Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2016

Science, Technology, and Policy Master Information
Core Courses
860-0003-00LCornerstone Science, Technology, and Policy Restricted registration - show details
Only for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc.
O2 credits2ST. Bernauer, R. S. Abhari
860-0002-00LQuantitative Policy Analysis and ModelingO6 credits4GA. Patt, T. Schmidt, E. Trutnevyte, O. van Vliet
860-0004-00LBridging Science, Technology, and Policy Restricted registration - show details
Only for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc.
O3 credits2SR. S. Abhari, T. Bernauer
860-0005-00LColloquium Science, Technology, and Policy (HS) Restricted registration - show details
Students of Science, Technology, and Policy MSc have priority.
O1 credit2KT. Bernauer, R. S. Abhari
860-0006-00LApplied Statistics and Policy Evaluation Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.

Science, Technology, and Policy MSc and MAS in Development and Cooperation have priority.
O3 credits3GI. Günther, K. Harttgen
860-0007-00LPrinciples of Economics Restricted registration - show details
Only for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc.
O3 credits2VJ. Kingeski Galimberti, J.‑P. Nicolai
860-0001-00LPublic Institutions and Policy-Making Processes Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 25.
Priority for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc students.
O3 credits3GT. Bernauer, S. Bechtold, F. Schimmelfennig
860-0001-01LPublic Institutions and Policy-Making Processes; Research Paper Restricted registration - show details
Only for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc.

Prerequisite: you have to be enrolled in 860-0001-00L during the same semester.
O3 credits3AT. Bernauer, S. Bechtold, F. Schimmelfennig
851-0585-15LComplexity and Global Systems Science Information
Prerequisites: solid mathematical skills.
Particularly suitable for students of D-ITET, D-MAVT
W3 credits2VD. Helbing, N. Antulov-Fantulin
860-0011-00LModelling and Simulating Social Systems with MATLAB (with Coding Project) Information Restricted registration - show details
Only for MSc Science, Technology, and Policy.
W6 credits2S + 2AD. Helbing, O. Woolley, L. Sanders
351-0778-01LDiscovering Management (Exercises)
Complementary exercises for the module Discovering Managment.

Prerequisite: Participation and successful completion of the module Discovering Management (351-0778-00L) is mandatory.
W Dr1 credit1UB. Clarysse, L. De Cuyper
351-0778-00LDiscovering Management
Entry level course in management for BSc, MSc and PHD students at all levels not belonging to D-MTEC. This course can be complemented with Discovering Management (Excercises) 351-0778-01.
W3 credits3GB. Clarysse, M. Ambühl, S. Brusoni, E. Fleisch, G. Grote, V. Hoffmann, P. Schönsleben, G. von Krogh, F. von Wangenheim
851-0609-06LGoverning the Energy Transition Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30.

Primarily suited for Master and PhD level
W2 credits2VT. Schmidt
101-0439-00LIntroduction to Economic Analysis - A Case Study Approach with Cost Benefit Analysis in TransportW6 credits4GK. W. Axhausen, R. Schubert
363-1065-00LDesign Thinking: Human-Centred Solutions to Real World Challenges Restricted registration - show details
Due to didactic reasons, the number of participants is limited to 30.

All interested students are invited to apply for this course by sending a one-page motivation letter until 14.9.16 to Florian Rittiner (

Additionally please enroll via mystudies. Places will be assigned after the first lecture on the basis of your motivation letter and commitment for the class.
W5 credits5GA. Cabello Llamas, F. Rittiner, S. Brusoni, C. Hölscher, M. Meboldt
860-0800-00LInternship Restricted registration - show details
Only for Science, Technology, and Policy MSc.
W0 creditsexternal organisers
Master's Thesis
860-0900-00LMaster's Thesis Restricted registration - show details
Only students who fulfill the following criteria are allowed to begin with their master thesis:
a. successful completion of the bachelor programme;
b. fulfilling of any additional requirements necessary to gain admission to the master programme.
O30 credits64DProfessors
Complemantary Courses
860-0020-00LWinter School: Low-Carbon Energy and Development Strategies Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Limited number of spaces. Registration with ETH Global E4D Winter School.

Open for master and doctoral students of all departments with a background in energy, development and public policy.
Z4 credits8ST. Schmidt
051-0821-16LSummer School: Learning from Havana Restricted registration - show details Z4 credits4GH. Klumpner, A. Brillembourg, M. Menendez, C. Schmid
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