Suchergebnis: Katalogdaten im Herbstsemester 2019

Informatik Master Information
Vertiefung in Visual Computing
Kernfächer der Vertiefung in Visual Computing
252-0535-00LAdvanced Machine Learning Information W8 KP3V + 2U + 2AJ. M. Buhmann
KurzbeschreibungMachine learning algorithms provide analytical methods to search data sets for characteristic patterns. Typical tasks include the classification of data, function fitting and clustering, with applications in image and speech analysis, bioinformatics and exploratory data analysis. This course is accompanied by practical machine learning projects.
LernzielStudents will be familiarized with advanced concepts and algorithms for supervised and unsupervised learning; reinforce the statistics knowledge which is indispensible to solve modeling problems under uncertainty. Key concepts are the generalization ability of algorithms and systematic approaches to modeling and regularization. Machine learning projects will provide an opportunity to test the machine learning algorithms on real world data.
InhaltThe theory of fundamental machine learning concepts is presented in the lecture, and illustrated with relevant applications. Students can deepen their understanding by solving both pen-and-paper and programming exercises, where they implement and apply famous algorithms to real-world data.

Topics covered in the lecture include:

What is data?
Bayesian Learning
Computational learning theory

Supervised learning:
Ensembles: Bagging and Boosting
Max Margin methods
Neural networks

Unsupservised learning:
Dimensionality reduction techniques
Mixture Models
Non-parametric density estimation
Learning Dynamical Systems
SkriptNo lecture notes, but slides will be made available on the course webpage.
LiteraturC. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer 2007.

R. Duda, P. Hart, and D. Stork. Pattern Classification. John Wiley &
Sons, second edition, 2001.

T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman. The Elements of Statistical
Learning: Data Mining, Inference and Prediction. Springer, 2001.

L. Wasserman. All of Statistics: A Concise Course in Statistical
Inference. Springer, 2004.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesThe course requires solid basic knowledge in analysis, statistics and numerical methods for CSE as well as practical programming experience for solving assignments.
Students should have followed at least "Introduction to Machine Learning" or an equivalent course offered by another institution.

PhD students are required to obtain a passing grade in the course (4.0 or higher based on project and exam) to gain credit points.
263-5902-00LComputer Vision Information W7 KP3V + 1U + 2AM. Pollefeys, V. Ferrari, L. Van Gool
KurzbeschreibungThe goal of this course is to provide students with a good understanding of computer vision and image analysis techniques. The main concepts and techniques will be studied in depth and practical algorithms and approaches will be discussed and explored through the exercises.
LernzielThe objectives of this course are:
1. To introduce the fundamental problems of computer vision.
2. To introduce the main concepts and techniques used to solve those.
3. To enable participants to implement solutions for reasonably complex problems.
4. To enable participants to make sense of the computer vision literature.
InhaltCamera models and calibration, invariant features, Multiple-view geometry, Model fitting, Stereo Matching, Segmentation, 2D Shape matching, Shape from Silhouettes, Optical flow, Structure from motion, Tracking, Object recognition, Object category recognition
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesIt is recommended that students have taken the Visual Computing lecture or a similar course introducing basic image processing concepts before taking this course.
Wahlfächer der Vertiefung in Visual Computing
252-0543-01LComputer Graphics Information W7 KP3V + 2U + 1AM. Gross, M. Papas
KurzbeschreibungThis course covers some of the fundamental concepts of computer graphics generation of photorealistic images from digital representations of 3D scenes and image-based methods for recovering digital scene representations from captured images.
LernzielAt the end of the course the students will be able to build a rendering system. The students will study the basic principles of rendering and image synthesis. In addition, the course is intended to stimulate the students' curiosity to explore the field of computer graphics in subsequent courses or on their own.
InhaltThis course covers fundamental concepts of modern computer graphics. Students will learn about 3D object representations and the details of how to generate photorealistic images from digital representations of 3D scenes. Starting with an introduction to 3D shape modeling, geometry representation and texture mapping, we will move on to the physics of light transport, acceleration structures, appearance modeling and Monte Carlo integration. We will apply these principles for computing light transport of direct and global illumination due to surfaces and participating media. We will end with an overview of modern image-based capture and image synthesis methods, covering topics such as geometry and material capture, light-fields and depth-image based rendering.
High Dynamic Range Imaging: Acquisition, Display, and Image-Based Lighting
Multiple view geometry in computer vision
Physically Based Rendering: From Theory to Implementation
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites:
Fundamentals of calculus and linear algebra, basic concepts of algorithms and data structures, programming skills in C++, Visual Computing course recommended.
The programming assignments will be in C++. This will not be taught in the class.
252-0546-00LPhysically-Based Simulation in Computer Graphics Information W5 KP2V + 1U + 1AV. da Costa de Azevedo, B. Solenthaler
KurzbeschreibungDie Vorlesung gibt eine Einführung in das Gebiet der physikalisch basierten Animation in der Computer Graphik und einen Überblick über fundamentale Methoden und Algorithmen. In den praktischen Übungen werden drei Aufgabenblätter in kleinen Gruppen bearbeitet. Zudem sollen in einem Programmierprojekt die Vorlesungsinhalte in einem 3D Spiel oder einer vergleichbaren Anwendung umgesetzt werden.
LernzielDie Vorlesung gibt eine Einführung in das Gebiet der physikalisch basierten Animation in der Computer Graphik und einen Überblick über fundamentale Methoden und Algorithmen. In den praktischen Übungen werden drei Aufgabenblätter in kleinen Gruppen bearbeitet. Zudem sollen in einem Programmierprojekt die Vorlesungsinhalte in einem 3D Spiel oder einer vergleichbaren Anwendung umgesetzt werden.
InhaltIn der Vorlesung werden Themen aus dem Gebiet der physikalisch-basierten Modellierung wie Partikel-Systeme, Feder-Masse Modelle, die Methoden der Finiten Differenzen und der Finiten Elemente behandelt. Diese Methoden und Techniken werden verwendet um deformierbare Objekte oder Flüssigkeiten zu simulieren mit Anwendungen in Animationsfilmen, 3D Computerspielen oder medizinischen Systemen. Es werden auch Themen wie Starrkörperdynamik, Kollisionsdetektion und Charakteranimation behandelt.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesBasiskenntnisse in Analysis und Physik, Algorithmen und Datenstrukturen und der Programmierung in C++. Kenntnisse auf den Gebieten Numerische Mathematik sowie Gewoehnliche und Partielle Differentialgleichungen sind von Vorteil, werden aber nicht vorausgesetzt.
263-2400-00LReliable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence Information W5 KP2V + 1U + 1AM. Vechev
KurzbeschreibungCreating reliable and explainable probabilistic models is a fundamental challenge to solving the artificial intelligence problem. This course covers some of the latest and most exciting advances that bring us closer to constructing such models.
LernzielThe main objective of this course is to expose students to the latest and most exciting research in the area of explainable and interpretable artificial intelligence, a topic of fundamental and increasing importance. Upon completion of the course, the students should have mastered the underlying methods and be able to apply them to a variety of problems.

To facilitate deeper understanding, an important part of the course will be a group hands-on programming project where students will build a system based on the learned material.
InhaltThe course covers some of the latest research (over the last 2-3 years) underlying the creation of safe, trustworthy, and reliable AI (more information here:

* Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning (noise-based, geometry attacks, sound attacks, physical attacks, autonomous driving, out-of-distribution)
* Defenses against attacks
* Combining gradient-based optimization with logic for encoding background knowledge
* Complete Certification of deep neural networks via automated reasoning (e.g., via numerical abstractions, mixed-integer solvers).
* Probabilistic certification of deep neural networks
* Training deep neural networks to be provably robust via automated reasoning
* Understanding and Interpreting Deep Networks
* Probabilistic Programming
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesWhile not a formal requirement, the course assumes familiarity with basics of machine learning (especially probability theory, linear algebra, gradient descent, and neural networks). These topics are usually covered in “Intro to ML” classes at most institutions (e.g., “Introduction to Machine Learning” at ETH).

For solving assignments, some programming experience in Python is excepted.
263-5210-00LProbabilistic Artificial Intelligence Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W5 KP2V + 1U + 1AA. Krause
KurzbeschreibungThis course introduces core modeling techniques and algorithms from statistics, optimization, planning, and control and study applications in areas such as sensor networks, robotics, and the Internet.
LernzielHow can we build systems that perform well in uncertain environments and unforeseen situations? How can we develop systems that exhibit "intelligent" behavior, without prescribing explicit rules? How can we build systems that learn from experience in order to improve their performance? We will study core modeling techniques and algorithms from statistics, optimization, planning, and control and study applications in areas such as sensor networks, robotics, and the Internet. The course is designed for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students.
InhaltTopics covered:
- Search (BFS, DFS, A*), constraint satisfaction and optimization
- Tutorial in logic (propositional, first-order)
- Probability
- Bayesian Networks (models, exact and approximative inference, learning) - Temporal models (Hidden Markov Models, Dynamic Bayesian Networks)
- Probabilistic palnning (MDPs, POMPDPs)
- Reinforcement learning
- Combining logic and probability
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesSolid basic knowledge in statistics, algorithms and programming
263-5701-00LVisualization Information W5 KP2V + 1U + 1AT. Günther
KurzbeschreibungThis lecture provides an introduction into visualization of scientific and abstract data.
LernzielThis lecture provides an introduction into the visualization of scientific and abstract data. The lecture introduces into the two main branches of visualization: scientific visualization and information visualization. The focus is set onto scientific data, demonstrating the usefulness and necessity of computer graphics in other fields than the entertainment industry. The exercises contain theoretical tasks on the mathematical foundations such as numerical integration, differential vector calculus, and flow field analysis, while programming exercises familiarize with the Visualization Tool Kit (VTK). In a course project, the learned methods are applied to visualize one real scientific data set. The provided data sets contain measurements of volcanic eruptions, galaxy simulations, fluid simulations, meteorological cloud simulations and asteroid impact simulations.
InhaltThis lecture opens with human cognition basics, and scalar and vector calculus. Afterwards, this is applied to the visualization of air and fluid flows, including geometry-based, topology-based and feature-based methods. Further, the direct and indirect visualization of volume data is discussed. The lecture ends on the viualization of abstract, non-spatial and multi-dimensional data by means of information visualization.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesFundamentals of differential calculus. Knowledge on numerical mathematics, computer algebra systems, as well as ordinary and partial differential equations is an asset, but not required.
263-5905-00LMixed Reality Laboratory Information
Im Masterstudium können zusätzlich zu den Vertiefungsübergreifenden Fächern nur max. 10 Kreditpunkte über Laboratorien erarbeitet werden. Weitere Laboratorien werden auf dem Beiblatt aufgeführt.
W10 KP9PF. Bogo, M. R. Oswald
KurzbeschreibungThe goal of this course is an introduction and hands-on experience on latest mixed reality technology at the cross-section of 3D computer graphics and vision, human machine interaction as well as gaming technology.
LernzielThe goal is to get a clear understanding on how to build mixed reality apps, covering current software SDKs and game engines, as well as foundations of 3D graphics, computer vision and human machine interaction.
Small groups of students will realize a particular software project and deploy it to an MR/AR device such as Microsoft HoloLens or a tablet or smartphone.
InhaltThe course introduces latest mixed reality technology and provides introductory elements for a number of related fields including:
Introduction to Mixed Reality / Augmented Reality / Virtual Reality Introduction to 3D Computer Graphics, 3D Computer Vision During the course, small groups of students will work on a particular project with the goal to design, develop and deploy a mixed reality application. The project topics are flexible and can reach from proof-of-concept vision/graphics/hmi research, to apps that support teaching with interactive augmented reality, or game development. The default platform will be Microsoft HoloLens in combination with C# and Unity3D. Besides introductory lectures and guest lectures covering the above mentioned topics, the focus of this course is on the project work and technical project-related aspects. There will be no exercises, but weekly meetings to exchange ideas, discuss technical issues and to track progress.
Voraussetzungen / BesonderesPrerequisites include:
- Good programming skills (C# / C++ / Java etc.)
- Computer graphics/vision experience: Students should have taken, at a minimum, Visual Computing. Higher level courses are recommended, such as Introduction to Computer Graphics, 3D Vision, Computer Vision.
Seminar in Visual Computing
252-5051-00LAdvanced Topics in Machine Learning Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 40.

The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the fourth week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
W2 KP2SJ. M. Buhmann, A. Krause, G. Rätsch
KurzbeschreibungIn this seminar, recent papers of the pattern recognition and machine learning literature are presented and discussed. Possible topics cover statistical models in computer vision, graphical models and machine learning.
LernzielThe seminar "Advanced Topics in Machine Learning" familiarizes students with recent developments in pattern recognition and machine learning. Original articles have to be presented and critically reviewed. The students will learn how to structure a scientific presentation in English which covers the key ideas of a scientific paper. An important goal of the seminar presentation is to summarize the essential ideas of the paper in sufficient depth while omitting details which are not essential for the understanding of the work. The presentation style will play an important role and should reach the level of professional scientific presentations.
InhaltThe seminar will cover a number of recent papers which have emerged as important contributions to the pattern recognition and machine learning literature. The topics will vary from year to year but they are centered on methodological issues in machine learning like new learning algorithms, ensemble methods or new statistical models for machine learning applications. Frequently, papers are selected from computer vision or bioinformatics - two fields, which relies more and more on machine learning methodology and statistical models.
LiteraturThe papers will be presented in the first session of the seminar.
252-5701-00LAdvanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Vision Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 24.

The deadline for deregistering expires at the end of the second week of the semester. Students who are still registered after that date, but do not attend the seminar, will officially fail the seminar.
W2 KP2SM. Gross, M. Pollefeys, O. Sorkine Hornung
KurzbeschreibungThis seminar covers advanced topics in computer graphics, such as modeling, rendering, animation, real-time graphics, physical simulation, and computational photography. Each time the course is offered, a collection of research papers is selected and each student presents one paper to the class and leads a discussion about the paper and related topics.
LernzielThe goal is to get an in-depth understanding of actual problems and research topics in the field of computer graphics as well as improve presentations and critical analysis skills.
InhaltThis seminar covers advanced topics in computer graphics,
including both seminal research papers as well as the latest
research results. Each time the course is offered, a collection of
research papers are selected covering topics such as modeling,
rendering, animation, real-time graphics, physical simulation, and
computational photography. Each student presents one paper to the
class and leads a discussion about the paper and related topics.
All students read the papers and participate in the discussion.
Skriptno script
LiteraturIndividual research papers are selected each term. See for the current list.
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