363-0305-00L  Empirical Methods in Management

SemesterAutumn Semester 2024
LecturersS. Tillmanns
Periodicityyearly recurring course
Language of instructionEnglish

Performance assessment information (valid until the course unit is held again)
Performance assessment as a semester course
ECTS credits3 credits
ExaminersS. Tillmanns
Typeend-of-semester examination
Language of examinationEnglish
RepetitionA repetition date will be offered in the first two weeks of the semester immediately consecutive.
Mode of examinationwritten 90 minutes
Additional information on mode of examinationNext to the online end-of-semester examination, students need to participate in six out-of-class assignments (compulsory continuous performance) during the semester. All assignments will be individually graded. They will account for 30 % of the final grade. Assignments have to be submitted online by the announced deadline. In some semesters, students may also voluntarily participate in small empirical studies, experiments and online questionaires (learning tasks) to receive a bonus of 0.25 points to the final exam. Assignments and bonus of 0.25 points will remain valid for the repetition exam in the same semester. The out-of-class assignments will comprise the following topics:
• Conducting an interview
• Designing a survey
• Designing an experiment
• Study set up (scales used etc.)
• Data analysis I
• Data analysis II
Written aidsNone
Digital examThe exam takes place on devices provided by ETH Zurich.
Distance examinationIt is not possible to take a distance examination.