Search result: Course units in Spring Semester 2019

GESS Science in Perspective Information
Only the topics listed in this paragraph can be chosen as "GESS Science in Perspective" course.
Further below you will find the "type B courses Reflections about subject specific methods and content" as well as the language courses.

6 ECTS need to be acquired during the BA and 2 ECTS during the MA

Students who already took a course within their main study program are NOT allowed to take the course again.

These course units are also listed under "Type A", which basically means all students can enroll
Language Courses of the UZH and ETH Zurich
Please be advised that your online-registration at the language centre of UZH and ETH Zurich has to be simultaneous ( as otherwise your registration for the course will not be valid.

There is a course fee of CHF 80.-. Except for: Greek Basic Courses, Heureka and Reading Course Latein.

A maximum of three credits from language courses may be recognised. In addition, only advanced courses (level B2 upwards) in the European languages English, French, Italian and Spanish are recognised. German language courses are recognised from level C2 upwards.
851-0820-01LFrench: Language and Cinema (B2-C1) Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits1UJ.‑P. Coen
851-0827-01LFrench: Society and Actuality (B2.2-C1) Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits1UJ.‑P. Coen
851-0816-05LFrench: Grammar (B2-C1) Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W1 credit1UJ.‑P. Coen
851-0816-15LFrench: Debates and Presentations (B2) Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W1 credit1UA.‑F. Ritter
851-0815-04LMise à niveau B2 Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2GC. Destefani
851-0832-10LAdvanced English for Academic Purposes (C1-C2) Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UK. A. Lewis
851-0832-11LAdvanced English for Academic Purposes (C1-C2)
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UR. Taylor
851-0886-00LNew Zealand Through Literature and Film (C1-C2) Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UM. Norgate
851-0826-03LItalian: Language and Literature (B2-C1) Information Restricted registration - show details
Does not take place this semester.
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UP. Brülisauer-Casella
851-0826-06LItalian B2-C1 : Outside the Classroom (B2-C1)
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2GA. Dal Negro
851-0856-04LSpanish C1: Grammar and Communication Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2GM. V. Ruiz Lozano Hänni
851-0846-01LEspañol B2: Inicial Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UJ. Ruano Céspedes
851-0834-17LSpanish B2: Oral Interaction Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UM. Iturrizaga Slosiar
851-0856-06LSpanish B2-C1: Realities of Hispanic World (B2-C1)
Does not take place this semester.
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UJ. Ruano Céspedes
851-0849-00LPortuguese Brazilian A1
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UP. de Avila Goulart Ribeiro W.
851-0849-01LPortuguese Brazililan A2
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UP. de Avila Goulart Ribeiro W.
851-0849-02LPortuguese-Brazilian B1
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UP. de Avila Goulart Ribeiro W.
851-0852-00LRussian II (A1.2) Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UD. Henseler
851-0854-01LRussian IV (A2.2) Information Restricted registration - show details
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2UD. Henseler
851-0855-01LRussian for Insiders: Deepen Your Heritage Language Skills
Does not take place this semester.
Your course regristration is only valid with a simultaneous online registration at the "Language Center of UZH and ETH Zurich" (

Course fee: CHF 80.00
W2 credits2GD. Henseler
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