Suchergebnis: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2019

Chemie- und Bioingenieurwissenschaften Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2018)
529-0837-01LBiomicrofluidic Engineering Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 25.

IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
W+6 KP3G
529-0837-01 GBiomicrofluidic Engineering3 Std.
Mo15:45-17:30HCI H 8.1 »
Di11:45-12:30HCI J 7 »
16.09.11:45-12:30HCI J 3 »
A. de Mello
529-0615-01LBiochemical and Polymer Reaction Engineering
IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
W+6 KP3G
529-0615-01 GBiochemical and Polymer Reaction Engineering3 Std.
Di13:45-15:30HCI J 3 »
Mi11:45-12:30HCI J 6 »
P. Arosio
Produkte und Materialien
529-0619-01LChemical Product Design
Prerequisites: Basic chemistry and chemical engineering knowledge (Diffusion, Thermodynamics, Kinetics,...).

IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
W+6 KP3G
529-0619-01 GChemical Product Design
Lecture Thursday
Exercices Monday
3 Std.
Mo14:45-15:30HPZ F 31.1 »
Do08:45-10:30HCI J 3 »
W. J. Stark
529-0643-01LProcess Design and Development Information
IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
W+6 KP3G
529-0643-01 GProcess Design and Development3 Std.
Di09:45-11:30HCI J 7 »
Mi10:45-11:30HCI D 8 »
G. Storti
529-0613-01LProcess Simulation and Flowsheeting
IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
W+6 KP3G
529-0613-01 GProcess Simulation and Flowsheeting
Some of the available dates of the course "Case Studies in Process Design" on Wednesdays, 2-6 pm, are used for exercises in "Process Simulation and Flowsheeting" (e.g. with Aspen, gPROMS, Matlab, etc.). The participation in these exercises is considered critical for understanding and practicing the content of the course, and therefore, preparing for the written exams. Every student is asked to hand a report for these exercises. The reports are corrected and graded to provide the necessary feedback to the students.
3 Std.
Mo09:45-12:30HCI J 6 »
04.11.09:45-12:30HCI J 6 »
G. Guillén Gosálbez
Katalyse und Separation
151-0927-00LRate-Controlled Separations in Fine ChemistryW+6 KP3V + 1U
151-0927-00 VRate-Controlled Separations in Fine Chemistry3 Std.
Do11:15-14:00ML F 34 »
M. Mazzotti
151-0927-00 URate-Controlled Separations in Fine Chemistry1 Std.
Do14:15-15:00ML F 34 »
M. Mazzotti
529-0617-01LCatalysis Engineering
IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
W+6 KP3G
529-0617-01 GCatalysis Engineering3 Std.
Mo08:45-09:30HCI J 3 »
Do14:45-16:30HCI D 2 »
J. Pérez-Ramírez, S. J. Mitchell
529-0459-01LCase Studies in Process Design
IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
529-0459-01 ACase Studies in Process Design
This course does not take place on a weekly basis. Instead, a case study is carried out by the students in a specific "case study week" from 18.-22.11.2019. Some of the available dates are used for exercises in "Process Simulation and Flowsheeting" (i.e., with Aspen Plus).
42s Std.G. Guillén Gosálbez
Projektarbeit oder Industriepraktikum
529-0300-10LResearch Project
Only for Chemical and Bioengineering MSc, Programme Regulations 2018.
W13 KP16A
529-0300-10 AResearch Project
Duration 7 weeks
16 Std.n. V.Betreuer/innen
529-0301-00LIndustry Internship
Nur für Chemie- und Bioingenieurwissenschaften MSc, Studienreglement 2018.
W13 KP
529-0301-00 AIndustry Internship
min. 7 weeks
n. V.Professor/innen
529-0600-10LMaster's Thesis Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Nur für Chemie- und Bioingenieurwissenschaften MSc, Studienreglement 2018.

Zur Master-Arbeit wird nur zugelassen, wer:
a. das Bachelor-Studium erfolgreich abgeschlossen hat;
b. allfällige Auflagen für die Zulassung zum Master-Studiengang erfüllt hat.

Dauer der Master-Arbeit 20 Wochen.
O25 KP54D
529-0600-10 DMaster's Thesis Für Fachstudierende und Hörer/-innen ist eine Spezialbewilligung der Dozierenden notwendig.750s Std.Betreuer/innen
636-0108-00LBiological Engineering and Biotechnology
Attention: This course was offered in previous semesters with the number: 636-0003-00L "Biological Engineering and Biotechnology". Students that already passed course 636-0003-00L cannot receive credits for course 636-0108-00L.
636-0108-00 VBiological Engineering and Biotechnology
Takes place at the D-BSSE in Basel room Misrock and is transmitted per video conference to Zürich (HG D 16.2).
Attention: Lecture starts on Wednesday Sept. 25
3 Std.
Mi14:15-17:00BSA E 46 »
14:15-17:00HG D 16.2 »
M. Fussenegger
636-0007-00LComputational Systems Biology Information W6 KP3V + 2U
636-0007-00 VComputational Systems Biology3 Std.
Mi14:15-17:00HG D 3.2 »
J. Stelling
636-0007-00 UComputational Systems Biology2 Std.
Fr10:15-12:00CAB G 11 »
J. Stelling
376-1714-00LBiocompatible MaterialsW4 KP3G
376-1714-00 GBiocompatible Materials
Vorlesung 8-10h
Uebungen/Gruppenarbeiten 10-11h
3 Std.
Fr08:15-11:00ETF E 1 »
K. Maniura, M. Rottmar, M. Zenobi-Wong
529-0615-01LBiochemical and Polymer Reaction Engineering
IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
529-0615-01 GBiochemical and Polymer Reaction Engineering3 Std.
Di13:45-15:30HCI J 3 »
Mi11:45-12:30HCI J 6 »
P. Arosio
529-0837-01LBiomicrofluidic Engineering Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 25.

IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
529-0837-01 GBiomicrofluidic Engineering3 Std.
Mo15:45-17:30HCI H 8.1 »
Di11:45-12:30HCI J 7 »
16.09.11:45-12:30HCI J 3 »
A. de Mello
Umwelt und Energie
151-0209-00LRenewable Energy Technologies Information W4 KP3G
151-0209-00 GRenewable Energy Technologies3 Std.
Di14:15-17:00HG G 5 »
A. Steinfeld
529-0659-00LElektrochemie Information W6 KP3G
529-0659-00 GElektrochemie3 Std.
Mo08:45-11:30HPT C 103 »
P. Novák
529-0745-01LGeneral and Environmental Toxicology
IMPORTANT NOTICE for Chemistry and Chemical and Bioengineering students: There are two different version of this course for the two regulations (2005/2018), please make sure to register for the correct version according to the regulations you are enrolled in. Please do not register for this course if you are enrolled in regulations 2005.
529-0745-01 VGeneral and Environmental Toxicology3 Std.
Fr08:45-11:30HCI J 8 »
M. Arand, H. Nägeli, B. B. Stieger, I. Werner
Anlage- und Verfahrenstechnik
151-0109-00LTurbulent FlowsW4 KP2V + 1U
151-0109-00 VTurbulent Flows2 Std.
Do08:15-10:00ML H 44 »
P. Jenny
151-0109-00 UTurbulent Flows1 Std.
Do13:15-14:00HG D 7.1 »
P. Jenny
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