Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2016

Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC Information
These are the general course offerings of the programmes Teaching Diploma (TD) - categories Educational Science and Compulsory Elective Courses - and Teaching Certificate (TC) - category Educational Science.
Educational Science Teaching Certificate
851-0240-00LHuman Learning (EW1)
This lecture is only apt for students who intend to enrol in the programs "Teaching Diploma" or "Teaching Certificate". It is about learning in childhood and adolescence.
O2 credits2GE. Stern
851-0240-22LCoping with Psychosocial Demands of Teaching (EW4 DZ) Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.
The successful participation in EW1 ("Human Learning") and EW2 ("Designing Learning Environments for School") is recommended, but not a mandatory prerequisite.
W2 credits3SA. Deiglmayr, P. Greutmann, U. Markwalder
851-0240-16LColloquium on the Science of Learning and InstructionW1 credit1KE. Stern, P. Greutmann, further lecturers
851-0242-06LCognitively Activating Instructions in MINT Subjects Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W2 credits2SR. Schumacher
851-0242-07LHuman Intelligence Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).
Number of participants limited to 30.
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W1 credit1SE. Stern, P. Edelsbrunner, B. Rütsche
851-0242-08LResearch Methods in Educational Science Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W1 credit1SP. Edelsbrunner, B. Rütsche, E. Stern, E. Ziegler
851-0240-03LIntroduction to Test Theory and Test Construction in Educational Contexts (University of Zürich)
Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma or DC matriculation.

No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 200a968

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W4 credits2SUniversity lecturers
Educational Science Teaching Diploma
851-0240-00LHuman Learning (EW1)
This lecture is only apt for students who intend to enrol in the programs "Teaching Diploma" or "Teaching Certificate". It is about learning in childhood and adolescence.
O2 credits2GE. Stern
851-0242-01LCoping with Psychosocial Demands of Teaching (EW4) Information Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation, except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW4.
O3 credits3SA. Deiglmayr, P. Greutmann, U. Markwalder
851-0238-01LSupport and Diagnosis of Knowledge Acquisition Processes (EW3) Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma (except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who complete the sport-specific course unit EW3) and for students who intend to enrol in the "Teaching Diploma".
Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".
O3 credits3SL. Schalk, P. Edelsbrunner, S. Hofer
851-0240-15LDesigning Educational Environments in Physical Education (EW2 Sport) Restricted registration - show details
Compulsory course requirements for EW2 Sport: This course is required to be taken prior to EW4 Sport "Outdoor Education: Concepts and Practice" (851-0242-02L)
O4 credits2SH. Gubelmann, R. Scharpf
851-0240-19LEffective Learning Environments (EW 5) Restricted registration - show details
This is a mandatory course for students of the teacher's diploma for secondary schools, who have not completed the course 851-0238-01L "Unterstützung und Diagnose von Wissenserwerbsprozessen" (EW 3) until the end of spring semester 2014 (except for students of Sport Teaching Diploma, who have completed the sport-specific course units EW2-4).
The successful completion of ALL modules relevant for the teacher's diploma is required for participation in this course.
W1 credit2UE. Stern
851-0242-07LHuman Intelligence Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).
Number of participants limited to 30.
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W1 credit1SE. Stern, P. Edelsbrunner, B. Rütsche
851-0242-09LStudent Research Projects: Practical Research on Learning and Instruction Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 20.

The sucessful completion of both course no. 851-0240-00L "Menschliches Lernen (EW 1)" and course no. 851-0238-01L "Unterstützung und Diagnose von Wissenserwerbsprozessen (EW 3)" is a necessary prerequisite for this course.
W2 credits2SA. Deiglmayr, P. Edelsbrunner, S. Hofer, B. Rütsche, L. Schalk, E. Stern, E. Ziegler
851-0242-06LCognitively Activating Instructions in MINT Subjects Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W2 credits2SR. Schumacher
851-0242-08LResearch Methods in Educational Science Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 30
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W1 credit1SP. Edelsbrunner, B. Rütsche, E. Stern, E. Ziegler
851-0250-05LIntroduction to "Nature of Science" and "Scientific Inquiry"
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).
Number of participants limited to 20.
W1 credit1SJ. Egli
Compulsory Elective Courses Teaching Diploma
851-0237-01LVocational Schools as Sites of Teaching and Learning I: Teaching Structure (University of Zürich)
Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation.

No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 090LLB1
Simultaneous enrolment in course "Lehr- und Lernort Berufsfachschule II: Förderung und Unterstützung von Lernenden" (UZH Module Code: 090LLB2) is compulsory.
Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W3 credits2SUniversity lecturers
851-0237-02LVocational Schools as Sites of Teaching and Learning II: Providing Encouragement & Support (UZH)
Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation.

No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 090LLB2
Simultaneous enrolment in course "Lehr- und Lernort Berufsfachschule I: Unterrichtsgestaltung" (UZH Module Code: 090LLB1) is compulsory.
Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W3 credits2SUniversity lecturers
851-0240-03LIntroduction to Test Theory and Test Construction in Educational Contexts (University of Zürich)
Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma or DC matriculation.

No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH.
UZH Module Code: 200a968

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
W4 credits2SUniversity lecturers
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