Search result: Catalogue data in Spring Semester 2023

Chemical and Bioengineering Master Information
Products and Materials
529-0610-01LInterface Engineering of MaterialsW+6 credits4GC.‑J. Shih
AbstractAdvances in interface engineering, the control of molecular and charge behaviour between two phases, are driving the development of new technologies across many industrial and scientific fields. This course will review the fundamental engineering concepts required to analyse and solve problems at liquid-solid and solid-solid interfaces.
Learning objectiveIntroduce the students to the engineering principles of energy, mass, and electron transport at the liquid-solid and solid-solid interfaces, for the applications in materials processing and electronic devices.
ContentPART A: Solid-Liquid Interface
Chapter 1: Interface Phenomena
Chapter 2: Crystallization and Crystal Growth
Chapter 3: Electrical Double Layer
Chapter 4: Electroosmotic Flow
PART B: Solid-Solid Interface
Chapter 5: Fundamentals of Electronic Materials
Chapter 6: Junction Characteristics
Chapter 7: Solar Cells and Light Emitting Diodes
Chapter 8: Field-Effect Transistors
LiteratureHiemenz P.C., Rajagopalan R., Principles of Colloid and Surface Chemistry, 3rd Edition.
Deen W.M., Analysis of Transport Phenomena, 2nd Edition.
Sze S.M. and Ng K.K., Physics of Semiconductor Devices, 3rd Edition.
Prerequisites / NoticeEngineering Mathematics, Transport Phenomena, Undergraduate Physical Chemistry
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