Content | FCL Global helps shape sustainable cities and settlement systems through science, by design, in place, and over time. Cities are highly complex systems with interconnections between their social, economic, natural, and built environments. Many different academic fields address urban questions, spanning a wide range of disciplines and urban sectors, including urban planning, architecture, civil engineering, economics, public policy, sociology, geography, public health, and environmental sciences. Tackling the grand challenges that cities face today requires multidisciplinary teams that can work together, considering the complexity of urban systems and both local and global contexts. FCL’s research covers multiple disciplines and scales, from the individual citizens to larger communities and from small villages to megacities and offers important insights into the development of future settlements worldwide. The course will draw from Indicia 03, published in 2022, as well as ongoing research projects and recent findings.
The course will be delivered through a blend of lectures and moderated discussions.
Lecture weeks will provide background and context on diverse urban topics including:
* Urban systems theory, modelling, and simulation * Cities, urbanisation, and current challenges * Society and space * Cities and complexity * Socio-spatial differentiation and urban disparities
Dialogue weeks will consist of 4-6 weeks of moderated discussions with invited guest speakers from FCL, presenting their work and engaging in dialogues on topics such as:
* Design Liveable Density * Powering the City * Resource Efficient Urban Intensification * Sustainable and Innovative Materials in Urban Construction * Reducing the Impact of Cities on Non-Urban Land * Adaptive Mobility, Land-Use, and Infrastructure * User-Centred Design in Cities * Blue-Green Infrastructures |