Suchergebnis: Lehrveranstaltungen im Herbstsemester 2018

DAS in Data Science Information
227-0427-00LSignal Analysis, Models, and Machine LearningW6 KP4G
227-0427-00 GSignal Analysis, Models, and Machine Learning4 Std.
Fr08:15-12:00CHN C 14 »
H.‑A. Loeliger
266-0100-00LCapstone Project Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Only for DAS in Data Science.
O8 KP17A
266-0100-00 ACapstone Project
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
Wird zum ersten Mal im FS19 angeboten.
240s Std.Professor/innen
Hardware for Machine Learning
Wird im Frühjahrssemester angeboten.
Image Analysis & Computer Vision
263-5902-00LComputer Vision Information W6 KP3V + 1U + 1A
263-5902-00 VComputer Vision3 Std.
Mi13:15-16:00CHN C 14 »
M. Pollefeys, V. Ferrari, L. Van Gool
263-5902-00 UComputer Vision1 Std.
Do15:15-16:00CHN C 14 »
M. Pollefeys, V. Ferrari, L. Van Gool
263-5902-00 AComputer Vision1 Std.M. Pollefeys, V. Ferrari, L. Van Gool
Neural Information Processing
227-1033-00LNeuromorphic Engineering I Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Registration in this class requires the permission of the instructors. Class size will be limited to available lab spots.
Preference is given to students that require this class as part of their major.
W6 KP2V + 3U
227-1033-00 VNeuromorphic Engineering I
Bewilligung der Dozierenden für alle Studierenden notwendig.
**together with University of Zurich**
More information at: Link

Lecture: Mo 13 - 15h
Room: I44 H05
2 Std.
Mo13:00-14:45Y44 »
T. Delbrück, G. Indiveri, S.‑C. Liu
227-1033-00 UNeuromorphic Engineering I
Bewilligung der Dozierenden für alle Studierenden notwendig.
**together with University of Zurich**
More information at: Link

Dates by arrangement.
Room to be announced.
3 Std.n. V.T. Delbrück, G. Indiveri, S.‑C. Liu
401-0625-01LApplied Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design Information W5 KP2V + 1U
401-0625-01 VApplied Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design2 Std.
Mo13:15-15:00HG G 5 »
L. Meier
401-0625-01 UApplied Analysis of Variance and Experimental Design1 Std.
Mo/2w15:15-17:00HG E 1.1 »
L. Meier
401-0649-00LApplied Statistical RegressionW5 KP2V + 1U
401-0649-00 VApplied Statistical Regression2 Std.
Mo08:15-10:00HG E 1.2 »
M. Dettling
401-0649-00 UApplied Statistical Regression
Mon 10-12 might not work for all different programmes where this course is offered. On sufficient demand, other slots (tentatively Mon 15-17 or Fri 10-12) for the exercise sessions can be offered.
1 Std.
Mo/2w10:15-12:00HG E 1.2 »
M. Dettling
401-3612-00LStochastic SimulationW5 KP3G
401-3612-00 GStochastic Simulation3 Std.
Di14:15-17:00ML F 36 »
F. Sigrist
401-3621-00LFundamentals of Mathematical Statistics Information W10 KP4V + 1U
401-3621-00 VFundamentals of Mathematical Statistics4 Std.
Di08:15-10:00HG E 1.1 »
Mi10:15-12:00HG E 1.1 »
S. van de Geer
401-3621-00 UFundamentals of Mathematical Statistics1 Std.
Di12:15-13:00HG E 1.1 »
S. van de Geer
401-4623-00LTime Series AnalysisW6 KP3G
401-4623-00 GTime Series Analysis3 Std.
Mi09:15-10:00HG D 7.1 »
Do10:15-12:00HG D 1.1 »
N. Meinshausen
401-3628-14LBayesian StatisticsW4 KP2V
401-3628-14 VBayesian Statistics
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
2 Std.
Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence
227-0689-00LSystem IdentificationW4 KP2V + 1U
227-0689-00 VSystem Identification2 Std.
Mi10:15-12:00HG E 1.2 »
R. Smith
227-0689-00 USystem Identification1 Std.
Mi12:15-13:00ETZ D 61.1 »
12:15-13:00HG E 1.2 »
R. Smith
252-0535-00LAdvanced Machine Learning Information W8 KP3V + 2U + 2A
252-0535-00 VAdvanced Machine Learning
Donnerstag im ML D 28 mit Videoübertragung im ML E 12
Freitag im HG F 1 mit Videoübertragung im HG F 3
3 Std.
Do14:15-15:00ML D 28 »
14:15-15:00ML E 12 »
Fr08:15-10:00HG F 1 »
08:15-10:00HG F 3 »
J. M. Buhmann
252-0535-00 UAdvanced Machine Learning2 Std.
Mi13:15-15:00CAB G 61 »
15:15-17:00CAB G 61 »
Do15:15-17:00CAB G 51 »
Fr13:15-15:00CAB G 61 »
J. M. Buhmann
252-0535-00 AAdvanced Machine Learning
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
2 Std.J. M. Buhmann
263-2400-00LReliable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence Information W4 KP2V + 1U
263-2400-00 VReliable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence2 Std.
Mo10:15-12:00HG D 7.2 »
M. Vechev
263-2400-00 UReliable and Interpretable Artificial Intelligence1 Std.
Mo13:15-14:00LFW C 4 »
Mi11:15-12:00CAB G 59 »
M. Vechev
263-3210-00LDeep Learning Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 300
W4 KP2V + 1U
263-3210-00 VDeep Learning2 Std.
Mo13:15-15:00ETF C 1 »
F. Perez Cruz
263-3210-00 UDeep Learning1 Std.
Mo15:15-16:00CAB G 51 »
16:15-17:00ML F 36 »
F. Perez Cruz
263-5210-00LProbabilistic Artificial Intelligence Information W4 KP2V + 1U
263-5210-00 VProbabilistic Artificial Intelligence
Vorlesung im HG E 7 mit Videoübertragung im HG E 3.
2 Std.
Fr10:15-12:00HG E 3 »
10:15-12:00HG E 7 »
A. Krause
263-5210-00 UProbabilistic Artificial Intelligence1 Std.
Fr13:15-14:00CHN C 14 »
14:15-15:00CHN C 14 »
A. Krause
Big Data Systems
252-0834-00LInformation Systems for Engineers Information W4 KP2V + 1U
252-0834-00 VInformation Systems for Engineers2 Std.
Do08:15-10:00HG D 7.2 »
G. Fourny
252-0834-00 UInformation Systems for Engineers1 Std.
Do14:15-15:00CAB G 52 »
14:15-15:00LFW B 3 »
Fr15:15-16:00CAB G 52 »
15:15-16:00CAB G 56 »
15:15-16:00CAB G 57 »
15:15-16:00CAB G 59 »
G. Fourny
263-2800-00LDesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing Information W7 KP3V + 2U + 1A
263-2800-00 VDesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing3 Std.
Mo13:15-16:00CAB G 61 »
T. Hoefler, M. Püschel
263-2800-00 UDesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing2 Std.
Do13:15-15:00LEE D 101 »
T. Hoefler, M. Püschel
263-2800-00 ADesign of Parallel and High-Performance Computing
Project Work, no fixed presence required.
1 Std.T. Hoefler, M. Püschel
263-3010-00LBig Data Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W8 KP3V + 2U + 2A
263-3010-00 VBig Data3 Std.
Di13:15-15:00CAB G 61 »
Mi09:15-10:00HG E 5 »
G. Fourny
263-3010-00 UBig Data2 Std.
Mi13:15-15:00CHN D 46 »
13:15-15:00CHN G 46 »
13:15-15:00HG F 26.3 »
13:15-15:00ML F 36 »
Fr13:15-15:00CAB G 52 »
13:15-15:00CAB G 56 »
G. Fourny
263-3010-00 ABig Data
Individual work to get hands-on experience with the technologies covered, no fixed presence required.
2 Std.G. Fourny
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