Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2020

Doctoral Department of Management, Technology, and Economics Information
Doctoral Studies in Management
364-0406-00LPublishing in Management, Technology and Innovation Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.
Only 8 places are available for doctoral students from ETH (D-MTEC).

Registration: Students need to register via the email of the teaching assistant namely: (Zoe Jonassen).
The registration will be organized on the first come first served basis.
W2 credits1SG. von Krogh
364-1020-01LMethods in Management Research: Methodological Fit in Management Research Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 15.
W1 credit1SJ. Schmutz
364-1020-06LMethods in Management Research: Experimental ResearchW1 credit1SP. Schmid
364-1020-07LQualitative Methods for Management Studies Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 15.
W3 credits2GS. Brusoni, D. Laureiro Martinez
364-1052-00LPhD Seminar in Quantitative Marketing Research Restricted registration - show details W3 credits1SF. von Wangenheim, R. Algesheimer
364-1119-00LNext-Generation Information Systems Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 10.
W1 credit1SS. Feuerriegel, E. Fleisch
364-1131-00LMethods in Management Research: Quantitative Research - Multilevel and Structural Equation Modelling Restricted registration - show details
If you have already successfully completed "364-1020-04L Methods in Management Research: Quantitative Research - Multilevel Analysis" and / or "364-1020-05L Methods in Management Research: Quantitative Research - Structural Equation Modelling", then you will not be permitted to attend this course.
W2 credits1SS. Raeder
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