Suchergebnis: Lerneinheiten im Herbstsemester 2019

Physik Master Information
Physikalische und mathematische Wahlfächer
Auswahl: Festkörperphysik
402-0526-00LUltrafast Processes in SolidsW6 KP2V + 1UY. M. Acremann, A. Vaterlaus
402-0535-00LIntroduction to MagnetismW6 KP3GA. Vindigni
402-0595-00LSemiconductor Nanostructures Information W6 KP2V + 1UT. M. Ihn
402-0317-00LSemiconductor Materials: Fundamentals and FabricationW6 KP2V + 1US. Schön, W. Wegscheider
402-0447-00LQuantum Science with Superconducting CircuitsW6 KP2V + 1UC. Eichler
402-0505-00LPhysics in the SmartphoneW6 KP3GB. Batlogg, M. Sigrist
Auswahl: Quantenelektronik
402-0464-00LOptical Properties of SemiconductorsW8 KP2V + 2UG. Scalari, T. Chervy
402-0484-00LExperimental and Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Gases Information
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W6 KP2V + 1UT. Esslinger
402-0444-00LAdvanced Quantum Optics
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W6 KP2V + 1UA. Imamoglu
Auswahl: Teilchenphysik
402-0715-00LLow Energy Particle PhysicsW6 KP2V + 1UA. S. Antognini, P. A. Schmidt-Wellenburg
402-0767-00LNeutrino Physics Information W6 KP2V + 1UA. Rubbia, B. Radics
402-0725-00LExperimental Methods and Instruments of Particle Physics Information
Fachstudierende UZH müssen das Modul PHY461 direkt an der UZH buchen.
W6 KP3V + 1UU. Langenegger, M. Dittmar, T. Schietinger, Uni-Dozierende
402-0777-00LParticle Accelerator Physics and Modeling IW6 KP2V + 1UA. Adelmann
402-0851-00LQCD: Theory and Experiment
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W3 KP3GG. Dissertori, Uni-Dozierende
Auswahl: Theoretische Physik
402-0461-00LQuantum Information TheoryW8 KP3V + 1UR. Renner
402-0811-00LProgramming Techniques for Scientific Simulations IW5 KP4GR. Käppeli
402-0809-00LIntroduction to Computational PhysicsW8 KP2V + 2UL. Böttcher
402-0580-00LSuperconductivityW6 KP2V + 1UV. Geshkenbein
402-0484-00LExperimental and Theoretical Aspects of Quantum Gases Information
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W6 KP2V + 1UT. Esslinger
402-0898-00LThe Physics of Electroweak Symmetry Breaking Information
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W6 KP2V + 1U
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