Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2019
MAS in Medical Physics ![]() | ||||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
227-0386-00L | Biomedical Engineering | W | 4 credits | 3G | J. Vörös, S. J. Ferguson, S. Kozerke, U. Moser, M. P. Wolf, M. Zenobi-Wong | |
Abstract | Introduction into selected topics of biomedical engineering as well as their relationship with physics and physiology. The focus is on learning the concepts that govern common medical instruments and the most important organs from an engineering point of view. In addition, the most recent achievements and trends of the field of biomedical engineering are also outlined. | |||||
Learning objective | Introduction into selected topics of biomedical engineering as well as their relationship with physics and physiology. The course provides an overview of the various topics of the different tracks of the biomedical engineering master course and helps orienting the students in selecting their specialized classes and project locations. | |||||
Content | Introduction into neuro- and electrophysiology. Functional analysis of peripheral nerves, muscles, sensory organs and the central nervous system. Electrograms, evoked potentials. Audiometry, optometry. Functional electrostimulation: Cardiac pacemakers. Function of the heart and the circulatory system, transport and exchange of substances in the human body, pharmacokinetics. Endoscopy, medical television technology. Lithotripsy. Electrical Safety. Orthopaedic biomechanics. Lung function. Bioinformatics and Bioelectronics. Biomaterials. Biosensors. Microcirculation.Metabolism. Practical and theoretical exercises in small groups in the laboratory. | |||||
Lecture notes | Introduction to Biomedical Engineering by Enderle, Banchard, and Bronzino AND | |||||
227-0965-00L | Micro and Nano-Tomography of Biological Tissues | W | 4 credits | 3G | M. Stampanoni, P. A. Kaestner | |
Abstract | The lecture introduces the physical and technical know-how of X-ray tomographic microscopy. Several X-ray imaging techniques (absorption-, phase- and darkfield contrast) will be discussed and their use in daily research, in particular biology, is presented. The course discusses the aspects of quantitative evaluation of tomographic data sets like segmentation, morphometry and statistics. | |||||
Learning objective | Introduction to the basic concepts of X-ray tomographic imaging, image analysis and data quantification at the micro and nano scale with particular emphasis on biological applications | |||||
Content | Synchrotron-based X-ray micro- and nano-tomography is today a powerful technique for non-destructive, high-resolution investigations of a broad range of materials. The high-brilliance and high-coherence of third generation synchrotron radiation facilities allow quantitative, three-dimensional imaging at the micro and nanometer scale and extend the traditional absorption imaging technique to edge-enhanced and phase-sensitive measurements, which are particularly suited for investigating biological samples. The lecture includes a general introduction to the principles of tomographic imaging from image formation to image reconstruction. It provides the physical and engineering basics to understand how imaging beamlines at synchrotron facilities work, looks into the recently developed phase contrast methods, and explores the first applications of X-ray nano-tomographic experiments. The course finally provides the necessary background to understand the quantitative evaluation of tomographic data, from basic image analysis to complex morphometrical computations and 3D visualization, keeping the focus on biomedical applications. | |||||
Lecture notes | Available online | |||||
Literature | Will be indicated during the lecture. | |||||
376-1651-00L | Clinical and Movement Biomechanics ![]() | W | 4 credits | 3G | N. Singh, R. List, P. Schütz | |
Abstract | Measurement and modeling of the human movement during daily activities and in a clinical environment. | |||||
Learning objective | The students are able to analyse the human movement from a technical point of view, to process the data and perform modeling with a focus towards clinical application. | |||||
Content | This course includes study design, measurement techniques, clinical testing, accessing movement data and anysis as well as modeling with regards to human movement. | |||||
376-1985-00L | Trauma Biomechanics | W | 4 credits | 2V + 1U | K.‑U. Schmitt, M. H. Muser | |
Abstract | Trauma biomechanics in an interdisciplinary research field investigating the biomechanics of injuries and related subjects such as prevention. The lecture provides an introduction to the basic principles of trauma biomechanics. | |||||
Learning objective | Introduction to the basic principles of trauma biomechanics. | |||||
Content | This lecture serves as an introduction to the field of trauma biomechanics. Emphasis is placed on the interdisciplinary nature of impact biomechanics, which uses the combination of fundamental engineering principles and advanced medical technologies to develop injury prevention measures. Topics include: accident statistics and accident reconstruction, biomechanical response of the human to impact loading, injury mechanisms and injury criteria, test methods (including crash tests), computer simulations, aspects of vehicle safety. Real world examples mainly from automobile safety are used to augment lecture material. | |||||
Lecture notes | Handouts will be made available. | |||||
Literature | Schmitt K-U, Niederer P, M. Muser, Walz F: "Trauma Biomechanics - An Introduction to Injury Biomechanics", Springer Verlag | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
465-0800-00L | Practical Work ![]() Only for MAS in Medical Physics | O | 4 credits | external organisers | ||
Abstract | The practical work is designed to train the students in the solution of a specific problem and provides insights in the field of the selected MAS specialization. Tutors propose the subject of the project, the project plan, and the roadmap together with the student, as well as monitor the overall execution. | |||||
Learning objective | The practical work is aimed at training the student’s capability to apply and connect specific skills acquired during the MAS specialization program towards the solution of a focused problem. | |||||
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Number | Title | Type | ECTS | Hours | Lecturers | |
151-0255-00L | Energy Conversion and Transport in Biosystems | W | 4 credits | 2V + 1U | A. Ferrari | |
Abstract | Theory and application of thermodynamics and energy conversion in biological systems with focus on the cellular level. | |||||
Learning objective | Theory and application of energy conversion at the cellular level. Understanding of the basic features governing solutes transport in the principal systems of the human cell. Connection of characteristics and patterns from other fields of engineering to biofluidics. Heat and mass transport processes in the cell, generation of forces, work and relation to biomedical technologies. | |||||
Content | Mass transfer models for the transport of chemical species in the human cell. Organization and function of the cell membrane and of the cell cytoskeleton. The role of molecular motors in cellular force generation and their function in cell migration. Description of the functionality of these systems and of analytical experimental and computational techniques for understanding of their operation. Introduction to cell metabolism, cellular energy transport and cellular thermodynamics. | |||||
Lecture notes | Material in the form of hand-outs will be distributed. | |||||
Literature | Lecture notes and references therein. | |||||
151-0524-00L | Continuum Mechanics I | W | 4 credits | 2V + 1U | E. Mazza | |
Abstract | The lecture deals with constitutive models that are relevant for design and calculation of structures. These include anisotropic linear elsticity, linear viscoelasticity, plasticity, viscoplasticity. Homogenization theories and laminate theory are presented. Theoretical models are complemented by examples of engineering applications and eperiments. | |||||
Learning objective | Basic theories for solving continuum mechanics problems of engineering applications, with particular attention to material models. | |||||
Content | Anisotrope Elastizität, Linearelastisches und linearviskoses Stoffverhalten, Viskoelastizität, mikro-makro Modellierung, Laminattheorie, Plastizität, Viscoplastizität, Beispiele aus der Ingenieuranwendung, Vergleich mit Experimenten. | |||||
Lecture notes | yes | |||||
151-0604-00L | Microrobotics ![]() | W | 4 credits | 3G | B. Nelson, N. Shamsudhin | |
Abstract | Microrobotics is an interdisciplinary field that combines aspects of robotics, micro and nanotechnology, biomedical engineering, and materials science. The aim of this course is to expose students to the fundamentals of this emerging field. Throughout the course, the students apply these concepts in assignments. The course concludes with an end-of-semester examination. | |||||
Learning objective | The objective of this course is to expose students to the fundamental aspects of the emerging field of microrobotics. This includes a focus on physical laws that predominate at the microscale, technologies for fabricating small devices, bio-inspired design, and applications of the field. | |||||
Content | Main topics of the course include: - Scaling laws at micro/nano scales - Electrostatics - Electromagnetism - Low Reynolds number flows - Observation tools - Materials and fabrication methods - Applications of biomedical microrobots | |||||
Lecture notes | The powerpoint slides presented in the lectures will be made available as pdf files. Several readings will also be made available electronically. | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | The lecture will be taught in English. | |||||
376-2017-00L | Biomechanics of Sports Injuries and Rehabilitation | W | 3 credits | 2V | K.‑U. Schmitt, J. Goldhahn | |
Abstract | This lectures introduces the basic principles of injury mechanics and rehabilitation focussing on sports injuries. | |||||
Learning objective | Within the scope of this lecture you will learn the basic principles of trauma biomechanics. Based on examples from sports, you will get to know different mechanisms that can possibly result in injury. Investigating the background and cause of injury should allow you to assess the injury risk for sports activities. Furthermore you should be able to develop measures to prevent such injury. | |||||
Content | This lecture deals with the basic principles of injury mechanics and rehabilitation. Mechanisms that can result in injury are presented. Furthermore possibilities to prevent injuries are discussed. Thereby the lecture focuses on sports injuries. | |||||
Lecture notes | Handouts will be made available. | |||||
Literature | Schmitt K-U, Niederer P, M. Muser, Walz F: "Trauma Biomechanics - Accidental Injury in traffic and sports", Springer Verlag | |||||
Prerequisites / Notice | A course work is required. The mark of this course work contributes to the final credits for this lecture. Details will be given during the first lecture. |
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