Informatik Master |
Vertiefungsübergreifende Fächer |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
263-0006-00L | Algorithms Lab | O | 6 KP | 4P + 1A | |
263-0006-00 P | Algorithms Lab | | | 4 Std. | | A. Steger,
E. Welzl,
P. Widmayer |
263-0006-00 A | Algorithms Lab
Project Work, no fixed presence required. | | | 1 Std. | | A. Steger,
E. Welzl,
P. Widmayer |
263-0007-00L | Advanced Systems Lab | O | 6 KP | 4P + 1A | |
263-0007-00 P | Advanced Systems Lab | | | 4 Std. | | G. Alonso |
263-0007-00 A | Advanced Systems Lab
Project Work, no fixed presence required. | | | 1 Std. | | G. Alonso |
Vertiefungsfächer |
Vertiefung in Computational Science |
Kernfächer der Vertiefung in Computational Science |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
252-0535-00L | Machine Learning | W | 8 KP | 3V + 2U + 2A | |
252-0535-00 V | Machine Learning
Vorlesung am Dienstag im HG E 7 mit Videoübertragung im HG E 3. | | | 3 Std. | | J. M. Buhmann |
252-0535-00 U | Machine Learning | | | 2 Std. | | J. M. Buhmann |
252-0535-00 A | Machine Learning
Project Work, no fixed presence required. | | | 2 Std. | | J. M. Buhmann |
636-0007-00L | Computational Systems Biology | W | 6 KP | 3V + 2U | |
636-0007-00 V | Computational Systems Biology | | | 3 Std. | | J. Stelling |
636-0007-00 U | Computational Systems Biology | | | 2 Std. | | J. Stelling |
Wahlfächer der Vertiefung in Computational Science |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
252-0543-01L | Computer Graphics | W | 6 KP | 3V + 2U | |
252-0543-01 V | Computer Graphics | | | 3 Std. | | M. Gross,
J. Novak |
252-0543-01 U | Computer Graphics | | | 2 Std. | | M. Gross,
J. Novak |
263-5001-00L | Introduction to Finite Elements and Sparse Linear System Solving | W | 4 KP | 2V + 1U | |
263-5001-00 V | Introduction to Finite Elements and Sparse Linear System Solving | | | 2 Std. | | P. Arbenz |
263-5001-00 U | Introduction to Finite Elements and Sparse Linear System Solving | | | 1 Std. | | P. Arbenz |
636-0017-00L | Computational Biology | W | 4 KP | 3G | |
636-0017-00 G | Computational Biology
Lecture will take place from 3-5pm weekly. Tutorials (starting 3.10.2016) biweekly from 5-7pm. | | | 3 Std. | | T. Stadler,
C. Magnus |
151-0104-00L | Uncertainty Quantification for Engineering & Life Sciences Number of participants limited to 60. | W | 4 KP | 3G | |
151-0104-00 G | Uncertainty Quantification for Engineering & Life Sciences
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. | | | 3 Std. | | P. Koumoutsakos |
Seminar in Computational Science |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
252-5701-00L | Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Vision Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 24 | W | 2 KP | 2S | |
252-5701-00 S | Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics and Vision | | | 2 Std. | | M. Gross,
O. Sorkine Hornung |
Vertiefung in Distributed Systems |
Kernfächer der Vertiefung in Distributed Systems |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
263-3800-00L | Advanced Operating Systems | W | 6 KP | 2V + 2U + 1A | |
263-3800-00 V | Advanced Operating Systems | | | 2 Std. | | T. Roscoe |
263-3800-00 U | Advanced Operating Systems | | | 2 Std. | | T. Roscoe |
263-3800-00 A | Advanced Operating Systems
Project Work, no fixed presence required. | | | 1 Std. | | T. Roscoe |
252-1414-00L | System Security | W | 5 KP | 2V + 2U | |
252-1414-00 V | System Security | | | 2 Std. | | S. Capkun,
A. Perrig |
252-1414-00 U | System Security | | | 2 Std. | | S. Capkun,
A. Perrig |
Wahlfächer der Vertiefung in Distributed Systems |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
252-0437-00L | Verteilte Algorithmen | W | 4 KP | 3V | |
252-0437-00 V | Verteilte Algorithmen | | | 3 Std. | | F. Mattern |
252-0817-00L | Distributed Systems Laboratory Im Masterstudium können zusätzlich zu den Vertiefungsübergreifenden Fächern nur max. 10 Kreditpunkte über Laboratorien erarbeitet werden. Diese Labs gelten nur für das Masterstudium. Weitere Laboratorien werden auf dem Beiblatt aufgeführt. | W | 10 KP | 9P | |
252-0817-00 P | Distributed Systems Laboratory
Lab projects are typically carried out in groups of two or three students. | | | 9 Std. | n. V. | G. Alonso,
F. Mattern,
T. Roscoe,
R. Wattenhofer |
Seminar in Distributed Systems |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
263-3900-00L | Communication Networks Seminar Maximale Teilnehmerzahl: 24 | W | 2 KP | 2S | |
263-3900-00 S | Communication Networks Seminar | | | 2 Std. | | T. Roscoe,
A. Singla |
263-3504-00L | Hardware Acceleration for Data Processing | W | 2 KP | 2S | |
263-3504-00 S | Hardware Acceleration for Data Processing | | | 2 Std. | | G. Alonso,
T. Hoefler,
O. Mutlu |
227-0559-00L | Seminar in Distributed Computing | W | 2 KP | 2S | |
227-0559-00 S | Seminar in Distributed Computing
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt. | | | 2 Std. | | R. Wattenhofer |
Vertiefung in Information Security |
Kernfächer der Vertiefung in Information Security |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
252-0463-00L | Security Engineering | W | 5 KP | 2V + 2U | |
252-0463-00 V | Security Engineering | | | 2 Std. | | D. Basin |
252-0463-00 U | Security Engineering | | | 2 Std. | | D. Basin |
252-1414-00L | System Security | W | 5 KP | 2V + 2U | |
252-1414-00 V | System Security | | | 2 Std. | | S. Capkun,
A. Perrig |
252-1414-00 U | System Security | | | 2 Std. | | S. Capkun,
A. Perrig |
263-4640-00L | Network Security | W | 6 KP | 2V + 1U + 2A | |
263-4640-00 V | Network Security | | | 2 Std. | | A. Perrig,
T. P. Dübendorfer,
S. Frei |
263-4640-00 U | Network Security | | | 1 Std. | | A. Perrig,
T. P. Dübendorfer,
S. Frei |
263-4640-00 A | Network Security
Project Work, no fixed presence required. | | | 2 Std. | | A. Perrig,
T. P. Dübendorfer,
S. Frei |
Wahlfächer der Vertiefung in Information Security |
Nummer | Titel | Typ | ECTS | Umfang | Dozierende |
252-0811-00L | Applied Security Laboratory In the Master Programme max. 10 credits can be accounted by Labs on top of the Interfocus Courses. Additional Labs will be listed on the Addendum. | W | 8 KP | 7P | |
252-0811-00 P | Applied Security Laboratory | | | 7 Std. | | D. Basin |