Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2020

Science Education Master Information
Educational Science (for all Directions)
851-0240-00LHuman Learning (EW1)
This lecture is only apt for students who intend to enrol in the programs "Teaching Diploma" or "Teaching Certificate". It is about learning in childhood and adolescence.
W2 credits2VE. Stern
851-0240-16LColloquium on the Science of Learning and Instruction Information W1 credit1KE. Stern, P. Greutmann, further lecturers
851-0238-01LSupport and Diagnosis of Knowledge Acquisition Processes (EW3) Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma (except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW3) and for students who intend to enrol in the "Teaching Diploma".

Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".
W3 credits3SP. Edelsbrunner, J. Maue, C. M. Thurn
Biological Direction
Specialised Courses
Introductory Courses
Selection of courses will be agreed with the course coordinator.
Spec. Courses in Respective Subject with Educational Focus
551-0973-00LSpecialized Biology Course with an Educational Focus: Evolution Restricted registration - show details W6 credits2G + 13AE. Hafen, K. Köhler, H. Stocker
Subject Didactics
551-0913-00LProfessional Exercises in Biology Restricted registration - show details W2 credits2UP. Faller
551-0971-00LSubject Didactics Biology I Restricted registration - show details
Simultaneous enrolment in Introductory Internship Biology - course 551-0968-00L - is compulsory.
W4 credits3GP. Faller
402-0091-00LTeaching Science in Higher Education Restricted registration - show details W3 credits1VG. Schiltz
Chemical Direction
Specialised Courses
Introductory Courses
Selection of courses will be agreed with the course coordinator.
Spec. Courses in Respective Subject with Educational Focus
529-0962-00LFundamental Aspects of Chemistry with an Educational Focus B
Mentored Work with an Educational Focus Chemistry B for Teaching Diploma.

Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module CHE406 at UZH.
Examination Registration only at ETH.

Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
W4 credits2VA. Togni, R. Alberto
Subject Didactics
529-0950-00LSubject Didactics Chemistry I Information
Simultaneous enrolment in Introductory Internship Chemistry - course 529-0966-00L - is compulsory.
W4 credits3GA. Baertsch
402-0091-00LTeaching Science in Higher Education Restricted registration - show details W3 credits1VG. Schiltz
Physical Direction
Specialised Courses
Introductory Courses
Selection of courses will be agreed with the course coordinator.
Spec. Courses in Respective Subject with Educational Focus
402-0737-00LEnergy and Environment in the 21st Century (Part I)W6 credits2V + 1UM. Dittmar, P. Morf
Subject Didactics
402-0910-00LPhysics Didactics I: Special Didactics of Physics Teaching Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.
Further information is available from the lecturer via email:

Simultaneous enrolment in Introductory Internship Physics - course 402-0920-00L - is compulsory for Teaching Diploma Physic

Information for UZH students:
Enrolment to this course unit only possible at ETH. No enrolment to module 090Phy1 at UZH.
Please mind the ETH enrolment deadlines for UZH students: Link
W4 credits3GM. Mohr
402-0091-00LTeaching Science in Higher Education Restricted registration - show details W3 credits1VG. Schiltz
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