Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2019

Biology Bachelor Information
3. Year, 5. Semester
Block Courses
Registration for Block courses is mandatory. Please register under Registration period: from 22.7.2019 - 6.8.2019.

Please note the ETH admission criteria for the admission of ETH students to ETH block courses on the block course registration website under "allocation".
Block Courses in 1st Quarter of the Semester
From 17.9.2019, 13:00 - 9.10.2019, 17:00
551-0333-00LBiodiversity and Ecological Significance of Fungi Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 8.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
W6 credits7PA. Leuchtmann, R. Berndt, B. Senn-Irlet
551-0347-00LMolecular Mechanisms of Cell Growth and Polarity Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 12.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
W6 credits7GR. Kroschewski, Y. Barral, S. Jessberger, M. Peter
551-1129-00LUnderstanding and Engineering Microbial Metabolism Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 6.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
W6 credits7PJ. Vorholt-Zambelli
551-1119-00LMicrobial Community Genomics Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 6.

Prerequisite: Basic knowledge in [R] (e.g. indroductory course) and/or UNIX is required. Participants should bring their own laptop computer.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
W6 credits7GS. Sunagawa
551-0360-00LApplied Plant Biotechnology Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 8.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
W6 credits7GW. Gruissem, R. B. Anjanappa, N. K. Bhullar
551-1421-00LThe Mechanisms of Natural Transformation in Competent Gram-negative Bacteria Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 2.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
W6 credits7GM. Hospenthal
551-1415-00LImage-based Drug Screening in Human Blood for Personalized Medicine Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 5.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
W6 credits7GB. Snijder, further lecturers
551-0363-00LComplex Carbohydrates - Biosynthesis, Structure & Function Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to minimum 2 and maximum 16.

The enrolment is done by the D-BIOL study administration.
W6 credits7GT. Keys, M. Aebi
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