Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2023

Educational Science for Teaching Diploma and TC Information
These are the general course offerings of the programmes Teaching Diploma (TD) - categories Educational Science and Compulsory Elective Courses - and Teaching Certificate (TC) - category Educational Science.
Compulsory Elective Courses Teaching Diploma
851-0237-01LLesson Design and School Development at Federal Vocational Baccalaureate Schools (UZH)
Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation.

No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: 090LLB1 (ATTENTION: Students of Sport Teaching Diploma enroll in course 090LLB1S)
Simultaneous enrolment in course "Lernende an der Berufsmaturitätsschule unterstützen und begleiten" (UZH Module Code: 090LLB2) is compulsory.

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
("Registering for studies at more than one university, Teaching Diplom", Philosophische Fakultät)
W3 credits2SUniversity lecturers
851-0237-02LSupport and Accompany Learners at the Federal Vocational Baccalaureate School (UZH)
Enrolment only possible with Teaching Diploma matriculation.

No enrolment to this course at ETH Zurich. Book the corresponding module directly at UZH as an incoming student.
UZH Module Code: 090LLB2

Simultaneous enrolment in course "Unterrichtsgestaltung und Schulentwicklung an Berufsmaturitätsschulen" (UZH Module Code: 090LLB1) is compulsory.

Mind the enrolment deadlines at UZH:
("Registering for studies at more than one university, Teaching Diploma", Philosophische Fakultät)
W3 credits2SUniversity lecturers
851-0242-06LCognitively Activating Instructions in MINT Subjects Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).

This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W2 credits2SR. Schumacher
851-0229-00LUsing Outdoor Education Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma Biology and Geography.
W1 credit1SR. Schumacher, P. Faller
851-0242-07LHuman Intelligence Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W1 credit1SE. Stern
851-0227-00LFoundations of the Theory of Science for Science Lessons
Course for students of the Teaching Certificate and the Teaching Diploma without the subject of Sport.
W1 credit2SR. Schumacher
851-0242-08LResearch Methods in Educational Science Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W1 credit2S
851-0240-27LSupervising and Assessing Matura Theses Restricted registration - show details
Prerequisites: successful participation in 851-0240-00L "Human Learning (EW1)".
W1 credit1VJ. Maue
851-0252-12LThe Science of Learning from Failure Restricted registration - show details W2 credits2SM. Kapur, S. Tobler
851-0270-00LLearning from and with Robots
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W2 credits2SE. Cross, R. Moffat
376-1309-00LDisorders of Social Cognition Restricted registration - show details
Enrolment possible with matriculation in
-Master HST
-Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate ---> This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrolment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
!!! Teaching Diploma Sports: allocation of the ECTS only possible in the category "Educational Science" !!!
W2 credits2GR. Ramsey
851-0242-12LTeaching and Learning with Technologies
Enrolment only possible with matriculation in Teaching Diploma or Teaching Certificate (excluding Teaching Diploma Sport).
This course unit can only be enrolled after successful participation in, or during enrollment in the course "Human Learning (EW 1)".
W2 creditsM. Rau
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