Search result: Courses in Autumn Semester 2018

Environmental Sciences Master Information
Minor in Operations Eng. and Manag. for Forest and Timber Industries
Production Technology
101-0637-10LStructures of Wood and Function Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 15.
W3 credits2G
101-0637-10 GHolzstruktur und Funktion2 hrs
Wed14:45-16:30HIT J 52 »
I. Burgert, E. R. Zürcher
101-0637-20LFundamentals of Wood Elaboration and WoodmachiningW3 credits2G
101-0637-20 GHolzbearbeitung und -verarbeitung2 hrs
Wed12:45-14:30HIT J 52 »
I. Burgert, M. Schubert
Production Management
363-0445-00LProduction and Operations ManagementW3 credits2G
363-0445-00 GProduction and Operations Management2 hrs
Thu13:15-15:00HG G 3 »
T. Netland
363-0445-02LProduction and Operations Management (Additional Cases)W1 credit2A
363-0445-02 AProduction and Operations Management (Additional Cases)
Please note that participation is mandatory in these three classes:

11.10.2018: 13-14 h, HG G3 (together with 363-0445-00L Production and Operations Management)
08.11.2018: 12-17 h, WEV F109
29.11.2018: 13-14 h, HG G3 (together with 363-0445-00L Production and Operations Management)

A parallel enrolment to the lecture 363-0445-00L Production and Operations Management is mandatory.
30s hrsT. Netland
Environmental Management
102-0317-00LAdvanced Environmental Assessments
Master students in Environmental Engineering choosing module Ecological Systems Design are not allowed to enrol 102-0317-00 Advanced Environmental Assessments (3KP) as already included in 102-0307-01 Advanced Environmental, Social and Economic Assessments (5KP).
W3 credits2G
102-0317-00 GAdvanced Environmental Assessments2 hrs
Thu09:45-11:30HIL E 9 »
S. Hellweg, R. Frischknecht
102-0317-03LAdvanced Environmental Assessment (Computer Lab I)W1 credit1U
102-0317-03 UAdvanced Environmental Assessment (Computer Lab I)1 hrsS. Pfister
102-0317-04LAdvanced Environmental Assessment (Computer Lab II) Restricted registration - show details
Not for master students in Environmental Engineering choosing module Ecological System Design as already included in Environment and Computer Laboratory I (Year Course): 102-0527-00 and 102-0528-00.
W2 credits2P
102-0317-04 PAdvanced Environmental Assessment (Computer Lab II) Special students and auditors need a special permission from the lecturers.
Takes place either on Tuesday, Thursday or Friday afternoon.
2 hrsS. Pfister
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