Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2023

Chemical and Bioengineering Master Information
Modeling and Simulation
151-0207-00LTheory and Modeling of Reactive FlowsW4 credits3GC. E. Frouzakis, I. Mantzaras
AbstractThe course first reviews the governing equations and combustion chemistry, setting the ground for the analysis of homogeneous gas-phase mixtures, laminar diffusion and premixed flames. Catalytic combustion and its coupling with homogeneous combustion are dealt in detail, and turbulent combustion modeling approaches are presented. Available numerical codes will be used for modeling.
Learning objectiveTheory of combustion with numerical applications
ContentThe analysis of realistic reactive flow systems necessitates the use of detailed computer models that can be constructed starting from first principles i.e. thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, chemical kinetics, and heat
and mass transport. In this course, the focus will be on combustion theory and modeling. The reacting flow governing equations and the combustion chemistry are firstly reviewed, setting the ground for the analysis of
homogeneous gas-phase mixtures, laminar diffusion and premixed flames. Heterogeneous (catalytic) combustion, an area of increased importance in the last years, will be dealt in detail along with its coupling with homogeneous
combustion. Finally, approaches for the modeling of turbulent combustion will be presented. Available numerical codes will be used to compute the above described phenomena. Familiarity with numerical methods for the solution of partial differential equations is expected.
Lecture notesHandouts
Prerequisites / NoticeNEW course
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