Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2018

Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Master Information
More informations at:
Master Studies (Programme Regulations 2017)
Advanced Courses
A total of 30 ECTS needs to be acquired in the Advanced Courses category. Thereof 18 ECTS in the Theory and 12 ECTS in the Biology category.
At least 18 ECTS need to be acquired in this category.
252-0063-00LData Modelling and Databases Information W7 credits4V + 2UG. Alonso, C. Zhang
401-0674-00LNumerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations
Not meant for BSc/MSc students of mathematics.
W8 credits4V + 2U + 1AR. Hiptmair
401-3052-05LGraph Theory Information W5 credits2V + 1UB. Sudakov
227-1034-00LComputational Vision (University of Zurich) Information
No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: INI402

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W6 credits2V + 1UD. Kiper, K. A. Martin
252-0220-00LIntroduction to Machine Learning Information
Previously called Learning and Intelligent Systems

Prof. Krause approves that students take distance exams, also if the exam will take place at a later time due to a different time zone of the alternative exam place.
To get Prof. Krause's signature on the distance exam form please send it to Rita Klute,
W8 credits4V + 2U + 1AA. Krause
227-0558-00LPrinciples of Distributed Computing Information W6 credits2V + 2U + 1AR. Wattenhofer, M. Ghaffari
401-3632-00LComputational StatisticsW10 credits3V + 2UM. H. Maathuis
101-0178-01LUncertainty Quantification in Engineering Information W3 credits2GB. Sudret, S. Marelli
263-2300-00LHow To Write Fast Numerical Code Information Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Number of participants limited to 84.

Prerequisite: Master student, solid C programming skills.
W6 credits3V + 2UM. Püschel
252-0526-00LStatistical Learning Theory Information W6 credits2V + 3PJ. M. Buhmann
227-0216-00LControl Systems II Information W6 credits4GR. Smith
151-0566-00LRecursive Estimation Information W4 credits2V + 1UR. D'Andrea
401-3642-00LBrownian Motion and Stochastic CalculusW10 credits4V + 1UW. Werner
401-3602-00LApplied Stochastic Processes
Does not take place this semester.
W8 credits3V + 1Unot available
636-0530-00LHigh Performance ComputingW4 credits4Gexternal organisers
262-6220-00LMolecular Dynamics Simulations with Applications in Soft MatterW3 credits3Vexternal organisers
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