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Course units in Spring Semester 2015
Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Master Advanced Courses and Methods of Computer Sciences Advanced Courses Number Title Type ECTS Hours Lecturers 252-0063-00L Data Modelling and Databases W 7 credits 4V + 2U G. Alonso 401-0674-00L Numerical Methods for Partial Differential Equations Not meant for BSc/MSc students of mathematics.
W 8 credits 4V + 2U + 1A R. Hiptmair 401-3052-05L Graph Theory W 5 credits 2V + 1U B. Sudakov 227-1034-00L Computational Vision W 6 credits 2V + 1U D. Kiper ,
K. A. Martin 551-0307-01L Biomolecular Structure and Mechanism II: Large Cellular Machines W 3 credits 2V N. Ban ,
F. Allain ,
T. Ishikawa ,
M. Pilhofer 551-0314-00L Microbiology (Part II) Prerequisites: the basic Microbiobiology lecture "Grundlagen der Mikrobiologie, Teil Mikrobiologie" 551-0104-05L as the basis (Textbook: Brock, Microbiology).
W 3 credits 2V W.‑D. Hardt ,
L. Eberl ,
H.‑M. Fischer ,
J. Piel ,
J. Vorholt-Zambelli 551-0318-00L Immunology II W 3 credits 2V M. Kopf ,
S. R. Leibundgut ,
A. Oxenius ,
E. Slack ,
further lecturers701-1708-00L Infectious Disease Dynamics W 4 credits 2V S. Bonhoeffer ,
R. D. Kouyos ,
R. R. Regös ,
T. Stadler