Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2015

Doctoral Department of Mathematics Information
Official website of the Zurich Graduate School in Mathematics:

The list of courses (together with the allocated credit points) eligible for doctoral students is published each semester in the newsletter of the ZGSM.
WARNING: Do not mistake ECTS credits for credit points for doctoral studies!
Graduate School
401-5003-65LThe Asymptotic Theory of Transaction CostsZ0 credits2VW. Schachermayer
401-5005-65LStatistics Meets Optimization: Randomization and Approximation for High-Dimensional ProblemsZ0 credits2VM. Wainwright
401-4589-63LCalculus of Variations and Conformal InvarianceW6 credits3VT. Rivière
401-4765-65LPartial Differential EquationsW7 credits4VD. Christodoulou
401-3109-65LProbabilistic Number TheoryW6 credits2V + 1UE. Kowalski
401-3225-00LIntroduction to Lie GroupsW8 credits4GM. Einsiedler
401-3001-61LAlgebraic Topology IW8 credits4GP. Biran
401-4149-65LReading Course: Geometric Invariant TheoryW2 credits4AJ. Fresán, P. S. Jossen
401-3523-65LEquidecomposability of PolytopesW4 credits2VL. Parapatits
401-4657-00LNumerical Analysis of Stochastic Ordinary Differential Equations
Alternative course title: "Computational Methods for Quantitative Finance: Monte Carlo and Sampling Methods"
W6 credits3V + 1UA. Jentzen
401-3651-00LNumerical Methods for Elliptic and Parabolic Partial Differential Equations
Course audience at ETH: 3rd year ETH BSc Mathematics and MSc Mathematics and MSc Applied Mathematics students.
Other ETH-students are advised to attend the course "Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations" (401-0674-00L) in the CSE curriculum during the spring semester.
W10 credits4V + 1UC. Schwab
401-4655-64LNumerical Analysis of High-Dimensional Problems for Uncertainty QuantificationW6 credits3GC. Schwab
401-4607-59LPercolation TheoryW4 credits2VP. Nolin
401-3611-00LAdvanced Topics in Computational StatisticsW4 credits2VM. H. Maathuis, M. Mächler
401-4623-00LTime Series Analysis
Does not take place this semester.
W6 credits3Gnot available
401-3627-00LHigh-Dimensional Statistics
Does not take place this semester.
W4 credits2VP. L. Bühlmann
401-3833-65LChaotically Singular SpacetimesW6 credits3VE. Trubowitz
402-0861-00LStatistical Physics Information W10 credits4V + 2UM. Sigrist
401-3059-00LCombinatorics IIW4 credits2GN. Hungerbühler
401-4889-00LMathematical FinanceW12 credits4V + 2UM. Soner
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