Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2020

Energy Science and Technology Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2018)
Mindestens je 2 Kernfächer pro Fachrichtung müssen erfolgreich abgelegt werden.
Die Teilnahme am Kurs des "Fächerübergreifenden Energiewesens" ist für alle Studierenden obligatorisch.
Energy Economics and Policy
363-0514-00LEnergy Economics and Policy
It is recommended for students to have taken a course in introductory microeconomics. If not, they should be familiar with microeconomics as in, for example,"Microeconomics" by Mankiw & Taylor and the appendices 4 and 7 of the book "Microeconomics" by Pindyck & Rubinfeld.
W3 KP2GM. Filippini
KurzbeschreibungAn introduction to energy economics and policy that covers the following topics: energy demand, economics of energy efficiency, investments and cost analysis, energy markets (fossil fuels,electricity and renewable energy sources), market failures and behavioral anomalies, market-based and non-market based energy policy instruments and regulation of energy industries.
LernzielThe students will develop the understanding of economic principles and tools necessary to analyze energy issues and to formulate energy policy instruments. Emphasis will be put on empirical analysis of energy demand and supply, market failures, behavioral anomalies, energy policy instruments, investments in power plants and in energy efficiency technologies and the reform of the electric power sector.
InhaltThe course provides an introduction to energy economics principles and policy applications. The first part of the course will introduce the microeconomic foundation of energy demand and supply as well as market failures and behavioral anomalies. In a second part, we introduce the concept of investment analysis (such as the NPV), in the context of energy efficient investments. In the last part, we use the previously introduced concepts to analyze energy policies: from a government perspective, we discuss the mechanisms and implications of market oriented and non-market oriented policy instruments as well as the regulation of energy industries.

Throughout the entire class, we combine the course material with insights from current research in energy economics. This combination will enable students to understand standard scientific literature in the field of energy economics. Moreover, the class aims to show students how to put real life situations in the energy sector in the context of insights from energy economics.

During the first part of the course a set of environmental and resource economics tools will be given to students through lectures. The applied nature of the course is achieved by discussing several papers in a seminar. To this respect, students are required to work in groups in order to prepare a presentation of a paper.

The evaluation policy is designed to verify the knowledge acquired by students during the course. For this purpose, a short group presentation will be graded. At the end of the course there will be a written exam covering the topics of the course. The final grade is obtained by averaging the presentation (20%) and the final exam (80%).
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesIt is recommended for students to have taken a course in introductory microeconomics. If not, they should be familiar with microeconomics as in, for example, "Microeconomics" by Mankiw & Taylor and the appendices 4 and 7 of the book "Microeconomics" by Pindyck & Rubinfeld.
363-1115-00LEnergy Innovation and Management Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W3 KP1VA. Stephan, G. Mavromatidis
KurzbeschreibungFundamental changes in the energy sector, such as more decentralized energy production, challenge the existing business models of organizations such as utilities or technology providers. This course adopts quantitative and qualitative approaches to explore innovation and managerial, organizational and decision-making aspects in the energy sector for the transition to a low-carbon energy system.
LernzielAfter completing the course, students will be able to:
• Understand the challenges occurring in the energy sector and that companies (in or relying on the energy sector) are facing
• Understand the basics of managerial/organizational aspects in the energy sector with a particular focus on energy innovations
• Identify and use the appropriate quantitative energy tools for strategic decision-making in the energy sector
InhaltThis course explores innovation and managerial, organizational and decision-making aspects in the energy sector for the transition towards a low-carbon energy system. The course is split in two parts with a quantitative and a qualitative focus, respectively.

In the first part, students will learn about aspects such as the financial valuation of energy investment decisions and the ways that quantitative energy models of different types can be used to assist with strategic decision-making in the energy sector. Students will be introduced to two types of models: (1) techno-economic analyses of renewable energy generation and storage technologies, and (2) an energy market game which simulates the behavior of utilities in an electricity market. This part of the course will include individual and group assignments.

In the second part, guided by questions like “how does the energy industry change and why” or “how would you make the decision if you were the head of a utility”, the students will understand how firms manage innovations and why they can be difficult to manage even for established firms in the energy sector. This part of the course will be guided as an interactive case study.
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