Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2020

Environmental Sciences Master Information
Major in Ecology and Evolution
701-0290-01LSeminar in Microbial Evolution and Ecology (FS)Z0 credits2SS. Bonhoeffer
701-1414-00LEvolutionary Biology: Field Course Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Number of participants limited to 12.

That’s why students have to apply for the course by sending a short half-page motivation letter (why do you want to take the course, why does it fit well into your study plans) to and (latest by 22nd of July).
Registration for the course will be finale with the payment of the course costs until 4th of August (CHF 200.-, information on how to pay will follow after enrolment has been accepted)
W3 credits3PJ. Jokela
751-5110-00LInsects in AgroecosystemsW2 credits2VC. De Moraes, M. Fenske, D. Lucas Gomes Marques Barbosa
751-5118-00LGlobal Change BiologyW2 credits2GH. Bugmann, M. Gharun, B. Stocker
701-1496-00LApplied Experimental Plant Ecology Restricted registration - show details
This lecture will be offered in Spring Semester 2020 only once. There is no option to repeat this course.
Course Enrollment only by study administration.
W4 credits4GD. Ramseier
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