Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2022

Management, Technology and Economics Master Information
Welcome and Introduction to MSc ETH MTEC
Monday, 19.09.2022, 14.00 - 15.15 h, HG E 1.1
Elective Courses
Economic Dynamics
363-1137-00LApplied Econometrics in Environmental and Energy Economics Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants limited to 40.

It is highly recommended to take 363-0570-00L Principles of Econometrics first.
W3 credits2VD. Cerruti, S. Srinivasan
363-1136-00LDynamic Macroeconomics, Innovation and Growth
Students who have successfully completed the course "Dynamic Macroeconomics" (364-0559-00L) or
"Economics of Innovation and Growth" (363-0562-01L) can not register for this course.
W3 credits2VS. Zelzner
363-1037-00LFiscal Competition and Multinational FirmsW3 credits2VM. Köthenbürger, M. Stimmelmayr
363-0585-00LIntermediate EconometricsW3 credits2VG. Masllorens Fuentes
363-1159-00LLabor Economics Information W3 credits2VM. Siegenthaler, D. Kopp
363-1021-00LMonetary PolicyW3 credits2VJ.‑E. Sturm, A. Rathke
363-1161-00LTime Series Econometrics and Macroeconomic ForecastingW3 credits2VS. Sarferaz
363-1047-00LUrban Systems and TransportationW3 credits2GG. Loumeau
363-1107-00LYouth Labor Market Outcomes, Institutions and Governance of Education and Training SystemsW3 credits2GU. Renold, T. Bolli, P. McDonald
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