Search result: Courses in Spring Semester 2020

Computer Science Teaching Diploma Information
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Educational Science
Course offerings in the category Educational Science are listed under "Programme: Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC".
851-0240-01LDesigning Learning Environments for School (EW2 TD) Information Restricted registration - show details
Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".

Adresses to students enrolled either in Teaching Diploma* (TD) or Teaching Certificate (TC) in Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics.
*Except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW2.
O3 credits2V
851-0240-01 VDie Gestaltung schulischer Lernumgebungen (EW2 LD) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.2 hrs
Tue17:15-19:00ML F 36 »
E. Stern, P. Greutmann, J. Maue
851-0240-24LDesigning Learning Environments for Schools (EW2 LD) - Portfolio
- Enrolment only possible with simultaneous enrolment in course 851-0240-01L Designing Learning Environments for School (EW2 LD)!

- Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".

- Adresses to students enrolled either in Teaching Diploma* (TD) or Teaching Certificate (TC) in Computer Science, Mathematics or Physics.
*Except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW2.
O1 credit2U
851-0240-24 UDie Gestaltung schulischer Lernumgebungen (EW2 LD) - Portfolio30s hrsP. Greutmann, J. Maue
851-0242-08LResearch Methods in Educational Science Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

This course unit can only be enroled after successful participation in, or imultaneous enrolment in the course 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW 1)" .
W1 credit1S
851-0242-08 SForschungsmethoden der empirischen Bildungsforschung
Unregelmässige Lehrveranstaltung.

Zwei obligatorische Präsenztermine: 19.02.2020 und 01.04.2020 dazwischen Besprechungen mit einem Teil der Studierenden (jeweils mit 1-2 Kleingruppen).

Am ersten Termin (19.02.2020) werden alle TeilnehmerInnen in Kleingruppen eingeteilt.
18s hrs
Wed/112:15-15:00CLA E 4 »
P. Edelsbrunner, T. Braas, C. M. Thurn
851-0242-11LGender Issues In Education and STEM Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.

Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

Prerequisite: students should be taking the course 851-0240-00L Human Learning (EW1) in parallel, or to have successfully completed it.
W2 credits2S
851-0242-11 SGender Issues In Education and STEM Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
The first meeting will take place on 27.02.2019 (second semester week).
We will then meet regularly every week and occasionally may replace a class meeting with a home assignment.
More details will be given closer to the beginning of the semester.
2 hrs
Thu10:00-12:00ER SA TZ »
10:15-12:00IFW A 34 »
M. Berkowitz Biran, T. Braas, C. M. Thurn
» see Educational Science Teaching Diploma
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