Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2018

Agroecosystem Sciences Master Information
Major in Animal Sciences
Methodology Competences
Methods for Scientific Research
751-3801-00LExperimental Design and Applied Statistics in Agroecosystem ScienceW3 credits2GA. Hund, W. Eugster, C. Grieder, R. Kölliker
AbstractDifferent experimental designs will be discussed and various statistical tools will be applied to research questions in agroecosystem sciences. Statistical methods range from simple analysis of variance to mixed-models and multivariate statistics. Surveys and manipulative field and laboratory experiments are addressed and students learn to analyse data using a hands-on approach.
Learning objectiveStudents will know various statistical analyses and their application to science problems in their study area as well as a wide range of experimental design options used in environmental and agricultural sciences. They will practice to use statistical software packages (R), understand pros and cons of various designs and statistics, and be able to statistically evaluate their own results as well as those of published studies.
ContentThe course program uses a learning-by-doing approach ("hands-on minds-on"). New topics are introduced in the lecture hall, but most of the work is done in the computer lab to allow for the different speeds of progress of the student while working with data and analyzing results. In addition to contact hours exercises must be finalized and handed in for grading. The credit points will be given based on successful assessments of selected exercises.

The tentative schedule containst the following topics:

Introduction To Experimental Design and Applied Statistics
Introduction to 'R' / Revival of 'R' Skills
Designs of Field and Growth Chamber Experiments
Nonlinear Regression Fits
Multivariate Techniques: Principle Component Analysis, Canonical Correpondence Analysis (CCA), Cluster Analysis
ANOVA using linear and mixed effect models
Error Analysis, Error Propagation and Error Estimation
Introduction to autoregression and autocorrelations in temporal and spatial data and how to consider them in ANOVA-type analysis

This course does not provide the mathematical background that students are expected to bring along when signing up to this course. Alternatively, students can consider some aspects of this course as a first exposure to solutions in experimental design and applied statistics and then deepen their understanding in follow-up statistical courses.
Lecture notesHandouts will be available (in English)
LiteratureA selection of suggested additional literature, especially for German speaking students will be presented in the introductory lecture.
Prerequisites / NoticeThis course is based on the course Mathematik IV: Statistik, passed in the 2nd year and the Bachelor's course "Wissenschaftliche Datenauswertung und Datenpräsentation" (751-0441-00L)
751-6127-00LPractical Course in Microscopy of Functional HistologyW+3 credits6PS. E. Ulbrich
AbstractDie "Funktionelle Histologie" beschreibt die histologischen und zytologischen Strukturen mit ihren jeweiligen Aufgaben und Wechselwirkungen innerhalb ausgewählter Organsysteme. Die endokrinologisch relevanten Organe und deren Präparation werden am Beispiel des Rindes kennengelernt.
Learning objectiveGrundlagen der Histologie; Gewebedünnschnitte (Gefrier- und Paraffinschnitte) und deren Übersichtsfärbungen und Immunhistochemie; Fortgeschrittene Mikroskopie von Gewebedünnschnitten; Kritische Bewertung von Physiologie/Pathologie aufgrund morphologisch/histologischer Kriterien
ContentJeder/m Studierenden wird ein Organ zugeteilt, mit welchem sie/er sich intensiv theoretisch und praktisch auseinandersetzt. Anhand dieses Organes als rotem Faden, welches vom Schlachthof bereitgestellt und von den Studierenden selber seziert, eingebettet, geschnitten, gefärbt und mikroskopiert wird, werden die Lernziele erreicht.
Die theoretischen Grundlagen werden in der Vorbereitung zum Kurs selbstständig erarbeitet. Zur Vorbereitung dient ein ausführliches Skript über die Herstellung mikroskopischer Präparate, zu Übersichtsfärbungen und zu den Prinzipien der Immunohistologie sowie zu den mikroskopischen Techniken und originäre Literatur über die Funktion des Organs in Zusammenhang mit agrarwissenschaftlichem Kontext. Die Theorie wird im Kurs im Detail vertieft und diskutiert.
Im Praktikum werden das Erstellen von Gewebedünnschnitten (Kryo- und Paraffinschnitte) und das Mikroskopieren von gefärbten und ungefärbten Gewebeschnitten selbstständig durchgeführt. Die Techniken der Übersichtsfärbungen werden angewandt und durch den Nachweis spezifischer Proteine mittels Immunhistochemie ergänzt. Die Darstellung und Erkennung von Einzelstrukturen ermöglicht ein Verständnis für das jeweils übergeordnete endokrine System, in dessen Zusammenhang das Organ steht. Pathologische Veränderungen werden Präparationsartefakten gegenübergestellt und somit eine kritische Bewertung von Beurteilungen aufgrund morphologischer Kriterien vorgenommen.

Aktivitäten: 5 Tage Praktischer Kurs mit theoretischen Einheiten, Vorbereitung der theoretischen Grundlagen im Selbststudium im Vorfeld, eine mündliche Präsentation der erhaltenen Ergebnisse und eine schriftliche Zusammenfassung (Arbeitsbericht) nach Abschluss des Kurses.
Prerequisites / NoticeIn Form eines Vortrags werden den anderen TeilnehmerInnen das zugeteilte Organ bzw Gewebe bezüglich der Morphologie, Histologie und funktioneller Gesichtspunkte vorgestellt.
In der Nachbereitung zum Praktikum wird ein Bericht angefertigt, in dem die Vorgehensweise (Verfahrensprotokoll), die Befunde (Ergebnisprotokoll) und die kritische Auseinandersetzung mit den Inhalten des Praktikums (kritische Beurteilung) dokumentiert werden.
751-6129-00LPractical Course EpigeneticsW+3 credits6PS. E. Ulbrich, M. Saenz de Juano Ribes
AbstractThe practical course will comprise lecture elements on introducing the topic of epigenetics in detail to you and a large amount of practical work where you will be able to perform DNA methylation analyses on your own. We will focus on DNA extraction, the estimation of Global DNA Methylation and Gene-specific Methylation.
Learning objectiveThe competencies and aims for the course are as follows:
Get first hands-on experience with the experimental techniques
Answer a scientific question by conducting an experiments
Present the principle of different techniques to other students
Obtain results of an experiment and get insight into what affects technical variation and thus influences reproducibility
Interpret results in an adequate manner to solve a scientific question
Combine results to draw an adequate conclusion
Present an epigenetics research paper
Lecture notesYou will receive a draft outline of the week, the slides of the theoretical parts and a detailed protocol of the work we will do in advance of the practical course.
Prerequisites / NoticeFor receiving a total of 3 Credit Points for this practical course we kindly ask you to actively take part in the practical performance. You need to pass a 30-min written examination about the theoretical background of the techniques, approaches and the background. In addition, we ask you to present an original research paper together with a colleague. You will receive the paper in advance for preparation. We will ask you to prepare a 30 min presentation with a following discussion. Next to the presentation of your scientific paper you are asked to address questions of the presentations of your colleagues and actively take part in the discussion. Finally, we will ask you to write a lab report to be handed in at the beginning of the spring semester.
Project Management for Scientific Research
751-6001-00LForum: Livestock in the World Food SystemW+2 credits1SM. Kreuzer, S. M. Bernal Ulloa, R. Mandel, E. Mandel, S. Neuenschwander
AbstractThis forum is a platform for the critical reflection of highly relevant topics of livestock in the frame of the world food system comprising issues from basic knowledge to acceptance in society. The exchange is operated by scientific writing and presentation.
Learning objectiveIn the Forum "Livestock in the World Food System", a topic of significance for livestock agriculture is selected by the students and subsequently dealt with from various angles (from scientific basis to production systems, environmental aspects and to the acceptance by society). The students learn to present a scientific subject in writing and orally to an audience and to defend the presentation in a discussion.
ContentThe Forum "Livestock in the World Food System" will take place in blocks of 2 hours each. Once the general topic has been selected, it comprises two elements:

Element 1. Oral Presentation: The students form small groups and are lecturers. There are chair persons (moderators) from outside of these small groups and they also head the discussion. The remaining students and lecturers are the audience.

Element 2. Scientific writing: Option 1: preparation of a short scientific type of paper from a result table offered by the lecturers; Option 2: preparation of an abstract with limited word count from a scientific paper; Option 3: writing of a critical review of a paper. The students have to select 2 of the three options each. There will be a discussion be a discussion in small groups at two dates.

Introductions to both forms of presentation will be offered by lecturers.
The preparation of the oral and written presentations takes place to a small part during the 2-h blocks and mainly outside of this time.
Lecture notesno scriptum
Prerequisites / NoticeRequirements for allocation of the two credit points:
- Theatre presentation (with handout) at the forum
- Delivery of written documents of sufficient quality
- Active participation during the presentations by the other participants
751-6003-00LTraining Course in Research Groups (Large) Restricted registration - show details W+6 credits13PM. Kreuzer, R. Mandel, E. Mandel, S. Neuenschwander, H. Pausch, S. E. Ulbrich
AbstractThe students will learn the conceptual and methodological background of research in the animal science groups of the Institute of Plant, Animal and Agroecosystem Science. In addition to teaching the theoretical background, the major aim of the course is to integrate the students into the research groups (on job training) and, hence, to focus on the practical application of the knowledge.
Learning objective- Introduction into the conceptual and methodological basis of research
- Integration of the students into the research groups (on job training)
- Application of the gained knowledge
ContentThe students will be integrated into the research groups’ day-to-day work and will thus deal with all aspects of scientific work. This comprises the planning (conceptually and logistically), execution (data collection, laboratory analyses) and evaluation (statistics, data presentation) of experiments as well as the basics of scientific writing (aim: later publication, Master thesis). The research topics and the range of methodologies vary between the animal science research groups in the Institute of Plant, Animal and Agroecosystem Sciences.
Lecture notesNone
LiteratureSpecific readings after enlisting in a particular research group.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe number of training slots in the various groups is limited. It is therefore highly recommended to contact the group leaders early enough (first come first serve).
The full integration in a research group often means to work on weekends.
The total time budget is equivalent to about 180 hours. Active participation in group meetings (discussion, presentation) and short written reports about the work conducted are required for the 6 credit points. There are no grades, it is only pass or fail.
751-6003-01LTraining Course in Research Groups (Small) Restricted registration - show details W+3 credits6PM. Kreuzer, R. Mandel, E. Mandel, S. Neuenschwander, H. Pausch, S. E. Ulbrich
AbstractThe students will learn the conceptual and methodological background of research in the animal science groups of the Institute of Plant, Animal and Agroecosystem Science. In addition to teaching the theoretical background, the major aim of the course is to integrate the students into the research groups (on job training) and, hence, to focus on the practical application of the knowledge.
Learning objective- Introduction into the conceptual and methodological basis of research
- Integration of the students into the research groups (on job training)
- Application of the gained knowledge
ContentThe students will be integrated into the research groups’ day-to-day work and will thus deal with all aspects of scientific work. This comprises the planning (conceptually and logistically), execution (data collection, laboratory analyses) and evaluation (statistics, data presentation) of experiments as well as the basics of scientific writing (aim: later publication, Master thesis). The research topics and the range of methodologies vary between the animal science research groups in the Institute of Plant, Animal and Agroecosystem Sciences.
Lecture notesNone
LiteratureSpecific readings after enlisting in a particular research group.
Prerequisites / NoticeThe number of training slots in the various groups is limited. It is therefore highly recommended to contact the group leaders early enough (first come first serve).
The full integration in a research group often means to work on weekends.
The total time budget is equivalent to about 90 hours. Active participation in group meetings (discussion, presentation) and short written reports about the work conducted are required for the 3 credit points. There are no grades, it is only pass or fail.
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