Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2023

Mathematics Master Information
Application Area
Only necessary and eligible for the Master degree in Applied Mathematics.
One of the application areas specified must be selected for the category Application Area for the Master degree in Applied Mathematics. At least 8 credits are required in the chosen application area. Credits from other application areas cannot be recognised for further application areas.
363-0552-00LEconomic Growth and Resource UseW3 credits2GE. Komarov
363-0514-00LEnergy Economics and Policy
It is recommended for students to have taken a course in introductory microeconomics. If not, they should be familiar with microeconomics as in, for example,"Microeconomics" by Mankiw & Taylor and the appendices 4 and 7 of the book "Microeconomics" by Pindyck & Rubinfeld.
W3 credits2GM. Filippini, S. Srinivasan
364-0576-00LAdvanced Sustainability Economics Information
PhD course, open for MSc students
W3 credits3GE. Komarov, C. Renoir
363-0575-00LEconomic Growth, Cycles and PolicyW3 credits2GH. Gersbach
363-0515-00LDecisions and MarketsW3 credits2VA. Bommier
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