press, 2010.
R. C. Dorf and R. H. Bishop. Modern Control Systems. Prentice Hall, New Jersey, 2007.
G. F. Franklin, J. D. Powell, and A. Emami-Naeini. Feedback Control of Dynamic Systems. Addison-Wesley, 2010.
J. Lunze. Regelungstechnik 1. Springer, Berlin, 2014.
J. Lunze. Regelungstechnik 2. Springer, Berlin, 2014.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites: Signal and Systems Theory II.

MATLAB is used for system analysis and simulation.
227-0110-00LElektromagnetische Wellen für FortgeschritteneW6 KP2V + 2UP. Leuchtmann, U. Koch
KurzbeschreibungDie Vorlesung gibt einen vertieften Einblick in das Verhalten elektromagnetischer Wellen in linearen Materialien, inklusive negativem Brechungsindex oder Metamaterialien.
LernzielSie verstehen das Verhalten elektromagnetischer Wellen sowohl im homogenen Raum als auch in ausgewählten Strukturen (Oberflächen, geschichtete Medien, zylindrische Strukturen, Wellenleiter) und wissen auch über zeitharmonische Materialmodelle in Plasmonik Bescheid.
InhaltBeschreibung von zeitharmonischen Feldern; die Rolle des Materials in den Maxwell'schen Gleichungen; Energietransport- und -absorbierungsmechanismen; Elektromagnetische Wellen im homogenen Raum: gewöhnliche und evaneszente Ebene Wellen, Zylinderwellen, Kugelwellen, "Complex origin"-Wellen und -Strahlen; Reflexion an beschichteten Grenzflächen; Oberflächen-Wellen; Wellen in geschichteten Strukturen; Mechanismus der Führung elektromagnetischer Wellen; TEM-Wellen; Hohlleiter und dielektrische Wellenleiter.
SkriptEin englischsprachiges Skript mit animierten Darstellungen kann heruntergeladen werden, ebenso die in der Vorlesung gezeigten Folien.
LiteraturDas Skript enthält eine Literaturliste.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDie Vorlesung wird auf Deutsch gehalten, das Skript und die Präsentationen sind auf Englisch.
227-0112-00LHigh-Speed Signal Propagation Information
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
W6 KP2V + 2UC. Bolognesi
KurzbeschreibungVerständnis der Hochgeschwindigkeits-Signalausbreitung in Mikrowellenkabel, integr. Mikrowellenschaltungen und Leiterplatten.
Da Sytemtaktfrequenzen stets in höhere GHz Bereiche vordringen, ist es notwendig die Hochgeschwindigkeits-Signalausbreitung zu verstehen, um Signalintegrität zu gewährleisten.

Der Kurs richtet sich an Interessierte an analogen/digitalen Hochgeschwindigkeitssystemen.
LernzielVerständnis der Hochgeschwindigkeits-Signalausbreitung in Verbindungsleitern, Mikrowellenkabel und integrierten Übertragungsleitungen wie zum Beispiel in integrierten Mikrowellenschaltungen und/oder Leiterplatten.

Da Systemtaktfrequenzen kontinuierlich in höhere GHz Bereiche vordringen, entwickelt sich das dringende Bedürfnis die Hochgeschwindigkeits-Signalausbreitung zu verstehen um nach wie vor eine hohe Signalintegrität zu gewährleisten, insbesondere angesichts Phänomenen wie der Intersymbol-Interferenz (ISI) und des Übersprechens.

Konzepte wie Streuparameter (oder S-Parameter) übernehmen eine Schlüsselrolle in der Charakterisierung von Netzwerken über grosse Bandbreiten. Bei hohen Frequenzen werden alle Strukturen effektiv zu "Übertragungsleitungen".

Ohne besondere Vorsicht ist es sehr wahrscheinlich, dass eine schlecht entworfene Übertragungsleitung zum Versagen des gesamten entworfenen Systems führt.

Filter werden ebenfalls behandelt, da sich herausstellt, dass einige der Probleme von verlustbehafteten Übertragungskanälen (Leitungen, Kabel, etc.) durch adäquates filtern korrigiert werden können. Ein Prozess der "Entzerrung" genannt wird.
InhaltLeitungsgleichungen der TEM-Leitung (Telegraphengleichungen). Beschreibung elektrischer Grössen auf der TEM Leitung; Reflexion im Zeit- und Frequenzbereich, Smith-Diagramm. Verhalten schwach bedämpfter Leitungen. Einfluss des Skineffekts auf Dämpfung und Impulsverzerrung. Leitungsersatzschaltungen. Gruppenlaufzeit und Dispersion. Eigenschaften gekoppelter Leitungen. Streuparameter. Butterworth-, Tschebyscheff- und Besselfilter: Einführung zum Filterentwurf mit Filterprototypen (Tiefpass, Hochpass, Bandpass, Bandsperre). Einfache aktive Filter.
SkriptSkript: Leitungen und Filter (In deutscher Sprache).
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesDie Uebungen werden auf Englisch gehalten.
227-0113-00LLeistungselektronik Information W6 KP4GJ. W. Kolar
KurzbeschreibungVerständnis der Grundfunktion leistungselektronischer Energieumformer, Einsatzbereiche. Methoden der Analyse des Betriebsverhaltens und des regelungstechnischen Verhaltens, Dimensionierung. Beurteilung der Beeinflussung umgebender Systeme, Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit.
LernzielVerständnis der Grundfunktion leistungselektronischer Energieumformer, Einsatzbereiche. Methoden der Analyse des Betriebsverhaltens und des regelungstechnischen Verhaltens, Dimensionierung. Beurteilung der Beeinflussung umgebender Systeme, Elektromagnetische Verträglichkeit.
InhaltGrundstruktur leistungselektronischer Systeme, Beispiele. DC/DC-Konverter, Potentialtrennung. Regelungstechnische Modellierung von DC/DC-Konvertern, State-Space-Averaging, PWM-Switch-Model. Leistungshalbleiter, Nichtidealitäten, Kühlung. Magnetische Bauelemente, Skin- und Proximity- Effekt, Dimensionierung. EMV. Einphasen- Diodenbrücke mit kapazitiver Glättung, Netzrückwirkungen, Leistungsfaktorkorrektur. Selbstgeführte Einphasen- u. Dreiphasen-Brückenschaltung mit eingeprägter Ausgangsspannung, Modulation, Raumzeigerbegriff. Netzgeführte Einphasen-Brückenschaltung, Kommutierung, Wechselrichterbetrieb, WR-Kippen. Netzgeführte Dreiphasen-Brückenschaltung, ungesteuert und gesteuert/kapazitive und induktive Glättung. Parallelschaltung netzgeführter Stromrichter, Saugdrosselschaltung. Gegenparallelschaltung netzgeführter Dreiphasen-Brückenschaltungen, Vierquadranten-Gleichstrommaschinenantrieb. Resonanz-Thyristorstromrichter, u-Zi-Diagramm.
SkriptSkript und Simulationsprogramm für interaktives Lernen und Visualisierung, Uebungen mit Musterlösungen
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesVoraussetzungen: Grundkenntnisse der Elektrotechnik und Signaltheorie.
227-0116-00LVLSI I: From Architectures to VLSI Circuits and FPGAs Information W6 KP5GF. K. Gürkaynak, L. Benini
KurzbeschreibungThis first course in a series that extends over three consecutive terms is concerned with tailoring algorithms and with devising high performance hardware architectures for their implementation as ASIC or with FPGAs. The focus is on front end design using HDLs and automatic synthesis for producing industrial-quality circuits.
LernzielUnderstand Very-Large-Scale Integrated Circuits (VLSI chips), Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASIC), and Field-Programmable Gate-Arrays (FPGA). Know their organization and be able to identify suitable application areas. Become fluent in front-end design from architectural conception to gate-level netlists. How to model digital circuits with SystemVerilog. How to ensure they behave as expected with the aid of simulation, testbenches, and assertions. How to take advantage of automatic synthesis tools to produce industrial-quality VLSI and FPGA circuits. Gain practical experience with the hardware description language SystemVerilog and with industrial Electronic Design Automation (EDA) tools.
InhaltThis course is concerned with system-level issues of VLSI design and FPGA implementations. Topics include:
- Overview on design methodologies and fabrication depths.
- Levels of abstraction for circuit modeling.
- Organization and configuration of commercial field-programmable components.
- FPGA design flows.
- Dedicated and general purpose architectures compared.
- How to obtain an architecture for a given processing algorithm.
- Meeting throughput, area, and power goals by way of architectural transformations.
- Hardware Description Languages (HDL) and the underlying concepts.
- SystemVerilog
- Register Transfer Level (RTL) synthesis and its limitations.
- Building blocks of digital VLSI circuits.
- Functional verification techniques and their limitations.
- Modular and largely reusable testbenches.
- Assertion-based verification.
- Synchronous versus asynchronous circuits.
- The case for synchronous circuits.
- Periodic events and the Anceau diagram.
- Case studies, ASICs compared to microprocessors, DSPs, and FPGAs.

During the exercises, students learn how to model FPGAs with SystemVerilog. They write testbenches for simulation purposes and synthesize gate-level netlists for FPGAs. Commercial EDA software by leading vendors is being used throughout.
SkriptTextbook and all further documents in English.
LiteraturH. Kaeslin: "Top-Down Digital VLSI Design, from Architectures to Gate-Level Circuits and FPGAs", Elsevier, 2014, ISBN 9780128007303.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites:
Basics of digital circuits.

In written form following the course semester (spring term). Problems are given in English, answers will be accepted in either English oder German.

Further details:
227-0121-00LKommunikationssysteme Information W6 KP2V + 2UA. Wittneben
KurzbeschreibungInformationstheorie, Signalraumanalyse, Basisbandübertragung, Passbandübertragung, Systembeispiel und Kanal, Sicherungsschicht, MAC, Beispiele Layer 2, Layer 3, Internet
LernzielZiel der Vorlesung ist die Einführung der wichtigsten Konzepte und Verfahren, die in modernen digitalen Kommunikationssystemen Anwendung finden, sowie eine Übersicht über bestehende und zukünftige Systeme.
InhaltEs werden die untersten drei Schichten des OSI-Referenzmodells behandelt: die Bitübertragungsschicht, die Sicherungsschicht mit dem Zugriff auf das Übertragungsmedium und die Vermittlung. Die wichtigsten Begriffe der Informationstheorie werden eingeführt. Anschliessend konzentrieren sich die Betrachtungen auf die Verfahren der Punkt-zu-Punkt-Übertragung, welche sich mittels der Signalraumdarstellung elegant und kohärent behandeln lassen. Den Methoden der Fehlererkennung und –korrektur, sowie Protokollen für die erneute Übermittlung gestörter Daten wird Rechnung getragen. Auch der Vielfachzugriff bei geteiltem Übertragungsmedium wird diskutiert. Den Abschluss bilden Algorithmen für das Routing in Kommunikationsnetzen und der Flusssteuerung.

Die Anwendung der grundlegenden Verfahren wird ausführlich anhand von bestehenden und zukünftigen drahtlosen und drahtgebundenen Systemen erläutert.
Literatur[1] Simon Haykin, Communication Systems, 4. Auflage, John Wiley & Sons, 2001
[2] Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Computernetzwerke, 3. Auflage, Pearson Studium, 2003
[3] M. Bossert und M. Breitbach, Digitale Netze, 1. Auflage, Teubner, 1999
227-0124-00LEmbedded Systems Information W6 KP4GL. Thiele
KurzbeschreibungAn embedded system is some combination of computer hardware and software, either fixed in capability or programmable, that is designed for a specific function or for specific functions within a larger system. The course covers theoretical and practical aspects of embedded system design and includes a series of lab sessions.
LernzielUnderstanding specific requirements and problems arising in embedded system applications.

Understanding architectures and components, their hardware-software interfaces, the memory architecture, communication between components, embedded operating systems, real-time scheduling theory, shared resources, low-power and low-energy design as well as hardware architecture synthesis.

Using the formal models and methods in embedded system design in practical applications using the programming language C, the operating system FreeRTOS, a commercial embedded system platform and the associated design environment.
InhaltAn embedded system is some combination of computer hardware and software, either fixed in capability or programmable, that is designed for a specific function or for specific functions within a larger system. For example, they are part of industrial machines, agricultural and process industry devices, automobiles, medical equipment, cameras, household appliances, airplanes, sensor networks, internet-of-things, as well as mobile devices.

The focus of this lecture is on the design of embedded systems using formal models and methods as well as computer-based synthesis methods. Besides, the lecture is complemented by laboratory sessions where students learn to program in C, to base their design on the embedded operating systems FreeRTOS, to use a commercial embedded system platform including sensors, and to edit/debug via an integrated development environment.

Specifically the following topics will be covered in the course: Embedded system architectures and components, hardware-software interfaces and memory architecture, software design methodology, communication, embedded operating systems, real-time scheduling, shared resources, low-power and low-energy design, hardware architecture synthesis.

More information is available at .
SkriptThe following information will be available: Lecture material, publications, exercise sheets and laboratory documentation at .
LiteraturP. Marwedel: Embedded System Design, Springer, ISBN 978-3-319-56045-8, 2018.

G.C. Buttazzo: Hard Real-Time Computing Systems. Springer Verlag, ISBN 978-1-4614-0676-1, 2011.

Edward A. Lee and Sanjit A. Seshia: Introduction to Embedded Systems, A Cyber-Physical Systems Approach, Second Edition, MIT Press, ISBN 978-0-262-53381-2, 2017.

M. Wolf: Computers as Components – Principles of Embedded System Design. Morgan Kaufman Publishers, ISBN 978-0-128-05387-4, 2016.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites: Basic knowledge in computer architectures and programming.
227-0145-00LSolid State Electronics and Optics Information W6 KP4GN. Yazdani, V. Wood
Kurzbeschreibung"Solid State Electronics" is an introductory condensed matter physics course covering crystal structure, electron models, classification of metals, semiconductors, and insulators, band structure engineering, thermal and electronic transport in solids, magnetoresistance, and optical properties of solids.
LernzielUnderstand the fundamental physics behind the mechanical, thermal, electric, magnetic, and optical properties of materials.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesRecommended background:
Undergraduate physics, mathematics, semiconductor devices
227-0166-00LAnalog Integrated Circuits Information W6 KP2V + 2UT. Jang
KurzbeschreibungThis course provides a foundation in analog integrated circuit design based on bipolar and CMOS technologies.
LernzielIntegrated circuits are responsible for much of the progress in electronics in the last 50 years, particularly the revolutions in the Information and Communications Technologies we witnessed in recent years. Analog integrated circuits play a crucial part in the highly integrated systems that power the popular electronic devices we use daily. Understanding their design is beneficial to both future designers and users of such systems.
The basic elements, design issues and techniques for analog integrated circuits will be taught in this course.
InhaltReview of bipolar and MOS devices and their small-signal equivalent circuit models; Building blocks in analog circuits such as current sources, active load, current mirrors, supply independent biasing etc; Amplifiers: differential amplifiers, cascode amplifier, high gain structures, output stages, gain bandwidth product of op-amps; stability; comparators; second-order effects in analog circuits such as mismatch, noise and offset; data converters; frequency synthesizers; switched capacitors.
The exercise sessions aim to reinforce the lecture material by well guided step-by-step design tasks. The circuit simulator SPECTRE is used to facilitate the tasks. There is also an experimental session on op-amp measurements.
SkriptHandouts of presented slides. No script but an accompanying textbook is recommended.
LiteraturBehzad Razavi, Design of Analog CMOS Integrated Circuits (Irwin Electronics & Computer Engineering) 1st or 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Education
227-0385-10LBiomedical ImagingW6 KP5GS. Kozerke, K. P. Prüssmann
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction and analysis of medical imaging technology including X-ray procedures, computed tomography, nuclear imaging techniques using single photon and positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging and ultrasound imaging techniques.
LernzielTo understand the physical and technical principles underlying X-ray imaging, computed tomography, single photon and positron emission tomography, magnetic resonance imaging, ultrasound and Doppler imaging techniques. The mathematical framework is developed to describe image encoding/decoding, point-spread function/modular transfer function, signal-to-noise ratio, contrast behavior for each of the methods. Matlab exercises are used to implement and study basic concepts.
Inhalt- X-ray imaging
- Computed tomography
- Single photon emission tomography
- Positron emission tomography
- Magnetic resonance imaging
- Ultrasound/Doppler imaging
SkriptLecture notes and handouts
LiteraturWebb A, Smith N.B. Introduction to Medical Imaging: Physics, Engineering and Clinical Applications; Cambridge University Press 2011
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesAnalysis, Linear Algebra, Physics, Basics of Signal Theory, Basic skills in Matlab programming
227-0393-10LBioelectronics and Biosensors Information W6 KP2V + 2UJ. Vörös, M. F. Yanik, T. Zambelli
KurzbeschreibungThe course introduces the concepts of bioelectricity and biosensing. The sources and use of electrical fields and currents in the context of biological systems and problems are discussed. The fundamental challenges of measuring biological signals are introduced. The most important biosensing techniques and their physical concepts are introduced in a quantitative fashion.
LernzielDuring this course the students will:
- learn the basic concepts in biosensing and bioelectronics
- be able to solve typical problems in biosensing and bioelectronics
- learn about the remaining challenges in this field
InhaltL1. Bioelectronics history, its applications and overview of the field
- Volta and Galvani dispute
- BMI, pacemaker, cochlear implant, retinal implant, limb replacement devices
- Fundamentals of biosensing
- Glucometer and ELISA

L2. Fundamentals of quantum and classical noise in measuring biological signals

L3. Biomeasurement techniques with photons

L4. Acoustics sensors
- Differential equation for quartz crystal resonance
- Acoustic sensors and their applications

L5. Engineering principles of optical probes for measuring and manipulating molecular and cellular processes

L6. Optical biosensors
- Differential equation for optical waveguides
- Optical sensors and their applications
- Plasmonic sensing

L7. Basic notions of molecular adsorption and electron transfer
- Quantum mechanics: Schrödinger equation energy levels from H atom to crystals, energy bands
- Electron transfer: Marcus theory, Gerischer theory

L8. Potentiometric sensors
- Fundamentals of the electrochemical cell at equilibrium (Nernst equation)
- Principles of operation of ion-selective electrodes

L9. Amperometric sensors and bioelectric potentials
- Fundamentals of the electrochemical cell with an applied overpotential to generate a faraday current
- Principles of operation of amperometric sensors
- Ion flow through a membrane (Fick equation, Nernst equation, Donnan equilibrium, Goldman equation)

L10. Channels, amplification, signal gating, and patch clamp Y4

L11. Action potentials and impulse propagation

L12. Functional electric stimulation and recording
- MEA and CMOS based recording
- Applying potential in liquid - simulation of fields and relevance to electric stimulation

L13. Neural networks memory and learning
LiteraturPlonsey and Barr, Bioelectricity: A Quantitative Approach (Third edition)
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe course requires an open attitude to the interdisciplinary approach of bioelectronics.
In addition, it requires undergraduate entry-level familiarity with electric & magnetic fields/forces, resistors, capacitors, electric circuits, differential equations, calculus, probability calculus, Fourier transformation & frequency domain, lenses / light propagation / refractive index, Michaelis-Menten equation, pressure, diffusion AND basic knowledge of biology and chemistry (e.g. understanding the concepts of concentration, valence, reactants-products, etc.).
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