Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Frühjahrssemester 2020

MAS in Medizinphysik Information
Fachrichtung: Allg. Medizinphysik und Biomedizinisches Ingenieurwesen
Vertiefung Bioelectronics
227-0390-00LElements of MicroscopyW4 KP3GM. Stampanoni, G. Csúcs, A. Sologubenko
KurzbeschreibungThe lecture reviews the basics of microscopy by discussing wave propagation, diffraction phenomena and aberrations. It gives the basics of light microscopy, introducing fluorescence, wide-field, confocal and multiphoton imaging. It further covers 3D electron microscopy and 3D X-ray tomographic micro and nanoimaging.
LernzielSolid introduction to the basics of microscopy, either with visible light, electrons or X-rays.
InhaltIt would be impossible to imagine any scientific activities without the help of microscopy. Nowadays, scientists can count on very powerful instruments that allow investigating sample down to the atomic level.
The lecture includes a general introduction to the principles of microscopy, from wave physics to image formation. It provides the physical and engineering basics to understand visible light, electron and X-ray microscopy.
During selected exercises in the lab, several sophisticated instrument will be explained and their capabilities demonstrated.
LiteraturAvailable Online.
465-0800-00LPractical Work Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Nur für MAS in Medizinphysik
O4 KPexterne Veranstalter
KurzbeschreibungThe practical work is designed to train the students in the solution of a specific problem and provides insights in the field of the selected MAS specialization. Tutors propose the subject of the project, the project plan, and the roadmap together with the student, as well as monitor the overall execution.
LernzielThe practical work is aimed at training the student’s capability to apply and connect specific skills acquired during the MAS specialization program towards the solution of a focused problem.
151-0172-00LMicrosystems II: Devices and Applications Information W6 KP3V + 3UC. Hierold, C. I. Roman
KurzbeschreibungThe students are introduced to the fundamentals and physics of microelectronic devices as well as to microsystems in general (MEMS). They will be able to apply this knowledge for system research and development and to assess and apply principles, concepts and methods from a broad range of technical and scientific disciplines for innovative products.
LernzielThe students are introduced to the fundamentals and physics of microelectronic devices as well as to microsystems in general (MEMS), basic electronic circuits for sensors, RF-MEMS, chemical microsystems, BioMEMS and microfluidics, magnetic sensors and optical devices, and in particular to the concepts of Nanosystems (focus on carbon nanotubes), based on the respective state-of-research in the field. They will be able to apply this knowledge for system research and development and to assess and apply principles, concepts and methods from a broad range of technical and scientific disciplines for innovative products.

During the weekly 3 hour module on Mondays dedicated to Übungen the students will learn the basics of Comsol Multiphysics and utilize this software to simulate MEMS devices to understand their operation more deeply and optimize their designs.
InhaltTransducer fundamentals and test structures
Pressure sensors and accelerometers
Resonators and gyroscopes
Acoustic transducers and energy harvesters
Thermal transducers and energy harvesters
Optical and magnetic transducers
Chemical sensors and biosensors, microfluidics and bioMEMS
Nanosystem concepts
Basic electronic circuits for sensors and microsystems
SkriptHandouts (on-line)
151-0622-00LMeasuring on the Nanometer ScaleW2 KP2GA. Stemmer
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to theory and practical application of measuring techniques suitable for the nano domain.
LernzielIntroduction to theory and practical application of measuring techniques suitable for the nano domain.
InhaltConventional techniques to analyze nano structures using photons and electrons: light microscopy with dark field and differential interference contrast; scanning electron microscopy, transmission electron microscopy. Interferometric and other techniques to measure distances. Optical traps. Foundations of scanning probe microscopy: tunneling, atomic force, optical near-field. Interactions between specimen and probe. Current trends, including spectroscopy of material parameters.
SkriptClass notes and special papers will be distributed.
151-0980-00LBiofluiddynamicsW4 KP2V + 1UD. Obrist, P. Jenny
KurzbeschreibungIntroduction to the fluid dynamics of the human body and the modeling of physiological flow processes (biomedical fluid dynamics).
LernzielA basic understanding of fluid dynamical processes in the human body. Knowledge of the basic concepts of fluid dynamics and the ability to apply these concepts appropriately.
InhaltThis lecture is an introduction to the fluid dynamics of the human body (biomedical fluid dynamics). For selected topics of human physiology, we introduce fundamental concepts of fluid dynamics (e.g., creeping flow, incompressible flow, flow in porous media, flow with particles, fluid-structure interaction) and use them to model physiological flow processes. The list of studied topics includes the cardiovascular system and related diseases, blood rheology, microcirculation, respiratory fluid dynamics and fluid dynamics of the inner ear.
SkriptLecture notes are provided electronically.
LiteraturA list of books on selected topics of biofluiddynamics can be found on the course web page.
227-1046-00LComputer Simulations of Sensory Systems Information
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
KurzbeschreibungThis course deals with computer simulations of the human auditory, visual, and balance system. The lecture will cover the physiological and mechanical mechanisms of these sensory systems. And in the exercises, the simulations will be implemented with Python. The simulations will be such that their output could be used as input for actual neuro-sensory prostheses.
LernzielOur sensory systems provide us with information about what is happening in the world surrounding us. Thereby they transform incoming mechanical, electromagnetic, and chemical signals into “action potentials”, the language of the central nervous system.
The main goal of this lecture is to describe how our sensors achieve these transformations, how they can be reproduced with computational tools. For example, our auditory system performs approximately a “Fourier transformation” of the incoming sound waves; our early visual system is optimized for finding edges in images that are projected onto our retina; and our balance system can be well described with a “control system” that transforms linear and rotational movements into nerve impulses.
In the exercises that go with this lecture, we will use Python to reproduce the transformations achieved by our sensory systems. The goal is to write programs whose output could be used as input for actual neurosensory prostheses: such prostheses have become commonplace for the auditory system, and are under development for the visual and the balance system. For the corresponding exercises, at least some basic programing experience is required!!
InhaltThe following topics will be covered:
• Introduction into the signal processing in nerve cells.
• Introduction into Python.
• Simplified simulation of nerve cells (Hodgkins-Huxley model).
• Description of the auditory system, including the application of Fourier transforms on recorded sounds.
• Description of the visual system, including the retina and the information processing in the visual cortex. The corresponding exercises will provide an introduction to digital image processing.
• Description of the mechanics of our balance system, and the “Control System”-language that can be used for an efficient description of the corresponding signal processing (essentially Laplace transforms and control systems).
SkriptFor each module additional material will be provided on the e-learning platform "moodle". The main content of the lecture is also available as a wikibook, under
LiteraturOpen source information is available as wikibook

For good overviews I recommend:

• Principles of Neural Science (5th Ed, 2012), by Eric Kandel, James Schwartz, Thomas Jessell, Steven Siegelbaum, A.J. Hudspeth
ISBN 0071390111 / 9780071390118
THE standard textbook on neuroscience.

• L. R. Squire, D. Berg, F. E. Bloom, Lac S. du, A. Ghosh, and N. C. Spitzer. Fundamental Neuroscience, Academic Press - Elsevier, 2012 [ISBN: 9780123858702].
This book covers the biological components, from the functioning of an individual ion channels through the various senses, all the way to consciousness. And while it does not cover the computational aspects, it nevertheless provides an excellent overview of the underlying neural processes of sensory systems.

• G. Mather. Foundations of Sensation and Perception, 2nd Ed Psychology Press, 2009 [ISBN: 978-1-84169-698-0 (hardcover), oder 978-1-84169-699-7 (paperback)]
A coherent, up-to-date introduction to the basic facts and theories concerning human sensory perception.

• The best place to get started with Python programming are the
Voraussetzungen / Besonderes• Since I have to gravel from Linz, Austria, to Zurich to give this lecture, I plan to hold this lecture in blocks (every 2nd week).
• In addition to the lectures, this course includes external lab visits to institutes actively involved in research on the relevant sensory systems.
376-1614-00LPrinciples in Tissue EngineeringW3 KP2VK. Maniura, M. Rottmar, M. Zenobi-Wong
KurzbeschreibungFundamentals in blood coagulation; thrombosis, blood rheology, immune system, inflammation, foreign body reaction on the molecular level and the entire body are discussed. Applications of biomaterials for tissue engineering in different tissues are introduced. Fundamentals in medical implantology, in situ drug release, cell transplantation and stem cell biology are discussed.
LernzielUnderstanding of molecular aspects for the application of biodegradable and biocompatible Materials. Fundamentals of tissue reactions (eg. immune responses) against implants and possible clinical consequences will be discussed.
InhaltThis class continues with applications of biomaterials and devices introduced in Biocompatible Materials I. Fundamentals in blood coagulation; thrombosis, blood rheology; immune system, inflammation, foreign body reaction on the level of the entire body and on the molecular level are introduced. Applications of biomaterials for tissue engineering in the vascular system, skeletal muscle, heart muscle, tendons and ligaments, bone, teeth, nerve and brain, and drug delivery systems are introduced. Fundamentals in medical implantology, in situ drug release, cell transplantation and stem cell biology are discussed.
SkriptHandouts provided during the classes and references therin.
LiteraturThe molecular Biology of the Cell, Alberts et al., 5th Edition, 2009.
Principles in Tissue Engineering, Langer et al., 2nd Edition, 2002
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