Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2019

Science, Technology, and Policy Master Information
Case Studies
860-0016-00LSupply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources II Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 12.

The students must be enrolled in 860-0015-00 Supply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources I. The course is limited to 12 participants, and the students will compose two teams of mixed background and expertise. First priority will be given to students enrolled in the Master of Science, Technology, and Policy Program. These students must confirm their participation by 04.02.2019 by registration through MyStudies. Other graduate students interested in enrolling will be placed onto a waiting list when registering through MyStudies and will be provided with confirmation after 11.02.2019
W3 credits2UB. Wehrli, F. Brugger, S. Pfister
860-0015-00LSupply and Responsible Use of Mineral Resources I Restricted registration - show details W3 credits2GB. Wehrli, F. Brugger, K. Dolejs Schlöglova, S. Hellweg, C. Karydas
860-0012-00LCooperation and Conflict Over International Water Resources Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 40.
STP students have priority.

This is a research seminar at the Master level. PhD students are also welcome.
W3 credits2S + 2AB. Wehrli, R. Athavale, T. Bernauer
860-0018-00LBig Data, Law, and Policy (with Case Study) Restricted registration - show details
Limited number of participants.

Students will be informed by 3.3.2019 at the latest
W6 credits2S + 2AS. Bechtold, T. Roscoe, E. Vayena
227-0664-00LTechnology and Policy of Electrical Energy Storage Information W3 credits2GV. Wood, T. Schmidt
860-0014-00LPaper Project on Technology and Policy of Electric Energy Storage Restricted registration - show details
Requirement: Only students who have visited the course 227-0664-00L and passed the test at the end of the semester, may sign up for this course.
W3 credits2AT. Schmidt, V. Wood
701-1562-00LCases in Environmental Policy and Decision Making Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 40.
W6 credits4PA. Patt, E. Lieberherr, F. Metz, M. Morosini, J. Wilkes-Allemann
860-0012-01LCooperation and Conflict Over International Water Resources, In-Depth Case Study Restricted registration - show details
Only for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc and PhD students

Prerequisite: you have to be enrolled in 860-0012-00L during the same semester.
W3 credits2AB. Wehrli, R. Athavale, T. Bernauer
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