Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2019

Mathematics Master Information
For the Master's degree in Applied Mathematics the following additional condition (not manifest in myStudies) must be obeyed: At least 15 of the required 28 credits from core courses and electives must be acquired in areas of applied mathematics and further application-oriented fields.
Electives: Pure Mathematics
Selection: Algebra, Number Thy, Topology, Discrete Mathematics, Logic
401-3033-00LGödel's TheoremsW8 credits3V + 1UL. Halbeisen
401-4037-69LO-Minimality and Diophantine ApplicationsW4 credits2VA. Forey
401-4117-69Lp-Adic Galois RepresentationsW4 credits2VM. Mornev
401-3059-00LCombinatorics IIW4 credits2GN. Hungerbühler
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