Search result: Catalogue data in Autumn Semester 2017

Geomatic Engineering and Planning Bachelor Information
3. Semester
Compulsory Courses
Examination Block 3
In place of the German course 851-0703-03L Introduction to Law for Civil Engineering students can take the French course 851-0709-00L Droit civil.
851-0703-03LIntroduction to Law for Civil Engineering Information Restricted registration - show details
Only for Civil Engineering BSc, Geomatic Engineering and Planning BSc, Environmental Engineering BSc and Spatial Development and Infrastructure Systems MSc

Students who have attended or will attend the lecture "Introduction to Law for Architecture " (851-0703-01L) cannot register for this course unit.
W2 credits2VG. Hertig, T. Ender, E. Rüegg
AbstractThis class introduces students to basic features of the legal system. Questions of constitutional and administrative law, contract law, tort law, corporate law, as well as litigation are covered.
Learning objectiveIntroduction to fundamental questions of public and private law which serves as a foundation for more advanced law classes.
Content1. Public Law
Fundamental rights, administrative decisions, procedural law, basics of police, environmental and zoning law.

2. Private law
SIA (Swiss Society of Engineers and Architects) Design Engineering Services Contract, SIA-Norm 118 (SIA General Terms and Conditions for Construction Services) including unforseen ground conditions, liability of designers/civil engineers, construction insurance, property law for civil engineers, sale of land, contaminated sites, public procurement.
Lecture notesThere are 'Lecture Notes' (in German) for this course.
851-0709-00LIntroduction to Civil LawW2 credits2VH. Peter
AbstractThe course Private Law focuses on the Swiss Code of Obligations (contracts, torts) and on Property Law (ownership, mortgage and easements). In addition, the course will provide a short overview of Civil Procedure and Enforcement.
Learning objectiveEnseignement des principes du droit, en particulier du droit privé. Introduction au droit.
ContentLe cours de droit civil porte notamment sur le droit des obligations (droit des contrats et responsabilité civile) et sur les droits réels (propriété, gages et servitudes). De plus, il est donné un bref aperçu du droit de la procédure et de l'exécution forcée.
LiteratureEditions officielles récentes des lois fédérales, en langue française (Code civil et Code des obligations) ou italienne (Codice civile e Codice delle obbligazioni), disponibles auprès de la plupart des librairies.

Sont indispensables:
- le Code civil et le Code des obligations;
Sont conseillés:
- Nef, Urs Ch.: Le droit des obligations à l'usage des ingénieurs et des architectes, trad. Bovay, J., éd. Payot, Lausanne
- Scyboz, G. et. Gilliéron, P.-R, éd.: Edition annotée du Code civil et du Code des obligations, Payot, Lausanne, et Helbing & Lichtenhahn,
- Boillod, J.-P.: Manuel de droit, éd Slatkine, Genève
- Biasio, G./Foglia, A.: Introduzione ai codici di diritto privato svizzero, ed. Giappichelli, Torino
Prerequisites / NoticeRemarques
- Le cours de droit civil et le cours de droit public (2e sem.) sont l'équivalent des cours "Recht I" et "Recht II" en langue allemande et des exercices y relatifs.
- Les examens peuvent se faire en français ou en italien.
- Examen au 1er propédeutique; convient pour travail de semestre.
- Con riassunti in italiano. E possibile sostenere l'esame in italiano.
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