Suchergebnis: Lerneinheiten im Herbstsemester 2022

Elektrotechnik und Informationstechnologie Master Information
Master-Studium (Studienreglement 2018)
Signal Processing and Machine Learning
The core courses and specialisation courses below are a selection for students who wish to specialise in the area of "Signal Processing and Machine Learning ", see

The individual study plan is subject to the tutor's approval.
These specialisation courses are particularly recommended for the area of "Signal Processing and Machine Learning", but you are free to choose courses from any other field in agreement with your tutor.

A minimum of 40 credits must be obtained from specialisation courses during the MSc EEIT.
227-0116-00LVLSI 1: HDL Based Design for FPGAs Information W6 KP5GF. K. Gürkaynak, L. Benini
227-0155-00LMachine Learning on Microcontrollers Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Registration in this class requires the permission of the instructors. Class size will be limited to 25.
Preference is given to students in the MSc EEIT.
W6 KP4GM. Magno, L. Benini
227-0121-00LKommunikationssysteme Information
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
W6 KP4GNoch nicht bekannt
227-0225-00LLinear System TheoryW6 KP5GJ. Lygeros, A. Tsiamis
227-0417-00LInformation Theory IW6 KP4GA. Lapidoth
227-0421-00LDeep Learning in Artificial and Biological Neuronal NetworksW4 KP3GB. Grewe
227-0477-00LAcoustics IW3 KP2GK. Heutschi
263-5210-00LProbabilistic Artificial Intelligence Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen W8 KP3V + 2U + 2AA. Krause
263-5255-00LFoundations of Reinforcement Learning Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
Number of participants limited to 190.

The course will be offered again in FS23.
W5 KP2V + 2AN. He
263-5300-00LGuarantees for Machine Learning Information Belegung eingeschränkt - Details anzeigen
Number of participants limited to 30.
W7 KP3V + 1U + 2AF. Yang, A. Sanyal
401-3055-64LAlgebraic Methods in Combinatorics Information
Findet dieses Semester nicht statt.
W6 KP2V + 1UB. Sudakov
401-3621-00LFundamentals of Mathematical Statistics Information W10 KP4V + 1US. van de Geer
401-3901-00LLinear & Combinatorial Optimization Information W11 KP4V + 2UR. Zenklusen
401-3054-14LProbabilistic Methods in Combinatorics Information W6 KP2V + 1UB. Sudakov
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