Search result: Course units in Autumn Semester 2022

Civil Engineering Master Information
Master Studies (Programme Regulations 2020)
Digitalisation Specific Courses
101-0317-00LTunnelling IW3 credits2GG. Anagnostou, A. Nordas, E. Pimentel
101-0187-00LStructural Reliability and Risk AnalysisW3 credits2GS. Marelli
101-0437-00LTraffic EngineeringW6 credits4GS. Mousavi, M. Makridis
101-0417-00LTransport Planning MethodsW6 credits4GK. W. Axhausen
101-0491-00LAgent Based Modeling in TransportationW6 credits4GM. Balac
101-0267-01LNumerical HydraulicsW3 credits2GM. Holzner
101-0159-00LMethod of Finite Elements IIW3 credits2GK. Tatsis
101-0617-02LComputational Science Investigation for Material MechanicsW4 credits2SD. Kammer, F. Wittel
101-0185-01LCAD for Civil Engineers Restricted registration - show details
Number of participants is limited to 30.
Point in time of enrolment of course is decisive.
W2 credits2GF. Ortiz Quintana, M. Miani
101-0250-00LSolving Partial Differential Equations in Parallel on GPUs Restricted registration - show details W4 credits3GL. Räss, S. Omlin, M. Werder
101-0139-00LScientific Machine and Deep Learning for Design and Construction in Civil Engineering Restricted registration - show details W3 credits4GM. A. Kraus, D. Griego, R. Rust
101-0120-00LStructural Glass Design and Facade Engineering Restricted registration - show details W3 credits3GV.‑A. Silvestru
101-0509-00LInfrastructure Management 1: ProcessW6 credits2GB. T. Adey
101-0492-00LMicroscopic Modelling and Simulation of Traffic OperationsW3 credits2GM. Makridis
101-0123-00LStructural Design Information W3 credits2GF. Bertagna, D. Tanadini, P. Block, P. Ohlbrock, J. Schwartz
102-0468-10LWatershed ModellingW6 credits4GP. Molnar
101-0121-00LFatigue and Fracture in Materials and Structures
Does not take place this semester.
W4 credits3GA. Taras
101-0491-10LBasics of Java and Best Practices for Scientific ComputingW1 credit1UM. Balac
401-0647-00LIntroduction to Mathematical OptimizationW5 credits2V + 1UD. Adjiashvili
101-0307-00LDesign and Construction in Geotechnical Engineering Restricted registration - show details W4 credits3GI. Anastasopoulos, K. Kassas, A. Marin
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