Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2019

Environmental Sciences Bachelor Information
Bachelor Studies (Programme Regulations 2016)
Specialization in an Environmental System
The following courses are highly recommended as preparation for the Specialization in Biogeochemistry:

701-0225-00L Organic Chemistry (Autumn semester)
752-0100-00L Biochemie (Autumn semester)
752-1300-00L Introduction to Toxicology (Spring semester)

These courses should be successfully completed during the second year.
701-0216-00LBiogeochemical CyclesW3 credits2GB. Wehrli
701-0419-01LSeminar for Bachelor Students: BiogeochemistryW3 credits2SD. I. Christl, R. Kretzschmar, A. N'Guyen van Chinh
701-0533-00LSoil ChemistryW3 credits2GR. Kretzschmar, D. I. Christl
701-0535-00LEnvironmental Soil Physics/Vadose Zone HydrologyW3 credits2G + 2UD. Or
Atmosphere and Climate
The following courses are highly recommended as preparation for the Specialization in Atmosphere and Climate:

701-0106-00L Mathematik V: Angewandte Vertiefung von Mathematik I - III (Spring semester)
402-0048-00L Fortgeschrittene Physik für Umwelt- und ErdwissenschaftlerInnen (Spring semester)

These courses should be successfully completed during the second year.
701-0459-00LSeminar for Bachelor Students: Atmosphere and Climate Information W3 credits2SR. Knutti, H. Joos, O. Stebler
701-0461-00LNumerical Methods in Environmental Sciences Information W3 credits2GC. Schär
701-0471-01LAtmospheric Chemistry Information W3 credits2GM. Ammann, T. Peter
701-0473-00LWeather Systems Information W3 credits2GM. A. Sprenger, F. S. Scholder-Aemisegger
701-0475-00LAtmospheric PhysicsW3 credits2GU. Lohmann, A. Beck
Environmental Biology
The following courses are highly recommended as preparation for the Specialization in Environmental Biology:

227-0399-10L Physiology and Anatomy for Biomedical Engineers I (Autumn semester)
551-0435-00L Systematische Biologie: Zoologie (Autumn semester)
701-0264-01L Ergänzungskurs Systematische Botanik (Spring Semester)
701-0360-00L Systematische Biologie: Pflanzen (Spring semester)
227-0398-10L Physiology and Anatomy for Biomedical Engineers II (Spring semester)

These courses should be successfully completed during the second year.
701-0301-00LApplied Systems Ecology Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 35.
W3 credits2VA. Gessler, C. Grossiord
701-0320-00LSeminar for Bachelor Students: Environmental Biology Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2SD. Ramseier
701-1413-00LPopulation and Quantitative GeneticsW3 credits2VT. Städler, J. Stapley
701-1413-01LEcological GeneticsW3 credits2VA. Widmer, M. Fischer
Forest and Landscape
The following courses are highly recommended as preparation for the Specialization in Forest and Landscape:

701-0266-00L Einführung in die Dendrologie (Autumn semester)
551-0435-00L Systematische Biologie: Zoologie (Autumn semester)
701-0360-00L Systematische Biologie: Pflanzen (Spring semester)

These courses should be successfully completed during the second year.
701-0553-00LLandscape Ecology Information W3 credits2GF. Kienast, L. Pellissier
701-0559-00LSeminar for Bachelor Students: Forest and LandscapeW3 credits2SH. Bugmann, M. Lévesque, E. Lieberherr
701-0561-00LForest EcologyW3 credits2VH. Bugmann
701-0563-00LForest and Tree DiseasesW3 credits2V + 1PT. N. Sieber
701-0565-00LFundamentals of Natural Hazards ManagementW3 credits3GH. R. Heinimann, B. Krummenacher, S. Löw
Human-Environment Systems
There are no highly recommended courses for the Specialization in Human-Environment Systems.
701-0301-00LApplied Systems Ecology Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 35.
W3 credits2VA. Gessler, C. Grossiord
701-0651-00LCoevolution between Society and Environment: Analysis and InfluenceW3 credits2VG. Meylan
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