Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2017

GESS Science in Perspective Information
Only the topics listed in this paragraph can be chosen as "GESS Science in Perspective" course.
Further below you will find the "type B courses Reflections about subject specific methods and content" as well as the language courses.

6 ECTS need to be acquired during the BA and 2 ECTS during the MA

Students who already took a course within their main study program are NOT allowed to take the course again.

These course units are also listed under "Type A", which basically means all students can enroll
Type A: Enhancement of Reflection Competence
Students who already took a course within their main study program are NOT allowed to take the course again.
851-0597-00LSociological Colloquium: New Findings from Social Science ResearchW2 credits2KA. Diekmann, H. Rauhut, J. Rössel, K. Rost
851-0588-00LIntroduction to Game Theory Information
Particularly suitable for students of D-MAVT, D-MATL
W3 credits2VH. Nax, B. Pradelski
851-0252-04LBehavioral Studies Colloquium Information Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 50.
W2 credits2KE. Stern, H.‑D. Daniel, D. Helbing, C. Hölscher, B. Rütsche, R. Schubert, C. Stadtfeld
851-0252-06LIntroduction to Social Networks: Theory, Methods and Applications Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 40.

This course is intended for students interested in data analysis and with basic knowledge of inferential statistics.
W3 credits2GC. Stadtfeld, P. Block, Z. Boda
851-0513-00LEconomic SociologyW2 credits2VT. Hinz
851-0578-00LIntroduction to Social Network Analysis
Does not take place this semester.
W2 credits2S
851-0585-38LData Science in Techno-Socio-Economic Systems Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 70.

This course is thought be for students in the 5th semester or above with quantitative skills and interests in modeling and computer simulations.

Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT, D-MTEC, D-PHYS
W3 credits2VI. Moise, E. Pournaras
051-0812-00LSociology II Information W1 credit2GM. Streule Ulloa Nieto, M. A. Glaser, R. Nüssli
701-0786-00LMediation in Environmental Planning: Theory and Case Studies.W2 credits2GK. Siegwart
701-0788-00LMedia Production, Use and Effects Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.
W1 credit1VT. Friemel
701-0712-00LUse and Perception of Nature Among Societies Outside Europe
Does not take place this semester.
W2 credits2V
701-0729-00LSocial Research MethodsW2 credits2GM. Stauffacher, C. Hartmann, H. Mieg
701-0729-01LApplied Empirical Research Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants is limited to 30 for both courses 701-0729-01L and 860-0019-00L.

Priority is given to students of the study programmes Environmental Sciences and Science, Technologies and Policy. Enrollment is possible until February 6th, 2017. The registration will only be effective once confirmed.

Students of the study programme Environmental Sciences can only enroll for 701-0729-01L, but not for 860-0019-00L.
W2 credits2GI. Günther, L. Metzger
851-0253-00LEmbodied Cognition Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 40.

Particularly suitable for students D-MAVT.
W2 credits2SK. Stocker
051-0814-17LSociology: Gentrification in Zürich. Weststrasse in Transformation Information W2 credits2GM. Streule Ulloa Nieto, R. Nüssli
851-0585-44LSocial Modelling, Agent-Based Simulation, and Complexity
Particularly suitable for students of D-INFK, D-ITET, D-MAVT
W3 credits2GO. C. Rouly, E. Pournaras
851-0585-45LMachine Learning and Modelling for Social Networks Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 50.
W2 credits1VO. Woolley, N. Antulov-Fantulin, I. Moise, L. Sanders
851-0252-10LResearch Seminar in Behavioural Finance Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 10

Particularly suitable for students of D-MTEC
W2 credits2SS. Andraszewicz, C. Hölscher
851-0585-43LExperimental Game Theory Restricted registration - show details W2 credits2VA. Diekmann
851-0517-06LMeta-science: Evaluating and Combining Scientific EvidenceW2 credits1VM. van Assen
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